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Child Rights Protection NGO Smile India Trust: Protecting the Health and Education of unfortunate children

Child Rights Protection NGO

Child rights refer to ensuring a safe and secure life for children who are affected by violence and mistreatment in society. These children are not given the space to grow and are exploited for the gain of others. These issues force children to lead lives filled with struggle. Child rights aim to provide children with access to basic needs and education. Unfortunately, some children lack these rights. As a Child Rights Protection NGO, we are dedicated to bringing about changes in this area and providing support to children who have been deprived of a better life.

Child Rights Protection NGO History and Its Origin

The concept of child rights has a long and evolving history dating back to the early 20th century. The first international instrument to address child rights was the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, adopted by the League of Nations in 1924. This declaration emphasized the importance of children’s welfare and protection and laid the groundwork for future international agreements.

In 1959, the United Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which reaffirmed the principles of the earlier declaration and emphasized children’s rights to survival, development, and protection. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), adopted in 1989, is a comprehensive treaty that outlines the fundamental rights and freedoms of children worldwide, including their rights to education, healthcare, and protection from exploitation and abuse.

Smile India Trust Child Rights Protection NGO: A REAL LIFE HERO

  • Smile India Trust is a Child Rights Protection NGO in India, doing its best to save children from the challenges of the world. Not only external violence and bad behavior contribute to children living a suppressed life but also issues like poverty, lack of opportunities, and more.
  • Let me share a short incident that happened while we were distributing food in the slums. Maya, a girl who lives in the slum, approached us and asked for an education. She expressed her desire to do something meaningful with her life and not be confined to the slums. Maya asked for our help in getting an education, stating that she wanted to support her family financially.

Her family, being financially unstable, was unable to send her to school as her parents were daily wage laborers. Maya, who was just 10 years old, showed remarkable dedication towards her future. Impressed by her determination. Our team provided Maya with a quality education through our education program, supplying her with basic study materials. Now, Maya is progressing well and is determined to achieve her goals.

Child rights protection is a must.

Child rights protection is crucial, just like child rights themselves. Many of us have seen children working as laborers or helpers in factories. Indicating that there are people who don’t believe in child rights and use children for their own benefit. Unfortunately, others don’t speak out against this wrongdoing. Which is concerning as there is no protection for children and their rights.

Additionally, children often face violence, gender inequality, and a lack of a quality lifestyle due to a lack of awareness and acknowledgment of their rights. This leads to minimal involvement from the local government in slum areas. As they are not taking action to protect children, which is unacceptable.

Child Rights: Health and Education

The fundamental rights of every child to have a healthy and prosperous life include the rights to education and health. These rights ensure a better and higher quality of life for children. According to the Indian Constitution. Article 21-A guarantees free and compulsory education for all children between the ages of six and fourteen as a fundamental right. Additionally, according to Article 24(1) of the UNCRC. States parties recognize the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health.

As Smile India Trust Child Rights Protection NGO. We aim to inspire hope in children living in slums by encouraging them to pursue their dreams. We offer quality education through our education camps, provide free study material, and offer basic computer education to open doors to future opportunities for slum children. Furthermore, we provide a healthy lifestyle through our health programs. Which include healthcare facilities such as regular check-ups and free medicines. As well as nourishing the children with healthy meals through food camps to eliminate hunger for them.


Child Rights Protection NGO strive to create a world where underprivileged children have the opportunity to grow personally and professionally. We support this vision through various initiatives, including food distribution, healthcare facilities, and education. Additionally, we provide childcare programs aimed at providing children with a secure life by preventing child trafficking and exploitation in slums. We are making a positive impact on the lives of these children because we believe that a nation’s growth depends on its youth. 

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Child Rights Protection NGO Against Child Marriage in India

Child Rights Protection NGO Against Child Marriage in India

Child marriage is a societal practice that is still prevalent in some areas of India. A very young girl child under the age of fifteen marries an adult man in these events. The arrangement of the boy and girl’s future united by both sets of parents constitutes another type of child marriage. The boy and the girl in this type of marriage are not permitted to meet until after the wedding ceremony has been held until they reach marriageable age. Child Rights Protection NGO will discuss all these issues related to child marriage in India.

The frequency of child marriage in Indian society is mostly due to several factors, including poverty, gender disparity, a lack of education, societal standards, concerns about the safety of girls, and sexual control. Girl children in rural settings are more impacted by child marriage than those in urban ones. Yet if one of the partners marries when they are still extremely young, they ask for the marriage declared null and void.

Marriage is a terrific means to bring together two souls who grow enough to handle life’s obstacles. It is a genuine relationship of love and harmony. Child marriage, however, is an immoral approach to joining two individuals that don’t even understand the realities of life. They somehow persuade to be wedded to an unidentified individual even if they have no idea how to deal with good and terrible scenarios.

Child Rights Protection NGO Smile India Trust helps many children who are in trouble situation and rescue them from these hazards. As we see, child marriage is a curse in society that ultimately leads to a decline in economic, social & personal health.

