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NGO Services in India Smile India Trust eliminating social issues that create poverty.

NGO Services

NGO Services: A typical human being desires to lead a decent life where they have all the necessities they require, and the same goes for their family. However, in India, a majority of people lack fundamental necessities due to social issues, which also hinder the growth of both the community and individuals who want to achieve something in life. This scenario is particularly challenging for underprivileged people, who struggle daily to meet their basic needs. Let’s take a look at how Smile India Trust is eliminating social issues and making lives better.

NGO Services by Smile India Trust inspire aid in adverse situations.

NGO Services offer hope and a solution to issues on a large scale. With facilities and services provided by NGOs, communities can thrive and become capable of overcoming any obstacle in their lives. At Smile India Trust, we provide NGO services to underprivileged people to tackle social issues that hinder the growth of people and the country.

What are social issues, and how can they affect underprivileged people?

Social issues are challenges and problems faced by societies, often involving inequality, injustice, or a lack of resources. These issues can range from poverty and unemployment to access to education, healthcare, and environmental concerns.

Underprivileged people who are already disadvantaged due to factors like economic status, race, gender, or disability are disproportionately affected by these issues. Social issues exacerbate their struggles, making it harder for them to access essential services, achieve equal opportunities, or enjoy a decent quality of life.

Why are social issues the reason for poverty in India?

Social issues can contribute to poverty because, without adequate opportunities and resources, individuals are unable to work towards a better future. Social issues can create obstacles for underprivileged individuals who are struggling to obtain fundamental rights and basic necessities.

If the younger generation does not have access to opportunities, they will be unable to contribute to the country’s economy as they will be without employment and opportunities.

How social issues can steal the opportunity to grow from deprived people

  • Social issues can pose significant obstacles to the growth and development of individuals in various ways. Firstly, limited access to education due to financial constraints or inadequate facilities prevents them from acquiring essential skills and knowledge that are crucial for professional development.
  • Secondly, unemployment and underemployment can trap them in a vicious cycle of poverty, making it challenging to improve their living conditions. Inadequate access to healthcare can also lead to poor health outcomes, affecting their ability to work and learn effectively.
  • Lastly, the lack of basic needs such as food and clothing can also harm their lives, as these necessities are essential for staying strong and overcoming obstacles in life.

Poverty statistics in India

The level of deprivation in a country can be measured using specific indicators that align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On July 17, 2023, NITI AAYOG reported a substantial decrease in the proportion of poverty-stricken people in the country, which declined from 24.8% to 14.9% between the years 2015-16 and 2019-21.

Smile India Trust supportive gestures in hardship.

Smile India Trust is an organization that provides assistance to individuals who are less fortunate during challenging times. Its mission is to bring positive changes to society by promoting equality and creating opportunities for those who are underprivileged and struggling to thrive. The organization shares its generosity and initiatives with people to help them build a brighter future.

Smile India Trust NGO Services to tackle social issues.

  • We, Smile India Trust, offer NGO Services to provide healthy meals through our food camp in areas such as slums. We believe that if we cannot help everyone, we should at least help some. Our dedication is to create a hunger-free world.
  • Healthcare is crucial for the well-being of any community, and Smile India Trust NGO recognizes this. They offer healthcare services, free medical check-ups, and medicine to people living in slums through their health camps. This ensures that everyone, regardless of their socio-economic status, has access to quality healthcare and can feel safe and secure.
  • Empowering women to address social issues can be more challenging than for men in Indian society due to deep-rooted gender biases that restrict the roles and opportunities available to women.

However, organizations like the Smile India Trust are working to change this mentality by spreading awareness about women’s empowerment and supporting them with quality education and vocational training. By equipping women with the skills and resources they need to become independent and self-sufficient, we can enable them to earn a living and lead fulfilling lives.

  • As an NGO, our goal is to empower the youth through education. We believe that every child has the right to an equal education, regardless of their gender, caste, or financial status. To achieve this, we provide free study materials to less fortunate children, with the aim of helping them realize their dreams. Our ultimate aim is to eliminate the ingrained prejudices that exist in society that hinder children’s access to education.


Smile India Trust provides NGO Services in India aimed at addressing social issues that lead to poverty. We are committed to supporting underprivileged individuals through various initiatives that help uplift their lives and enable them to become the best version of themselves. Our ultimate goal is to empower these individuals so that one day they can break the cycle of poverty on their own.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Ngo services a center from where the lives of unfortunates transforms

Ngo services

What are NGO services, NGO services are providing facilities to underprivileged people who are below the poverty line. Providing such facilities by an NGO are known as NGO services example, food, shelter, etc. Many great NGOs in Delhi NCR are responsible for making a living good for the unfortunate. But Smile India Trust is one of the best.

What is smile India trust and what NGO services do they provide?

Smile India Trust is a Non-Governmental Organization and that offers a better life to slum children and unfortunate citizens by providing bodily and spiritual, monetarist support. In other words, Smile India Trust is a ray of hope of hope and compassion. By offering NGO services we uplift the lives of the unfortunate.


The list of what Smile India Trust does is extensive, for example-  Education, Healthcare, livelihood, and the list goes on. Through various programs, we provide basic facilities to the community. Their commitment to making a meaningful impact is unmistakable in the smiles they bring to countless faces.


The organization believes that education is a fundamental right and the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. They provide free education and skills to needy children with great minds. Also, they run camps of education to make it happen on a large scale everywhere. They also organize extracurricular activities and workshops to give the children practical knowledge of this world. Because without literacy a person is nothing more than an animal with a brain. What will other facilities do if the person doesn’t know how to make them consistent in his life? Others can only provide you support for a limited period but after that, you are the one who is responsible for the rest of your life. You will always be the one who will decide how you want your life to be and Smile India Trust makes them understand this.

