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Smile India Trust NGO in India: Project Garima, a core strengthening initiative to help the helpless

Project Garima

A significant number of Indian women are unable to progress in their careers due to various reasons. The most alarming issue is the lack of opportunities, followed by the fact that they are not given the chance to showcase their abilities. In contrast, India is a country that provides plenty of opportunities for men, as evidenced by the fact that it has the highest number of profiles for men. Unfortunately, there isn’t even a single platform dedicated solely to women from small towns or slums. To address this problem, our NGO in India, Smile India Trust, has launched Project Garima. This project serves as a wish-granting star for impoverished women and girls. Empowering them to change their identities and reach their full potential.

Project Garima NGO in India: A Better World

Our Smile India Trust NGO in India understands the concerning issue faced by women who lack opportunities and resources to improve their lives. The majority of women wish to have financial stability and be capable enough to fulfill their family’s needs on their own. However, due to India being a male-dominated country, women often bury this wish due to social stigmas, gender inequality, a lack of resources, and a lack of support.

These reasons make them lose confidence and hope to achieve something in life. Our organization wants to turn their dreams into reality through our never-ending efforts. 

What is Project Garima, and what does it aim for?

  • Smile India Trust NGO in India, and Amazon Open Heart Del 18 AITC have partnered to launch Project Garima in Noida. The project provides free tailoring activities to economically backward women, adolescent girls, and dropouts. Empowering them with valuable skills and self-employment opportunities for a dignified life.
  • The project provides training in tailoring and embroidery to empower women. The facility has 35 machines, with skilled trainers and a mechanic for maintenance. The training covers creating masks, sleepwear, designing, measuring, stitching, embroidery, and frocks, aiming to generate job opportunities for women.
  • Project Garima establishes women’s entrepreneurial start-ups and helps the underprivileged. Illiterate women who have the potential to be successful entrepreneurs but are financially disadvantaged. Smile India Trust and Amazon Open Heart Del 18 AITC launched the project with the tagline Ek Nayi Pehchan because they believe that opportunity is the greatest gift.

What benefits are provided to women who are less fortunate by Project Garima?

They will have the opportunity to learn a new skill through a 12-month training program. Once the training is completed and they are employed. They will have the chance to create various goods and clothing by following the provided instructions. The training will cover skills such as ladies’ bag making. As well as seminars and workshops focused on creating files and folders.

Additionally, they will receive training on how to market their tailoring units better. They will also be taught about testing and quality assurance and how to manage and operate sewing machines through self-help groups (SHGs) and cooperatives. Lastly, they will receive training on the administration of SHGs.

Some stats

  • During the same time period, the unemployment rate for women across the country decreased from 14.6% to 10.6%. However, in 2019–20, Delhi’s female unemployment rate was almost double the national average. But in 2022–23, it was almost half the average for the country.
  • In India, only 32.8% of women aged 15 years and older participate in the labor force. While the remaining 67.2% do not. 

 Why is the female workforce low in India, and how can we fix it?

The low percentage of female participation in the workforce in India can be attributed to various factors. Such as socio-cultural norms, a lack of adequate infrastructure for childcare, safety concerns, a lack of education and empowerment, and discrimination. These issues can hinder the participation of women in India’s workforce.

To address this issue, the government and society must work together to improve access to quality education. Create more job opportunities with flexible working hours, and enhance safety measures for women in the workplace. Additionally, promoting gender equality through awareness campaigns and empowering women with financial independence can encourage more women to join the workforce in India.


Our Smile India Trust NGO in India is changing the lives of millions through our marvelous Project Garima. This project aims to make women independent and self-sufficient so that they can earn their livelihood without any support from others. Our initiatives also focus on developing and enhancing the personalities of women. Enabling them to make wise decisions in their favor.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Smile India Trust Organization is removing unemployment by providing opportunities and resources.

Smile India Trust Organization

Unemployment is a critical issue that needs to be addressed, as it is prevalent in every nation, not just India. Unemployment is like a virus that causes many problems in the lives of low-income families and individuals. Being unemployed can lead to financial instability, stress, and even health issues. In this article, we will discuss the current state of unemployment in India and how the Smile India Trust Organization explores ways to tackle this issue.