Child Rights Protection NGO on Ill Effect of Child Marriage

The career and future of the children are ruined by child marriage, and even though they are ill-equipped to handle the obligations, they are expected to. A girl child typically endures a lot of hardship. She is expected to live in a home that is fairly difficult for her. Child marriage has several other negative effects, thus the Indian government and other groups should take action to raise awareness of this problem to eradicate it entirely.

The stark evidence of pervasive inequalities and prejudice against women that early marriage, a culturally entrenched societal custom, gives. It is the outcome of the interaction of social and economic factors. Married to a girl as a young child is a common practise in societies.  Where social standards and attitudes demonstrate low regard for girls’ human rights.

Girls are thought to have no other role outside of getting married since standards place less emphasis on them than they do for boys. They expect to assist with household duties and chores to get ready for their marriage.

The young age of the marriage has an impact on the girls’ education; child marriage causes problems for the girl. For girls, finishing their education is nearly impossible due to early marriage. There is a significant correlation between girls’ educational achievement and child marriage.

It is very challenging for ladies to continue their education after marrying in the majority of poor nations. The girl’s capacity for education will probably influence whether she marries young or not.

For instance, compared to intellectually excellent girls, girls with lower educational abilities may be less motivated to pursue their studies. Since they anticipate earning less money in the future. Some females are more eager to marry young or their families may be more likely to encourage them.

Statistics on Child Marriage in India

  • According to the National Family Health Survey-5 (NFHS-5), 23% of women aged 20 to 24 married before 18. 
  • In NFHS-3 (2005–06), this percentage was 47%; in NFHS-4 (2015–16), it was 27%; and in the most recent poll, it was 23%.
  • The Child Marriage Restriction Act, of 1929 established the first official ban on child marriage in India.
  • According to the 1929 Act, it was illegal for boys and girls under the age of 18 to marry.
  • The age limit raised in this Act’s 1978 amendment to 18 for girls and 21 for males. Along with the identical minimum age restrictions, the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act of 2006 replaced the 1929 Act.
  • With the passage of the Prevention of Child Marriage (Amendment) Bill, 2021, the legal age of consent to women’s marriage would rise to 21. On December 21, 2021
  • The Bill submits to the Standing Committee on Education, Women, Children, Youth, and Sports.

Punishment under Child Marriage Act

  • If a male over the age of 18 marries a girl under the age of 18, he sentence to two years in a hard labour prison. A fine of up to one lakh rupees, or both.
  • A two-year sentence of hard labour in prison, a fine up to one lakh rupees,
  • A combination of the two may impose on someone who conducts or assists in child marriage.
  • Anyone who encourages or facilitates child marriage penalize with two years in prison, a fine that can reach one lakh rupees, or a combination of the two. 


Due to an upsurge in child bride cases in India, the administration passed this law. On the other hand, despite attempts by the government. The populace to help the country develop and prosper, issues like child sexual abuse and child marriage continue to impede our country’s progress.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to know more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Best Child Rights Protection NGO in India serving poor children

Helping children in their growth is equal to helping in the growth of the economy. Smile NGO has successfully become the best child rights protection NGO in India. Our NGO helps children by making them have a successful and bright future. Offering help to them is our moral duty. Making their life successful will better up their condition. 

Helping children is the major focus area of our organization. We strive to help poor children in getting an education. Education plays a crucial role in the upliftment of any family. The seeds of success in every nation on Earth are best planted in women and children. Hence we need to take care of both the seeds of success. 

There are many NGOs that help poor communities, but we pay special focus to the development of kids. As they are unable to get food how can we suppose that they will get a proper education? We have seen and supported many children who wanted to study, but due to a lack of resources, they were unable to get it. 

While our distribution, we met a child who was happy to get food and clothes. But he seems a little disappointed. On asking he answered that before covid, he went to a school, but now he is unable to go there. His parents cannot afford the expense of his education as they are jobless now. Volunteers helped the child in getting admission to a government school. He was so happy and said to us that he will make sure that he does something that we will be proud him of. 

We cannot express how good this sounds to us. He is now happily reading and learning new things in life. 

Why do we need the best child rights protection NGO in India?

According to studies, approximately 174 children go missing every day in India. There is a sharp spike in missing child data in the last two years. Smile India Trust NGO strives to decrease human trafficking digits. As children are the softest and easy targets we need the best child rights protection NGO in India

Let’s discuss some types of child abuse which will give you the idea that why we need such NGOs. 

Types of child abuse

There are 4 types of child abuse:

  • Physical
  • Sexual
  • Emotional
  • Neglect

Child abuse can be a single incident or several incidents that take place over time again. If we talk about the child protection act 1999 focuses on the impact of abuse on the child. More than how often the child abuse has occurred. 

In particular, no matter whether the child has suffered significant harm. The Act also takes care of whether a child who has been harmed has a parent who is able and willing to protect them or not. So, you see why there is a need for the best child rights protection NGO in India.

Not only this, but this also states that – 

If any activity impacts the child’s psychological, or emotional well-being is punishable. You can read more about the definition of harm in the Act. 