Healthcare facilities

Smile India Trust collaborates with local healthcare providers and NGOs to improve the quality of healthcare services. They organize medical camps, distribute essential medicines, and promote health awareness programs to educate communities about preventive measures and hygiene practices.


When we share a meal with someone, we not only feed our bodies, but we also feed our emotions and our sense of belonging. Smile IndiaTrust, understands this deep-rooted relationship between food and human bonds. They strive to create a positive impact on the lives of underprivileged communities by providing nutritious meals running free food camps in various places and promoting a culture of sharing and caring. This act of kindness, fueled by the power of food, ultimately leads to a ripple effect of happiness and unity, strengthening the social fabric of our society.


Smile India Trust is uplifting society women. One of the key initiatives undertaken by Smile India Trust to achieve this goal is Project GARIMA.

Project GARIMA is for Girls and Women’s Advancement through Rights, Independence, Mentorship, and Aspirations, is a comprehensive program designed to provide holistic support to underprivileged women and adult girls. It focuses on education and skill development

And provides them with the training of tailoring so that they can earn in this practical world. Enabling them to become self-reliant and independent.

we understand independence that’s why we provide tailored training to make women self-reliant The impact of Project GARIMA can be seen in the lives of countless women.


Child Watch, spearheaded by Smile India Trust, is a vital program that safeguards children’s well-being in India. Through awareness campaigns, capacity building, and direct intervention, Smile India Trust fosters a protective environment for children. They collaborate with communities, schools, and government institutions to create a robust support network. Their efforts include training key individuals to identify and report abuse or exploitation. Smile India Trust’s Child Watch initiative is instrumental in safeguarding the future of our children. By protecting them from harm and nurturing their growth.


In the COVID-19, we provide basic needs to the affected people and bring smiles to their faces.

Clothes distribution

The NGO distributes clothes to every needy who lacks this basic need.

The organization helps bridge the gap between those who have and those who need it, promoting a more equitable society.


Smile India Trust is truly making a difference in the lives of the underprivileged through their various creativities. Their dedication to providing education, healthcare, and livelihood support is commendable. By organizing health camps, offering skill development workshops, and focusing on a better future for the youth. Their good works are a shining example of compassion and commitment to helping those in need. Keep spreading these positive vibes Smile India Trust.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter


Beyond Charity: The Sustainable Approach of Smile India Trust

Smile India Trust

Smile India Trust stands out as a light of long-term change amid the wide tapestry of social service organizations, where charity frequently collides with the hard reality of budget restrictions and short-term effects. Beyond the usual paradigm of philanthropy, this group has adopted a holistic and long-term strategy to address the multiple difficulties confronting India’s underprivileged people.

Smile India Trust: – Beyond Charity, Empathy’s Roots

Smile India Trust was founded in 2017 as a result of the conviction that true empowerment extends beyond immediate humanitarian activities. While philanthropy can help in the short term, the founders of Smile India Trust saw the need for a long-term plan that targets the core causes of poverty, inequality, and lack of access to basic necessities. The aim of the organization is based on the concept that empowering communities entails more than just delivering relief; it also entails developing self-reliance, education, and holistic development.

Catalyzing Education

The emphasis on education is key to Smile India Trust’s long-term approach. Education, according to the organization, is the key that unlocks the door to a brighter future. Smile India Trust invests in education to not only convey information but also to foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities in the youth. The goal is to break the cycle of poverty by giving children the resources they need to change their lives and communities.

Smile India Trust’s core program is the “Education for All” project, which aims to ensure that every kid, regardless of socioeconomic background, has access to excellent education. This includes establishing schools in underprivileged communities, providing educational resources, and educating instructors to provide a learning atmosphere.

Preventive care in healthcare

Recognizing the link between health and socioeconomic well-being, Smile India Trust has created comprehensive healthcare initiatives that go beyond simply treating ailments. The group takes a preventative strategy, running health awareness initiatives, providing clean water and sanitation, and promoting healthy lives.

The “Health for All” effort, for example, attempts to establish a sustainable healthcare ecosystem by addressing illnesses and their core causes. This includes maternity and child health campaigns, immunization drives, and nutrition and hygiene awareness programs. Smile India Trust contributes to the long-term well-being of communities by promoting preventative healthcare.

Economic Empowerment Through Skill Development

Smile India Trust recognizes the importance of economic empowerment in breaking the cycle of poverty. The company believes in empowering individuals by giving them with the skills and opportunity they require to become self-sufficient. Smile India Trust provides underprivileged persons with skills relevant to the local economy via vocational training programs, providing opportunities to sustainable livelihoods.

The “Skill India” project focuses on recognizing the specific requirements of various communities and developing skill development programs to meet those needs. This not only helps individuals find work, but it also adds to the region’s general economic development. Smile India Trust is establishing the basis for long-term, community-led development by encouraging entrepreneurship and self-sufficiency.

Participation and Empowerment in the Community

Smile India Trust’s strategy is distinguished by its emphasis on community involvement. Rather of imposing external solutions, the organization collaborates closely with communities, including them in decision-making and allowing them to direct their own development.

Smile India Trust enables the formation of self-help organizations, promotes women’s empowerment, and fosters local leadership via community development activities. Because the interventions are strongly based in the needs and ambitions of the people they intend to serve, this community-centric approach guarantees that they are culturally sensitive and durable.

Harnessing Technology for Impact

Smile India Trust welcomes creative ideas to improve its programs in an era where technology has the capacity to bridge barriers and multiply impact. Technology is used by the organization for education, healthcare delivery, and community participation. This includes e-learning platforms, telemedicine services, and digital skill development platforms.