Helping nature of Smile India Trust Organization

Our goal as a Smile India Trust Organization is to assist with unemployment by offering support and resources that can help individuals find employment. We understand that the underprivileged community in India faces significant challenges in securing a good job or position, which makes it difficult for them to make a living and support their families.

What are the reasons behind unemployment for less fortunate individuals in India?

The condition of underprivileged individuals is deteriorating as they struggle in a society lacking resources, opportunities, and employment. There are several reasons why the less fortunate lack employment.

  • Lack of education and skills Access to quality education and skills development is limited for less fortunate individuals in India, making it difficult for them to compete in the job market.
  • Inadequate job opportunities The job market often lacks sufficient employment opportunities for underprivileged individuals, especially in sectors that offer stable income and growth potential.
  • Discrimination and social barriers Less privileged individuals may face barriers to employment due to their social status, including gender and caste, which can limit their access to better job opportunities.
  • Health issues and disabilities Poor health and disabilities can present obstacles to obtaining and keeping a job.
  • Lack of financial resources Many individuals who are underprivileged cannot afford the necessary expenses associated with job training and transportation, which prevents them from accessing job opportunities.
  • Inadequate government support and insufficient social welfare policies may worsen unemployment in India’s disadvantaged communities.

The unhealthy effects of unemployment on individuals

Unemployment can have negative effects on individuals. These effects can include financial hardship, a loss of self-esteem, and increased stress. Overall, unemployment can have a significant impact on the mental and emotional well-being of those affected.

How much is India suffering from unemployment?

In 2022, 82.9% of the total unemployed population consisted of youths, and 65.7% of these youth were educated, up from 54.2% in 2000.

Current unemployment rate?

According to the Periodic Labor Force Survey (PLFS) for the calendar year 2023. The unemployment rate has decreased to 3.1 percent from 3.6 percent in 2022 and 4.2 percent in 2021. This indicates that the employment situation is gradually improving after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020.

Fewer employment states

Haryana had the highest unemployment rate in India in March 2023, at 26.77%. Other regions with high unemployment rates include Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, and Bihar.

How can unemployment hinder a country’s growth?

Unemployment can have a significant impact on a country’s economic growth. When people are jobless, they cannot contribute to the economy, which slows down overall growth. It also means that people have less money to spend, which affects businesses and industries.

Furthermore, governments have to spend more on things like unemployment benefits. Which can limit investments in other essential areas such as education or infrastructure.

Unemployment can also create inequality and make it challenging for talented individuals to stay in the country. Leading to a negative impact on innovation and development. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on creating more job opportunities, providing training, and supporting entrepreneurship to help the economy grow.

The Smile India Trust Organization provides opportunities and resources to create a world free of unemployment.

The Smile India Trust Organization is a beacon of hope that understands the struggles of less fortunate individuals and is working towards creating a better life for them. They aim to eliminate social issues and provide the necessary resources to create a world free of unemployment.

Providing essential necessities to underprivileged people

  • The Smile India Trust Organization distributes healthy meals and provides health care to unfortunate people. We strongly believe that good health is essential to achieving our life goals, including securing employment.
  • As an organization, we strive to go beyond our limits and support all living beings, including women. Our goal is to empower women through skill training and education. Providing them with the necessary tools to become self-reliant and contribute to society and their families.
  • The Smile India Trust Organization promotes education as a right for everyone. As an NGO. We offer quality education and free study materials to underprivileged children to help build a bright and prosperous future.


Unemployment can be a highly stressful situation especially if you come from an underprivileged family. The weight of responsibilities and unfulfilled dreams can become a burden on your life when you don’t have a fixed source of income. At our NGO. We understand this situation and strive to support our nation’s citizens through various initiatives that can help them build a brighter, happier future.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

NGO Services by Smile Organization, treating the less fortunate with kindness

NGO Services
The NGO services provided by the Smile Organization are a gift to all underprivileged people who suffer in a world where words like kindness, purity, and love seem to be non-existent. Our organization works to add colour to their otherwise bleak lives by providing care, nourishment, and a chance for a better life. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to thrive, and we aim to make that a reality.

NGO Services are a ray of light. 