Now, let’s understand what type of activity comes under what type of child abuse: –

Physical abuse

Abuse happens when a child has intentionally hurt or injured, and it is not an accident. Physical abuse doesn’t need to always leave any visible marks or injuries.

 Physical abuse can include:

  • Hitting the child
  • Shaking the child 
  • Choking the child 
  • Smothering the child 
  • Throwing the child 
  • Burning the child 
  • Biting the child 
  • Poisoning the child 
  • Using any physical restraints on the child

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is the most disgusting thing that happens when to a child. An adult, or teenager, who uses their power to involve another child in sexual activity is a criminal. This topic needs special care because everybody has kids at home. Mostly what happens in India is that parents feel shy in discussing certain things. 

For things like sex education, periods, and child abuse they feel shy talking about them. The two reasons that we found that they do not feel like discussing this could be: –

  • That they do not think their children can understand these things.
  • They have the typical old mentality that when they are there for their child nobody can harm them. 

But we feel that there is a crucial need to teach your, children, about such things. We are living in the 21st century hence we should act or change according to time. In today’s era, if you cannot become a friend to your children, you really can’t know about your child’s life. 

You have to understand the change in behavior of your child. If you will make them aware of things like bad and good touches. The moment they feel something like this, they will immediately inform you. But for this parents and family members need to teach their children about such things. 

Emotional abuse

Emotional abuse happens when a child is treated in a way that negatively impacts their: –

  • Social 
  • Emotional, or intellectual development.

Trauma can happen because of: –

  • Rejection of one child for another child
  • name-calling, teasing, or bullying
  • Yelling at a child
  • Criticism or comparing with other children
  • Isolation or locking a child up for extended periods
  • Exposure to domestic and family violence.

Any domestic and family violence can also lead to emotional harm. A child who experiences violence at home is at greater risk of not having their basic needs met. This also hampers their protection and care needs. Domestic and family violence can:

  • affect a child’s emotional well-being and development
  • Teach them that violence is a solution to problems. (Most common problem)
  • Cause post-traumatic stress disorder.


Neglect happens when a child’s basic needs are not met. This can affect their health and development. Basic needs include:

  • Adequate food availability
  • Proper housing and clean living conditions
  • Proper Healthcare
  • Adequate clothing for survival
  • Maintaining personal hygiene
  • Adequate supervision of their emotion

Save child

For sure there should be the best child rights protection NGO in India to aware parents of their child care. God can never give you a more valuable thing than a child. If you know such a child, you can contact our NGO at You can even message and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Best Child Rights Protection NGO in India | Smile India Trust

Child Rights protection NGO

Smile India Trust is one of the best child rights protection NGOs in India for child education. The right of youth is a fundamental opportunity. And an innate privilege of all people below the age of 18 years. These freedoms apply to every child irrespective of race, diversity, gender, and belief. The fundamental message is equality of opportunity. Young women should get the same opportunities as young men. All youths have equal rights and opportunities. To take part in a satisfying lifestyle we help and educate children.


Why is Child Rights important?

Young people are honest, dependable, and confident. Their growing-up experience should be exhilarating and loving. There should be a step-by-step development in their lives as they approach new encounters in their lives.

Anyway, for some young people, the reality of the experience of growing up is different at all times. Lack of education creates barriers to children learning and earning. They experience the consequences of hunger and homelessness. Work in disastrous conditions, high infant mortality rates, and lack of medical services. The restricted access to essential schooling leaves children vulnerable to such daily existence. This is our duty to make youth feel protected and comfortable. Children reserve the privilege of receiving, making, and being safe. It is very important to make your choices for a better future. Smile India Trust is the best child rights protection NGO in India for child protection. 


Rights for children that the best child rights protection NGO in India supports:-

The Right to Survive: – to life, welfare, livelihood, name, and identity. The right to stamina includes the right to a solid life. Children should get food and medical services without having trouble. Their names should be on the nutrition list for getting food. Infant and infant mortality has decreased along with malnutrition.


The Right to Development: – to instruction, care, relaxation, diversion. Each kid has the privilege of understanding that allows investigating her/his capacity. It must add to the support, stability, and harmony among all nations.


Right to protection: – The right to protection from double treatment, abuse, and neglect. Youth should feel safe and sound in their country from any kind of trouble. It takes away the right, from right to wrong to be safe. To need to work, to face any form of physical or mental abuse, and to have awareness, and secure family.


Right to Participation: This right to participation means that children have their life choices. Children can discuss and co-relate their thought processes with friends and family. Children of a family have the right to speak about their thought processes.

Smile India Trust is the best child rights protection NGOs in India & supports the welfare of humans. We as one of the top NGOs in India work to improve the youth. Join us and you can help these families. Come forward to help needy families and children. For more data, you can visit our site You can get daily updates from our online entertainment accounts. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


Child Rights Protection NGO | Educate Children for a Better Future

Child Rights protection NGO

Smile India Trust is an NGO working for the welfare and upliftment of children living in slums. We are happy to share that for the last 5 years, our organization helped many children. According to UNICEF, a child is a person under the age of 18. Smile India Trust is the most reliable organization for Child Rights Protection NGOs ….   Read More