The incorporation of technology not only makes interventions more efficient, but it also expands Smile India Trust’s reach to rural and neglected places. The organization guarantees that its influence is scalable and sustainable in the long run by using the power of digital tools.

Collaboration for Collective Impact

Smile India Trust acknowledges that no single organization can handle the numerous issues confronting neglected communities. Collaboration is essential for making a large-scale, long-term influence. To harness pooled experience and resources, the group aggressively pursues collaborations with government agencies, companies, non-profits, and grassroots organizations.

Smile India Trust ensures that its initiatives complement current efforts and address gaps in the social infrastructure by establishing a collaborative environment. This strategy not only enhances the impact of particular initiatives but also adds to the general development of the communities served.

The Road Ahead and the Challenges

While the Smile India Trust has achieved tremendous progress in supporting sustainable development, it is not without its obstacles. Resource limits, bureaucratic roadblocks, and the ever-changing nature of social concerns provide continuing obstacles that necessitate smart decision-making. However, the organization’s endurance and devotion to its goal position it as a beneficial influence in the social service environment.

Looking ahead, Smile India Trust’s strategy will continue to change, embracing innovation and adaptability. The group intends to broaden its reach while also deepening its influence by tackling fundamental factors that perpetuate poverty and inequality.

Conclusion: A Plan for Long-Term Change

Smile India Trust acts as a roadmap for long-term transformation in a society where the necessity of instant assistance sometimes overshadows the need of long-term solutions. The organization addresses the core causes of poverty and inequality by focusing on education, healthcare, skill development, and community empowerment.

Smile India Trust’s strategy extends beyond momentary pain relief to break the cycle of poverty and develop self-sufficient, empowered communities. Smile India Trust exemplifies the transforming potential of sustainable development via innovation, community participation, and a dedication to continual improvement.

In a world where needs are many but resources are scarce, Smile India Trust reminds us that a long-term, comprehensive strategy is not just idealistic but also necessary for ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to develop. It invites us to go beyond charity and embrace a long-term, inclusive, and empowered vision of social transformation.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

NGO Services Reaching Out to Help Serve Humanity

Ngo services

We all know that humanity is a world itself means unconditional love and support for all individuals. That is what separates humans from other breathing organisms. Only people can accomplish and act on this value. Smile India Trust NGO Services for the purpose of helping people and serving humanity.

Values are primarily taught via our surroundings. Babies learn values such as courage and respect through observation; they study the adults around them and perceive their patterns of conduct, and adopt them.

As adolescents grow older, they strive to reject pre-programmed learning ideals in favor of developing their own ones they want to adhere to and stand for. Most of the qualities are universal and beneficial to everybody; nevertheless, humanity as a rate serves as a requirement than a characteristic.

Love, compassion, generosity, curiosity, and apathy are all required by humanity. It is a virtue that every human being should have for his or her fellow humans. It contains emotions and sensations that only humans can sense and comprehend.

The capacity to comprehend humanity as a very essential value, a valuation that gives insight into our roots as humans and values the existence of everyone, is the core of being a human being. A compassionate person is one who appreciates and respects others with feelings similar to compassion and understanding.

NGO Services through the ease of helping poor people. Our Organization cares for families that live in townships and urban slums and struggle for survival. We being a non-profit organization, assist people in obtaining the bare requirements.

NGO Services on Slum Dwellers Facing Problem

The majority of families impacted by urban improvement programs live in ghettos. It is necessary to examine ghetto neighborhoods and their daily environments. The Indian government cannot avoid dealing with the challenges. It is afflicting the whole population of Indian slums, and we are attempting to assist them.

Social Isolation and Poverty

For certain unique situations, the requirement for financial capability is Viewed as a defining characteristic of ghetto regions. It is still not thought to be the root of the ghetto’s position as an inherent characteristic of the ghetto. The legal and physical aspects of slum living prevent personal and social development.

Moreover, ghettos are places of social alienation that are frequently thought to have a lot of misbehavior and other social exclusionary practices. According to various definitions, these regions are connected to particular demographic groups that are at risk. These demographic includes low-wage laborers, refugees, ethnic or racial minorities, etc.

Scarcity of Needs

The lack of requirements is maybe the most referred trait in the world. The fundamental factor is a lack of access to modern cleaning offices and water supplies. The impoverished in villages lack access to adequate power, roads, and sewage. We provide them with adequate cooked food as well as safe drinking water.

Over Population

Overcrowding involves less room for each individual living in a place and higher property prices. They are different families, co-living together, as well as several single-room flats underneath one roof. Slum dwellers are commonly observe living in groups.

Unsafe living conditions and locations

Hazardous living circumstances are caused by a lack of fundamental amenities, such as visible, sewer systems, a lack of paths, unregulated trash disposal, contaminated surroundings, and so on.

These homes can be erect in dangerous situations or on terrain that is inappropriate for habitation, such as floodplains, near industrial operations with pollutant pollutants or landfills, or in areas prone to landslides.

 Due to a lack of access roads and a high density of decaying homes, the community layout may be hazardous. Our ngo provide ngo services to slum dwellers.

Poor Health, Hygiene, and Sanitation

Slum people live in cramped conditions; slums constitute a big health hazard. They dwell in filthy conditions with limited air, which will hasten the spread of major respiratory and skin disorders. The absence of clean drinking water increases the spread of water-borne illnesses.

How Smile India Trust NGO Services Helping?

Access to basic necessities is an essential benchmark for measuring socioeconomic growth in poor countries. Better basic amenities contribute to better health, lower child mortality/morbidity, better water quality, the environment, and economic growth in the country. As a result, we in NGO services feed them and assisted them in maintaining their basic living standards.