NGO services serve as a ray of hope for people who are below the poverty line and cannot afford the basic facilities necessary for daily life. These individuals lack all the resources that a normal human being should have, surviving each day without truly living it. The Smile India organization works tirelessly, not just as an NGO but as a family, to support these people day and night.

What are the reasons behind this poverty?

There are numerous reasons behind why poverty has become a significant concern in modern society. The rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer, even when they try to push their limits. Some people living in poverty can only afford one meal a day, and some are not even able to afford that.
One of the main reasons for poverty is the lack of education. If a person is not educated, they may end up doing the same work as their father, such as manual labor or working as a helper in the fields. Education is the key to breaking this cycle. If at least one person in the family is educated, it can lead to a chain reaction where the rest of the family members also become educated.

Education for all

NGO Services by Smile Organization provides free education to disadvantaged children, regardless of gender or caste. We provide learning materials and conduct educational camps in areas such as slums and streets where the level of education is low. Unfortunately, the lack of an education-friendly environment and parents’ general lack of curiosity about learning is a common problem in these areas, especially when it comes to girls. However, our NGO Services offer a helping hand by building trust and raising awareness about the importance of education.

What are the reasons behind the poor health of people in slums?

The only reason we have investigated is the hygiene in the slums and the lifestyle they lead. People living below the poverty line or in slums have the highest rates of poor health. Due to unhealthy environments and a dirty atmosphere, people there face more health problems than normal people.

Health facilities

The NGO Services aims to provide medical facilities in slums and streets, and run medical camps, along with free medicines to those in need.

Empowering women through our never-ending efforts

Women often spend their entire lives confined to their homes, unable to pursue their dreams and potential due to societal restrictions. This is a great loss, as many women and girls possess the talent and ability to make a significant impact in the world. Fortunately, our organization is working to empower women and girls through various initiatives, such as Project GARIMA. Through this program, we provide free tailoring courses to underprivileged women and girls, allowing them to become self-sufficient and earn a living. Additionally, we also offer free education and basic necessities to those in need.

Clothes for the needy. 

In India, many low-income families are unable to purchase new clothes during festivals due to financial constraints. To address this issue, the Smile organization distributes free clothes to these families and individuals. We believe that everyone has the right to wear clean and good clothes.
Free meals
Food is a basic necessity for human survival, yet there are many people who cannot afford it. NGO Services by Smile Organization understands this need and cooks healthy meals for individuals and families who are below the poverty line. Through our food camps, we distribute these meals to people living in slums and on the streets, thereby providing necessary nourishment to those in need.

Child care for their safety

Some people work to make a positive impact on the lives of the underprivileged. However, there are also individuals who refuse to contribute to society’s betterment by exploiting underage children for their own gain. These individuals force children to beg and sell them to those who will misuse them. To combat this issue, organizations run programs that prioritize the safety of children. We are dedicated to protecting children through various child protection programs.


The NGO services provided by Smile India Trust are a ray of hope for needy people. We are making a positive impact by tackling hunger, empowering women, and providing education as a fundamental right. We hope to make this world more equal for people who are below the poverty line.
For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Child Rights Protection NGO Smile India Trust: Protecting the Health and Education of unfortunate children

Child Rights Protection NGO

Child rights refer to ensuring a safe and secure life for children who are affected by violence and mistreatment in society. These children are not given the space to grow and are exploited for the gain of others. These issues force children to lead lives filled with struggle. Child rights aim to provide children with access to basic needs and education. Unfortunately, some children lack these rights. As a Child Rights Protection NGO, we are dedicated to bringing about changes in this area and providing support to children who have been deprived of a better life.

Child Rights Protection NGO History and Its Origin

The concept of child rights has a long and evolving history dating back to the early 20th century. The first international instrument to address child rights was the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, adopted by the League of Nations in 1924. This declaration emphasized the importance of children’s welfare and protection and laid the groundwork for future international agreements.

In 1959, the United Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which reaffirmed the principles of the earlier declaration and emphasized children’s rights to survival, development, and protection. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), adopted in 1989, is a comprehensive treaty that outlines the fundamental rights and freedoms of children worldwide, including their rights to education, healthcare, and protection from exploitation and abuse.