We understand various problems faced by people living in slum area. Through our NGO services, we prove them help and make sure that their existence gets recognize. We are working hard to make the world a safer and more secure place to live. We are working to improve orientation uniformity. Where men and women are treat equally and given equal access to opportunities.

Smile India Trust believes that if we want to improve the condition of slum people the very first step should be to improve the condition of slum. This will help you comprehend the difficulties that children in slums confront in obtaining an education. Secondly, give money and your time to organizations that aim to enhance slum education.

Finally, consider volunteering at a slum classroom and community hall. Fourth, lobby for policy reforms that would increase slum children’s access to school. Sixth, offer mentoring or counseling services to slum youngsters.

Sixth, assist enterprises aiming to enhance education in slums. Seventh, prayer for slum children and the organizations that tries to aid them. There are several ways you may help enhance education in India’s slum communities. You can volunteer to educate children in a classroom environment or to assist with administrative work at a local school.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to know more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Smile India Trust Fake a Myth on Peoples Mind

Smile India Trust fake

When someone thinks about others’ welfare, everyone probably questions their intentions. This is human nature, but it is not acceptable for people to circulate unnecessary comments and fake news about our honorable NGO. Is Smile India Trust fake? All our well-wishers, readers of our blog, and donors who care for the cause are aware that this is nothing more than a myth.

This article is going to be a two-way communication rather than just providing information about our services. Do those who read this blog respond that this is how you treat anyone who provides you assistance? To begin, please be aware that some of those we assist don’t have cell phone, implying they are poor or some are penniless. Those who write are almost certainly familiar with the internet and mobile. They are not even aware of how to operate mobile phones, or to read anything, as they are not educated. So, whoever keeps asking us Smile India Trust Fake it acceptable?

We are perplexed about why people ask and think about this. To keep you updated about our work and upcoming events and share our daily meal distribution photos, location, and time. We do all these things to provide authenticity to our work and to clarify all the myths that come into people’s minds. As these unclear myths create problems for our new donors and they get worried about if their valuable money is donated to the right one.

Smile India Trust an Ngo for children who work for unprivileged children and fight for the survival, protection,  and development of their human rights. Our NGO is serving for children betterment since 2017 to provide protection to the future of our country. After all our efforts do you, still think is Smile India Trust Fake.

All Efforts of NGO to prove Smile India Trust Fake is a Myth

Firstly, we have a question from our readers: Will you not help anyone who you care about? We all know the answer is probably yes.  Therefore, why should we not help the unprivileged family who came in contact with us? They see our ngo a merely hope for them. We got many request from poor and unprivileged families for help.

You may probably raise your eyebrow at why we are helping these needy families—is there any hidden agenda behind this? Due to this, many users, without having any proper information, just post, that Smile India Trust fake or Smile Trust is a scam. Are these unprivileged people not a part of society? They do not have the right to live a dignified and proud life. 

Enough of that, we’d like to know who are the individuals that claim Smile India Trust Fake. You don’t want to assist them, and you do not wish to allow others to assist them. Aren’t they part of vasudevkutumb?? Not really in your opinion, at least.

Nevertheless, we treat them the same way we treat ourselves. It’s your choice if you can’t or don’t want to help. However, do not portray us as villains by insinuating that we are deceiving you. We are confident that these small efforts will change your attitude toward the poor in the future.It is our duty to help them in their hour of need. They are not a burden to our society, but they are the most labor-intensive industry. Although there are, many allegations on Smile India Trust that people demand money from them and blackmail them emotionally. Further, they claim we take donations by giving them misinformation about patients. This is not true,  we have never asked anyone for money without providing proper information.

The patient we came across is from a poor family who cannot afford money for their children’s treatment.

Smile India Trust during Covid Era a Hope to People

During the COVID pandemic, the Smile India Trust did commendable work for the people who were left behind due to various circumstances. During this period, we had distributed rations to slum areas. Our volunteers knew that they were sailing close to the wind, but they overlooked this just to feed them. It is our responsibility to assist them in their time of need.

Individuals are not a liability to our society; those who are its most exacting segment. Providing them help and support makes, we work for a bigger purpose in society. Are we so self-centered that we can’t at least assist people with their basic wants?

We organize food and cloth distribution programme on regular bases. They are provided nutritional value food. We have our own kitchen where food prepared and all the safety measures keep in check, from a nutritional perspective.

After all these efforts we put in during pre and post Covid time you still think that Smile India Trust Fake all these things.  However, we treat all people equally as we do ourselves. Why is such thinking still prevalent? Yes, we understand that in order to assist a child, we need you to come forward. However, all of this is for the poor, whom we want to help from dying and leading a good life. We are a non-profit organization that operates in complete openness with our donors. 


There are many donors who stick to us in all thin and thick. In addition, trust our journey and initiative for children. They come in support of our NGO and make a donation. Our NGO needs every individual support and urges them to donate an amount accordingly.  A child’s smile is more important than money. When you see millions of innocent children in danger or need, you should come forward as a family.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to know more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Smile Trust Indi on National Girl Child Day a Mission of Equality

National Girl Child Day

Every year on January 24th, National Girl Child Day is observed as a national commemoration day of the girl child. This celebration started in order to offer more support and new possibilities for the country girls. It celebrates raising awareness of all the disparities that girls face in society. Smile Trust Indi on National Girl Child Day on a mission of equality

For centuries, gender inequality has been a major social issue in India. According to the 2011 Census, in India, the child sex ratio among children aged 0–6 years is 918 girls for every 1000 boys sex ratio among children aged 0–6 years is 918 girls for every 1000 boys. This statistic speaks for itself, highlighting the need for fast and efficient solutions to the root causes of gender inequality. Inequality for girl children is a widespread issue that includes disparities in learning, nourishment, basic protections, child marriage etc.
The Government of India established the National Girl Development Mission to commemorate National Girl Child Day. It contributes to raising awareness of the importance of girls’ progress throughout the country. It strengthens the girls’ significant contribution to decision-making by enrolling the practical assistance of many other society members and their families.
Can you picture a world without women? It’s just not possible. A girl is a priceless soul who makes things possible on Earth. “It’s as impossible to imagine a world without girls as it is to imagine a society without water.” Without girl children, the world might come to an end. Poorly educated people run many societies in India, and identity discrimination and exploitation of girl children remain. 
Smile Trust Indi create awareness about the social cause related to girls as well as to create a safer environment for her. 