Smile India Trust Child Rights Protection NGO: A REAL LIFE HERO

  • Smile India Trust is a Child Rights Protection NGO in India, doing its best to save children from the challenges of the world. Not only external violence and bad behavior contribute to children living a suppressed life but also issues like poverty, lack of opportunities, and more.
  • Let me share a short incident that happened while we were distributing food in the slums. Maya, a girl who lives in the slum, approached us and asked for an education. She expressed her desire to do something meaningful with her life and not be confined to the slums. Maya asked for our help in getting an education, stating that she wanted to support her family financially.

Her family, being financially unstable, was unable to send her to school as her parents were daily wage laborers. Maya, who was just 10 years old, showed remarkable dedication towards her future. Impressed by her determination. Our team provided Maya with a quality education through our education program, supplying her with basic study materials. Now, Maya is progressing well and is determined to achieve her goals.

Child rights protection is a must.

Child rights protection is crucial, just like child rights themselves. Many of us have seen children working as laborers or helpers in factories. Indicating that there are people who don’t believe in child rights and use children for their own benefit. Unfortunately, others don’t speak out against this wrongdoing. Which is concerning as there is no protection for children and their rights.

Additionally, children often face violence, gender inequality, and a lack of a quality lifestyle due to a lack of awareness and acknowledgment of their rights. This leads to minimal involvement from the local government in slum areas. As they are not taking action to protect children, which is unacceptable.

Child Rights: Health and Education

The fundamental rights of every child to have a healthy and prosperous life include the rights to education and health. These rights ensure a better and higher quality of life for children. According to the Indian Constitution. Article 21-A guarantees free and compulsory education for all children between the ages of six and fourteen as a fundamental right. Additionally, according to Article 24(1) of the UNCRC. States parties recognize the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health.

As Smile India Trust Child Rights Protection NGO. We aim to inspire hope in children living in slums by encouraging them to pursue their dreams. We offer quality education through our education camps, provide free study material, and offer basic computer education to open doors to future opportunities for slum children. Furthermore, we provide a healthy lifestyle through our health programs. Which include healthcare facilities such as regular check-ups and free medicines. As well as nourishing the children with healthy meals through food camps to eliminate hunger for them.


Child Rights Protection NGO strive to create a world where underprivileged children have the opportunity to grow personally and professionally. We support this vision through various initiatives, including food distribution, healthcare facilities, and education. Additionally, we provide childcare programs aimed at providing children with a secure life by preventing child trafficking and exploitation in slums. We are making a positive impact on the lives of these children because we believe that a nation’s growth depends on its youth. 

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Smile India Trust Celebrates International Yoga Day: Spreading Joy and Harmony through Yoga

International Yoga Day

Yoga is a deeply spiritual and mind-relaxing activity that many people often fail to fully understand the importance of it in their lives, as well as the positive effects it can have on their mental and physical well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, people often struggle to find time to take care of their health due to their responsibilities. However, yoga is something that, even by practicing for just half an hour, can completely transform an individual’s character, helping them heal and lead a more relaxed and prosperous life. Today, Smile India Trust is celebrating International Yoga Day and encouraging people to adopt yoga in their lives.

International Yoga Day: A New Beginning

International Yoga Day, celebrated annually on June 21st, is a global event aimed at raising awareness about the benefits of practicing yoga and promoting its holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Originating in India, yoga has had a profound impact on individuals and communities worldwide.

What message does International Yoga Day spread in society?

International Yoga Day spreads the message of peace, harmony, and well-being in society. It emphasizes the importance of mental and physical health, encouraging people to embrace a holistic approach to wellness. By celebrating this day, society is reminded of the powerful impact yoga can have on individuals and communities.

It promotes acceptance, understanding, and unity, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries. Moreover, International Yoga Day encourages people to adopt a lifestyle that includes mindfulness, self-care, and compassion towards others, fostering a more peaceful and balanced society for the betterment of all.

Benefits of yoga: It helps you meet your real self.

Yoga offers a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. On a physical level, regular practice can improve flexibility, strength, and balance. It can also help with posture and breathing and contribute to better cardiovascular health. The mental benefits of yoga are equally compelling, as it can help reduce stress, increase mindfulness, and promote relaxation.

Furthermore, the emotional benefits are significant, with yoga being known to enhance self-awareness, boost mood, and contribute to an overall sense of well-being. Overall, the holistic nature of yoga makes it a highly beneficial practice for improving both physical and mental health.

How to practice yoga

  • Find a quiet and comfortable space. Choose a quiet and peaceful area where you can practice yoga without distractions.
  • Get the right gear: Invest in a good-quality yoga mat. Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely.
  • Start with gentle warm-up exercises. Begin your yoga session with gentle warm-up exercises to prepare your body for the practice ahead. This can include gentle stretches and breathing exercises.
  • Follow a sequence of yoga asanas: A yoga session typically involves a sequence of yoga poses or asanas that target different parts of the body.
  • Focus on your breath. Breathing is an essential part of yoga practice. Pay attention to your breath as you move through each pose, and try to synchronize your breath with your movements.

What are some unique yoga traditions and practices from different cultures?

  • Kundalini Yoga from India focuses on awakening the kundalini energy through meditation, chanting, and physical postures.
  • Yin Yoga from China involves holding passive poses for an extended period to target the connective tissues and improve flexibility.
  • AcroYogafrom the USA combines yoga, acrobatics, and Thai massage to promote trust, communication, and connection between partners.
  • Bikram Yoga from India/USA: This style of yoga, popularized by Bikram Choudhury, involves a set sequence of 26 postures in a heated room to promote detoxification and flexibility.
  • Aerial yoga from the USA, a modern form of yoga, uses silk hammocks or swings to support the body while performing postures, allowing for greater flexibility and relaxation.
  • Thai yoga from Thailand is a unique form of yoga that combines physical postures, massage, and breathwork to promote relaxation and flexibility.
  • Bando Yoga from Tibet, developed by Tibetan monks, involves a series of slow and controlled movements to promote inner peace and balance.
  • Yoga for Seniors from Japan is adapted for seniors and includes gentle postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to promote mobility, flexibility, and mental clarity.

Smile India Trust’s Efforts to Promote Yoga Empowering Communities on International Yoga Day

As an organization in India, Smile India Trust believes in promoting good health among our citizens and society. Through various initiatives, we address social issues and strive to improve the quality of life for less fortunate people. On International Yoga Day, we aim to encourage the adoption of yoga. As it can bring about positive changes in people’s lives.

We conduct awareness camps in society and slums, led by our expert team, to help people understand the importance of yoga. Additionally, we assist people in slums by introducing yoga in our rehabilitation centers. Particularly focusing on teaching children and encouraging their participation in this healthy activity.

Through our initiatives. We aim to instill an appreciation for yoga within society and educate people about its incredible effects and the positive changes it can bring to their lifestyle. Our goal is to elevate the practice of yoga by igniting enthusiasm in people’s hearts for yoga, organizing yoga sessions, and spreading awareness about its benefits.


On this wonderful International Yoga Day, Smile India Trust is going beyond boundaries and dispelling doubts about yoga’s potential. We are helping people understand its true power and healing abilities. Encouraging individuals in society to make yoga a daily habit. This can positively affect their life. Yoga is a deeply connected process that helps people connect with their inner selves, nature, and divinity.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter


Smile India Trust: Appreciating the efforts of super dads around the world: Father’s Day

Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a day on which every father should be treated like a king by his family. A father is someone we appreciate for his sacrifices, but our appreciation is never enough. No matter how much we do. Every super dad in our lives is the pillar of our growth and the foundation of being a good and successful individual. He is the one who stands against all the problems in his family, neglecting his own happiness just to make his family smile. Smile India Trust is celebrating Father’s Day with love and joy, paying tribute to every father worldwide.

What is Father’s Day?

Father’s Day is a special day to celebrate and honor fathers and father figures. It’s usually celebrated on the third Sunday of June, which falls on June 16th. The day aims to show appreciation for all the love, support, and guidance that a father provides to his family.

It is a day on which we should make our fathers feel special and happy through various activities such as giving gifts.Taking them to a movie, and spending time with them. Since a father gives all his life and time to his family, it is our responsibility to give time to fathers on this great day.

Why should we celebrate Father’s Day to the fullest?

The reason we should celebrate Father’s Day to the fullest is because it’s an opportunity to express our love and gratitude for our dads. They play such an important role in our lives, and this day allows us to show them how much we appreciate everything they do.