Smile Trust Indi on History of National Girl Child Day

To protect girl children and raise awareness about the issue, the Ministry of Women and Child Development and the government of India marked January 24 as “National Child Day.” This revolutionary day first started in 2008 to eliminate discrimination and create awareness about the ill effects of gender discrimination in the country. Simultaneously changing people’s attitudes toward girls, government has introduced many schemes and initiative. 

 Why there is Need of National Girl Child Day

As previously stated, the ratio of female children to male children is lower. This is due to gender equality because of cultural and social norms. However, there are many laws made for this yet no major improvements on this issue. Even after spreading awareness, cases of female foetus are prevalent in our country. 
National Girl Child Day is important because it focuses on the equality of girls, who are killed, aborted as a consequence of sexual abuse, encounter gender discrimination, and denied numerous chances that boys have in society. As a result, this day, diverse ministries and organizations host activities to encourage girls for their greater good. The federal and state governments also launch campaign groups and regulations to encourage the development of girl children throughout the country.

Challenges Faced by Women in India

Being a woman can be a difficult task. As rewarding as it is, it may also be a bane for some. Women face various difficulties because of their gender all over the world, and living as a woman in India is no exception. 
We will just go to say that due to their tireless efforts and hard work so over years, women in the twenty-first century have much more rights and are able to have greater opportunities. Many nations have made historical choices over the years that have given women the minimum necessary of rights. We wouldn’t say it’s perfect, but it is a beginning. A beginning which will inspire women to fight for one‘s equal opportunity and rights. 
For so many years, women in Indian society consider inferior to men. They have to deal with a variety of problems and issues throughout their lives as a result of this sort of inferiority. They must go beyond men to demonstrate equality. Because individuals during the Middle Ages saw women as the key to destruction, those who haven’t ever allowed women to go out and engage in social interactions like men.
Still, in the modern era, women face several more challenges in their daily lives and must work much harder to define their career paths. Even so, many parents would love to have just boy babies and enable only boys to attend school. Women are merely conduits through which they can keep their households happy and well.
Themes for National Girl Child Day
Smile Trust Indi is sharing all the themes chosen till now to celebrate. Every year a theme focused on national girl child day.
2023- No theme yet announced for this year.
2022- My voice, Our Common Future.
2021- Digital Generation, Our Generation.
2020- All girls deserve better—the world deserves better.
2019- Empowering girls for a brighter tomorrow.
2018- A girl is a flower, not a thorn.
2017- Empower Girls: Before, during, and after crises
2016- Girls’ Progress = Goals’ Progress: What Counts for Girls

Initiative taken by Government of India

Due to the numerous obstacles that a girl child faces all through her life, the government has many programmes in place to ensure that she is given the right opportunities and additional assistance to assist her progress and achieve her goals. Some of the most popular schemes are listed below:

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao 

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a national government programme that assists girls across the country. The main goal of this programme is to protect kids from social problems like gender-based abortion on demand and to promote early education throughout the nation. 
Moreover, this program launched for districts with a low sex ratio , but has since that it has successfully expanded to certain other areas of the country. Basically, this is primarily an academic program that helps change society’s attitude, and no funds will transfer immediately. The following are the primary goals of this child welfare programme:
  •  Preventing Gender-Specific Abortion
  •  Ensure the survival and well-being of infants throughout early life.
  •  Make sure that the child is educated.
  •  Defying gender stereotypes and advocating for gender equality by providing a safe.
  •  Stable environment for girls to support their right to inherit property.

Balika Samridhi Yojana 

  1.  The scheme is only available to newborns.
  2.   Girl child receives Rs.500 at the time she is born.
  3.  When in school, the girl child receives a yearly scholarship of Rs. 300 – Rs. 1000 until she accomplishes Grade X.
  4.  The age limit for enrollment is ten years.
  5.  This scheme is only accessible to families with two daughters.
  6.  The account holder must come from a ‘Below Poverty Line’ family.
  7.  You can open a bank account at your local bank. Just certain financial institutions allow to process applications under this programme.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

  •  Savings account designed specifically for female parents.
  •  Part of the “Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao” movement that inspires guardians to save money for their daughters’ education.
  •  This account is accessible to parents of girls under the age of ten.
  •  Only two accounts are allowed per household; there are exceptions for twins or triplets.
  •  A minimal level accumulation of Rs. 250 per year is required, with the highest deposit of Rs. 1.5 lakhs.

CBSE Udhaan Scheme

The Central Board of Secondary Education, however, enforces the CBSE Udaan scheme for girls on behalf of the Government of India’s Ministry of Human Resources Development. The program’s objective is to boost the number of female students enrolled in renowned technical and engineering universities all over India. To take part in this program, youngsters must attend their CBSE School.
  1.  Provides free courseware and web services, such as clip literature, to female 11th and 12th-grade students.
  2.  Classes in digital engagement for female 11th and 12th-grade class
  3.  All truly, worthy female students can benefit from peer tutoring and mentorship.
  4.  Research helpline assets to enable learners to evident their misgivings
  5.  Educators’ progress can be continuously monitored and recorded.
Whenever a girl is need Smile Trust Indi is always there for them as a helping hand to achieve their desire and dreams. We all must know the importance of girl child in our life and avoid discrimination between boy and a girl child.
For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to know more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Smile Trust Indi Discussing Issue Faced By NGOs

Smile Trust Indi

Smile Trust Indi is a non-governmental organization that works for poor people in slum areas and other meager sections of society. The mission we have set up is huge, and our team is working hard to make life stable for them.  We always believe that adversity is a necessary part of the journey, not a side trip. As our daily readers are pretty much aware, we are talking about the journey. Firstly, we welcome our new readers to become part of our journey and this huge mission.