Celebrating Father’s Day is the only day on which a family can show their love, care, and how much they value their father figure because sometimes families fail to express their emotions to their father. It’s natural, but sometimes it’s better to let out every feeling we have for our fathers.

Who is a father, and why is he a real-life superhero?

  • A father is a person who neglects his own health to go outside every day for work just so he can provide a good life for his family. A father is a person who spends all his time, money, and energy on his family without even questioning it once.
  • A father is a person who takes care of his family, holds it together. Solves every problem in his family’s life. No other person can do what a father does for his family. A father always wants what’s best for his people and makes decisions in their favor because he has experience in everything.
  • The majority of children don’t understand this at first and often neglect their decisions and don’t obey them. But it’s important to understand that what a father says means he has already gone through those things as a child, as a spouse, and as any member of a family. We should respect his decisions because a dad is a real-lifesuperhero in our lives, always there toprotect us.

What challenges does every father face just to provide a better life for his family?

A father faces a variety of challenges when trying to provide a better life for his family and children. Some common challenges include balancing work and family responsibilities. Managing financial pressures, ensuring the well-being and education of their children, and being a positive role model.

Fathers often strive to create a nurturing and supportive environment while also dealing with the demands of family and everyday life. It’s important to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts fathers make to provide a better living for their families. Ensure that no problems ever come across to their family and children. They truly deserve our admiration and support.

Why is it essential to make our fathers feel special?

The easiest answer to this question is that. One day, a time will come when there will not be a man who puts restrictions on you. A day will come when you’ll crave to hear his voice. A day will come when you will never receive gifts from your father.

There will also be a day when there will be no one on whom you can rely and cry in his arms. That’s what a father is. So, when we have the time, it’s crucial to make our fathers feel special, love them, care for them.

Smile India Trust thanks every father who is our inspiration.

  • On the beautiful occasion of Father’s Day. Smile India Trust is thankful to all the fathers out there who are heroes in their families’ lives, bringing smiles to their families. Our organization is inspired by the fathers of our nation and the ways they protect and care for their families. It’s truly admirable.
  • This is what we aim to do to help the less fortunate. Our NGO is working to uplift the lives of low-income families with various initiatives such as food distribution, education for their children, monthly ration distribution, clothing, and medical facilities for families who are below the poverty line.
  • We aim to give a little helping hand to all those fathers who are unable to fulfill their family’s needs. We believe that every member of our society is our own family member.


Smile India Trust always wishes for the betterment of the community and its people. On Father’s Day, we are blessed to have fathers in our lives. Our NGO wants to make their day special by uplifting the lives of their families with our various initiatives. We just want to ease some burdens on a father’s shoulders. Giving them a little relief, because a father can also feel lonely and helpless sometimes. Yet, it becomes important to support him too and show him love and care, because he truly deserves it.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter


View Synonyms and Definitions

World Blood Donor Day: Smile India Trust’s initiative to promote a safe society

World Blood Donor Day

Blood donation is one of the most innovative achievements of medical science. In 1628, an English physician named Dr. William Harvey discovered that blood circulates around the body in a systemic circulation, with blood pumped around the brain and body by the heart. In 1665, Dr. Richard Lower carried out the first successful blood transfusion between two dogs. This achievement took the cure for illness to the next level. However, the majority of people still hesitate to donate blood. On this World Blood Donor Day, let’s take a look at why blood donation holds immense importance and what our organization, Smile India Trust, is doing to promote it beyond imagination.

What is World Blood Donor Day?

World Blood Donor Day is an annual global event celebrated on June 14th to recognize and appreciate the voluntary blood donors who help save millions of lives every year. The day was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005.

What is the reason for celebrating World Blood Donor Day?

  • World Blood Donor Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the significance of blood donation and encourage people to become voluntary blood donors.
  • The day aims to express gratitude to existing blood donors for their contributions and motivate others to donate blood, ensuring a steady supply of safe and healthy blood for patients in need.
  • It also emphasizes the importance of blood donation as a crucial component of the modern healthcare system and encourages countries to strengthen their blood transfusion services.

What is blood donation and how does it work?