For our new readers, we would love to tell them about our approach, the initiatives are taken, and the challenges we face. Firstly, we are working on strategically developing and planning an approach. Instead of working on a “hardware approach” where the main focus is on developing infrastructure and providing services.  If we focus on this, it will move us far from our mission. 

Instead, Smile Trust Indi is strictly following the approach to work on empowering children and slum locality people.  Our NGO approach is flexible and sustainable and relatable to the community to which we cater to. Furthermore, we have a cohesive and strategic plan, which leads us to be more successful. This organization is wholly for the slum children and women living on the streets and below the poverty line.

Nevertheless, due to the distrust of people in NGOs, we are facing a terrible situation. When we try to help people or get them out of difficult situations, we often face numerous challenges. Firstly, children who ran away from their home, and are the victim of trafficking has trust issues and the heinous situation they had faced at an early age.

Smile Trust Indi Outlining the Challenges

In India, there is one NGO for every 600 individuals. However, not every NGO out there is actively working on social welfare.

While working for society, NGOs confront a number of difficulties. They encounter circumstances where they must continually attest to their trustworthiness, struggle to connect with benefactors, and encounter difficulties working with government agencies.

The demand for NGOs’ social welfare services is increasing. NGOs are working to fill in the gaps in the work done by the government due to the relatively slow pace of poverty alleviation in India and the fact that millions of individuals are still not receiving the proper socio-economic elevation in their life.

NGOs are aiming to fill in the gaps in the government’s activities. The inability to promote to their target audience, a lack of trust, and severe rivalry. These are just a few of the difficult issues that NGOs frequently face.

Lack of Raising Funds

We are grateful to those who donate to the noble cause, but we have encountered many people. Who are doubtful of NGOs, making it difficult to raise funds in the long run. Assessing an appropriate donor is a major problem in this challenge.

Our organization totally agrees that people often learn about the misuse of funds, but this doesn’t mean that you should doubt every organization. However, before passing judgment on an organization, you should thoroughly research it. 

Let us in general discusses the lack of raising funds, at a time. NGO should focus on one major issue just like our Smile Trust Indi, and after the success of a few projects, they should contact donors.  Apart, from this, you should also help people from the same community and connect with them.  After getting funds from people, NGOs stop contacting their donors, but this is where they lack waiting for donors to contact lead you know where.  This approach will stop your process and success.

If you are unable to get funds don’t stop yourself always research new opportunities and the main focus is to acquire grants.  Try to make a partner group that will fund you and explores, as many options as possible.

Lack of Voluntarism from Youth

Swami Vivekananda who is the inspiration of youth, believe they must utilize all the resources to make the best out of them. Think what is better than NGO whose major purpose is to bring change in the country.  Our NGO provides chances for this democratic participation, we need people who have dedication and passion to work for the ngo.

Through this blog, we will appeal to our youth generation to come in front and join our mass mission for poor people. This can be a great future opportunity for youth as well. Smile Trust Indi gives you immense exposure.

No Strategic Plan

As we mentioned in the above paragraphs Smile India Trust works on the strategic plan and we are very much focused on our goals.  Many new Ngos who are just under cocoon, make big mistakes when they avoid strategic planning.  This is important, otherwise; it will lead you far away from your goal.  You should altogether take your employee and volunteer.

Poor Governance and Networking

In NGOs, ineffective governance is all too typical. Many people are unaware of the benefits of using a board or how to set one up. A founder could be overly preoccupied with running the NGO for their own gain, but transparency’s cornerstone is good governance.

Another significant issue is poor or chaotic networking, which can result in redundant efforts, time waste, incompatible tactics, and a failure to learn from mistakes.

Many NGOs underutilize the technology already available, which could improve networking and communication. More efficient use of technology can help NGOs keep up with crucial local, regional, and international issues.

Smile Trust Indi NGO for Child Development is one of the best NGOs in India. Today, I told you about NGOs, the difficulties they face, and what they should do to overcome them. 

To get updates about our activities around Delhi/ NCR follow the Smile India Trust organization’s Facebook page. Visit our page to know more about us.

Is Smile India Trust Fake? Question Most People Wonder To Know

Is Smile India Trust Fake

Well, serving poor families for so many years is what we get. Is Smile India Trust Fake? Doing a social service without asking anything in return gives us this. 

Those who are reading this blog, do they answer that this is the way you treat someone who offers you help. First of all, kindly know that sometimes those we help do not have access to a phone i.e. They are extremely poor. Those who write surely have access to the internet and mobile phones. So whosoever asks us this question is this justified?

We don’t know what causes people to think that our organization is fake. Our NGO regularly updated its work with the area’s time, date, and location. Instead of that, we have to clarify such things. 


Do you think that in a world where no one cares about others without any reason how can an NGO help? Is this your mentality towards an organization who are serving the poor in survival? We are not here to make a profit. NGOs are not businesses, we only and only provide services in order to help slum-dwellers. These people do not have access even to basic needs. Is helping them with this wrong? 

Is Smile India Trust Fake…!!Why such thinking is still in the minds? Yes, we understand that for helping a child we ask you, to come forward to help. But all of that is for the needy whom we want to protect from the death bed. We are a non-profit organization that works with full transparency with our donors. But saying or writing these comments sometimes stops a person willing to help. Sometimes we do miss out on a child due to a lack of funds facing which is miserable for us. 

Certain discussion to prove wrong this statement- Is Smile India Trust Fake?

Smile Trust Indi


The first thing we would love to know is that, does everybody has time to help. From our point of view, the answer is NO. People do not have time to do the house duties they have maids at their houses how can we expect they will go to slums?

The next thing is Does everyone has the willingness to go into that hazardous condition of living? The answer to this question is also NO. 

So, we want to ask such people who say Smile India Trust is Fake what you want. Neither you help nor do you want to let someone help them. Why…?? Are they not humans?

Surely not in your eyes. But for us, we treat them as equally as we all are. If you cannot help and do not want to help that is your choice. But do not show us as culprits that we are doing some kind of scam. We are so sure that in the future these little efforts will change your mindset toward the poor.

Helping them in their need is our responsibility. They are not a burden on our society they are the most laborious sector of our society. They help us in making our dreams come true by building our dream homes, and other facilities. Can’t we help them at least with their basic needs? 

Do they demand so much that all of us together cannot fulfill? Our NGO need donations and collaborations for helping as many people as we can. Please come forward to support. Make their festivals the real festivals as well. Those who support and have faith in us our NGO request them to continue their support. 

If you have any questions regarding support you can write us at [email protected]. You can visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on know more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on TwitterInstagramFacebook, and LinkedIn.. We hope this blog will change your perception of Smile India Trust reviews.



About NGO Smile India Trust a charitable foundation for poor Community

About NGO

This article is about NGO Smile India Trust. Smile India Trust NGO takes care of the underprivileged section of our society. Many people are fighting for daily survival. We help them by providing them with their daily basic needs. Families living in slums are so poor that they cannot afford their basic expenses. Our volunteers support them in meeting their expenses. 

There is a lot of work that as an NGO we conduct to support them. Some of them are: –

  • Conservation of Human rights and child rights
  • The goal of Poverty eradication
  • Awareness of Animal Rights
  • Prevent Social Injustice
  • Conservation of Environment and Nature
  • Empowerment of women and girls
  • Awareness of Disease Control and others
  • Health and Nutrition Importance
  • The importance of conservation of Wildlife 
  • Benefits of hygiene and Sanitation conditions
  • Humanitarian Relief
  • Education plans and literacy

Our NGO strives for the socio-economic development of our country. Rich or poor every single individual is an unbreakable part of our country. We cannot entirely depend on rich people for progress or on the poor. Both have to make their way altogether to see a better future and a better India.  About NGO, this is the best thing that our initiatives are causing changes in society 

We always try to make you aware of various topics that are important for you to know. In this article, we will discuss why is it important to eat the right food. 

Why is it important to have the right food choices?

If you will ask a healthy person what is his/her secret, then they will answer that they eat a balanced diet. No doubt, people know this already, but the problem is they cannot stay following the diet or exercise. 

Ask yourself what is the most pathetic situation of the current generation.

Your answer will depend on what you think is most important for your survival or status. This may be food, clothes, a better lifestyle, money, or anything depending upon your desire. 

But from our point of view, the most important thing at any stage and age of life is your health. The Healthier you are the wealthier you will be in the future. 

Do not go on our word, experience it yourself, change your routine a little bit and see the drastic change. 

How sad is this, at an age of 45-50 people run after making money, and after 50 they run after making health. Isn’t this true? Didn’t you have seen this scene before? Old people running and waking in parks and roads. At a young age when the body is ready to gain muscles and lose fat people at that time become obese. This is mostly happening due to their regular 9 to 5 job and then eating junk. Eating junk today is becoming a necessity. Most people who live alone and far from their family for any cause start eating junk food. 

Healthy habits and healthy food will always give you the best results. You must have heard that those foods that our taste buds like are not that good for us as compared to those that are not. It’s your decision whether you want to make your taste buds happy or your body happy. 

Here are reasons why eating healthy is important

  • What we are eating provides all the essential nutrients to our body. This supplies our body with the right amount of energy for doing our daily work. All these nutrients come only from healthy food, not anything and everything we eat (Junk food).
  • Healthy food is essential to brace the growth hormones. This will help in increasing our height gradually with age.
  • Nutritious food is also needed for the functioning of our system. All the nutrients derived from healthy food trigger the body and brain cells. This helps in the active performance of our daily tasks. 
  • Healthy food improves the immune system, preventing you from falling sick easily. A strong immunity,y fights against all disease-causing bacteria and viruses.
  • It is generally advised to cut out fat from our diet. This is the biggest mistake in fully excluding fats from the diet. There are two types of fats one is healthy and another is unhealthy, fat. The unhealthy fats that should be eaten very less are saturated, and trans- fats. Whereas,
  • Monounsaturated fats,
  • Polyunsaturated fats, 
  • Omega 3, and 
  • Omega 6 fatty acids are very important for our health, just like proteins and vitamins. These fats get stored under skin cells. This gets transformed into energy required for physical and mental activities. We must include these good fats in our daily diet. 
  • Healthy food can help you maintain a well-shaped body. Without a healthy diet, we will fall into the evil trap of fat and obesity. 

Some of the few indisputably healthy foods to incorporate into your meals and snacks:

  •     Fruits

Berries, Banana, citrus, mango, Kiwi, apples, melons

  •     Vegetables

Leafy greens like S, arugula, 

collard greens; peppers; carrots; sweet potatoes; mushroom; squash

  •     Legumes

Beans, lentils, dried peas, hummus

  •     Whole grains

Brown Rice, wild rice, whole-grain bread, quinoa, amaranth, millet, bulgur

  •     Nuts and seeds 

Almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, Chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp, sunflower, pumpkin seeds

We should try to include all these things daily in our diet. We should try filling our plates with plant foods like 

  • Vegetables 
  • Fruits
  • Legumes 
  • Nuts
  • Seeds, and
  • Whole grains 

This will protect your body against chronic diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. Avoid high fat and oil diet food that are short-lived and unsustainable.

“Our body’s mission is to keep us alive,” but our goal is to keep our body healthy. “We can help our body do that by eating food loaded with nutrients and minerals. It is important to keep our body healthy, so we can feel great every day and every time. 


Reading the article, you must have the idea of the need to eat healthy food. If you are someone who lives alone do such things as high consumption of oily and fried food then change today. 

There are many articles published on our website that help you in understanding our work. Along with our services, you can read blogs also that will help you in protecting prior from diseases. 

We hope that whatever you learn from us about NGO working will enhance your lifestyle. If you like to serve the poor communities visit our website. Visit details. For getting daily updates, visit our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 

Non Governmental Organizations in India | Measures To Reduce Poverty

Non-Governmental Organizations in India

Smile India Trust is a Non-Governmental Organization in India that helps the helpless. Our NGO is working for the upliftment of poor society. These are deprived of their basic survival needs. Volunteers of our NGO help them by giving tasty cooked food. Poverty leads to illiteracy and many problems. We help them in their survival, but now, we are running out of funds. These days we need your support to help these needy families. All are busy making their life safe and sound. But smile NGO is taking little steps in making the poor’s life beautiful. 

You look and tell me what did you see? Do you see hobs in the city, outside shops, and on the streets? What can be said about people who pull a wheelbarrow with a customer for an extra ten bucks? Can it be said that you are aware of the crime percentage and drug addiction by children in our general public? At present, there can be many reasons for this, yet the lack in India is the obvious reason behind these issues.

More than 800 million in India are considered poor. India is second on the list of most the population after china. Poverty in India is increasing along with more number of uneducated people. We strive to give low-income families a happy and respectful life. Individuals in society treat these families very badly. They do not pay any attention to them. As if they are not even part of society. But as an NGO we are working to make people aware of the problems faced by poor people living in slums. Our goal is to make the world “a place where it should never hurt to be a child”. 

Let’s discuss some ways to reduce poverty in society:

  • By bringing employment

As we all understand that due to insufficient money these families get less employed. This happens because due to insufficient funds. These families hardly earn money to eat daily. Can you understand their situation and the bad time they are facing? No, we can just imagine the situation, but they are facing it. Due to the absence of money people are unable to educate their children. And without education, you cannot get a good job. 

Big companies need big skills along with experience. So there is an urgent need for jobs for uplifting the poor people. We as a Non-Governmental Organization in India make the poor’s skillful. We provide them with various skills to enhance their knowledge. Smile NGO provides them with skills like crafting, tailoring, and computer knowledge. We make them self-dependent and self-reliable for their expenses. 

  • By focusing on agricultural improvement

Agricultural improvement means that we have to make available good seeds to farmers. If the seeds are high-yielding then the crops from them also will be of good quality. Good quality crops will benefit the produce, transport, the purchaser, and the nation. Producing high-yielding crops will increase the purchasing of products. And this will increase the money flow and demand for products in the market. 

India is the second most crowded country on the planet with about 1.2 billion people. Our country has experienced growth of up to 10% over many years and is the largest economy on the planet. Be that as it may, only a small section of the Indian population has so far benefited from the period of prosperity. Most of the people in India live in pathetic conditions. This is why it is fundamental to understand the idea of ​​necessity as a test in India.

  • Development of Infrastructure

Infrastructure development means that government need build more schools, hospitals, and parks. Poor families have less money to get treatment in big private hospitals. Their charge for one day is so high that sometimes even middle-class families cannot afford it. 

We do request the government to look out for the concerns of poor families. Building new infrastructure will bring employment as well as new development. Due to fewer infrastructure people in rural areas suffers the most. 

  • Stabilize Human Resource

Besides physical infrastructure, we need to stabilize Human Resources. Poverty can also reduce through human resource development. Improving human assets requires a more prominent interest in many things. Some of them are schools for further education, professional universities, Hospitals, etc.

This human asset not creates a fair plan of business, but also raises efficiency and pays for poor people.

  • Special Employment Schemes for the Poor

The government had inaugurated many schemes for the betterment of poor families. The First scheme is The JawaharRozgarYojana (JRY), now named as Jawahar Gram StimridhiYojana. The Goal of the scheme is the goal of improving the quality of life of the rural poor. By offering more productive work to poor people in the slum. 

The second employment scheme is IRDP (Integrated Rural Development Scheme). The program aims to provide employment opportunities to the poor. This scheme gives opportunities to develop their skill to improve their living conditions. 


The third scheme is TRYSEM (Training of Rural Youth for Self-Employment). The main aim of this scheme was to provide technical and business expertise to rural BPL people. And to those who are in the 18-35 age group. 

If these schemes are used effectively then the problem of poverty will reduce. The government had already launched programs, but unfortunately, they are not running efficiently. 

What do we do as a Non-Governmental Organization in India?

As Non-Governmental Organization in India, we arrange nutritious meals and educational supplies. We make poor people of rural and slum areas aware of all these schemes. These schemes will give them new hope. Awareness drives are run and make available the necessities for their better survival. Poverty reduction is very important to improve the condition of our Nation. As a developing country, we need to take care of every single as much as possible. Taking care of poor families is not the alone duty of the government. Being a part of society we are equally responsible to help these families.


We hope we all will become a support system for each other. Volunteer with us and help the families in need. Visit our website at  Get the daily updates from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.