Blood donation is the act of giving blood to a blood bank or transfusion service to help patients in need of a blood transfusion. The donated blood is thoroughly screened for infectious diseases and tested for compatibility with the recipient’s blood type. Once it passes these tests, it is then transfused into the patient’s bloodstream. Let’s take a closer look at the process of blood donation.

  • During the donor registration process, the donor shares personal and medical details, and their blood type is identified.
  • Donor blood that is used for screening is checked for different diseases, such as HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis.
  • During blood collection, the donor’s blood is typically taken into a clean bag or container, a process that usually lasts between 10 and 15 minutes.
  • The donated blood is tested to determine if it is compatible with the recipient’s blood type.
  • The donated blood is subjected to additional testing to ensure compatibility and evaluate other factors.
  • Donated blood is stored in a blood bank or taken to a hospital for transfusion purposes.
  • The donated blood is transfused during a transfusion.

Why is it important to donate blood?

Donating blood is a crucial act that can save lives. It helps ensure a steady supply of blood for patients in need, such as those undergoing surgery or cancer treatment. By donating blood, you can potentially help save the lives of up to three people. Blood donation also supports medical research by aiding scientists in developing new treatments and therapies.

Additionally, donating blood can be a valuable contribution in emergency situations, such as natural disasters or military conflicts, where there may be an increased demand for blood. Overall, donating blood is a simple and selfless act that can have a profound impact on the lives of others.

Diseases treated by blood donation

  • Blood donation is an essential aspect of healthcare that plays a crucial role in treating a wide range of diseases and conditions.
  • From anemia and cancer to sickle cell disease, thalassemia, hemophilia, leukemia, and sepsis, blood transfusions can alleviate symptoms and improve patient outcomes.
  • Additionally, blood donation is critical for organ transplant patients, supporting their bodies as they accept new organs and reducing the risk of rejection.
  • Patients with severe burns, bleeding disorders, trauma, and infection also benefit from blood transfusions, which can help stabilize their conditions, replace lost blood, and prevent complications.

What are some common misconceptions about blood donation that people believe?

  • There is a common misconception surrounding blood donation: that it is a painful process. However, this is not entirely true. While some people may experience minor discomfort or bruising at the donation site, most blood donation centers use sterile equipment and techniques to minimize any discomfort.
  • Another misconception is that blood donation weakens your immune system or makes you more susceptible to illness.
  • Additionally, many people believe that they are not eligible to donate due to certain medical conditions or medications. In reality, most people are eligible to donate and can give blood safely.

Statistics on donating blood

Since launching in January 2022. The E-Rakt Kosh portal has registered over 1.76 million donors in India, collecting more than 1.61 million units of blood. This highlights the nation’s commitment to addressing blood shortages.

Global level

Every year, approximately 118.54 million blood donations are collected worldwide. Surprisingly, 40% of these donations come from high-income countries, which only account for 16% of the world’s population. It’s worth noting that there are around 13,300 blood centers across 169 countries that report collecting a total of 106 million donations.

Smile India Trust is urging communities to participate in promoting World Blood Donor Day.

Our organization, Smile India Trust, provides a ray of hope for the community by encouraging individuals to participate in blood donation. We believe that even a small contribution can save millions of lives. It’s all about donating blood, and we don’t ask for any money. So why not take a step forward in making a better and healthier world for others?

Our initiatives

  • We organize blood donation awareness drives to motivate and encourage people to donate blood. We believe that donating blood can have a positive impact on both the donor’s and the recipient’s lives.
  • Additionally, our NGO conducts blood donation camps in rural and slum areas to provide timely access to blood for patients in need of treatment.
  • Moreover, we collaborate with partners like Amazon to promote blood donation on a larger scale.


Blood donation is a selfless act of kindness that plays a crucial role in making our society a better place. On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day. We strive to take things to the next level by creating awareness and encouraging people to donate blood. We also organize camps that aim to improve the quality of life for underprivileged individuals.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

World Day Against Child Labour: Smile India Trust Securing Innocent Lives

World Day Against Child Labour

Child labour is a very concerning and thoughtful topic to discuss, as addressing it can make a positive impact on the lives of children who have been forced into it. Child labour is an act when a child is forced or decides to work as labour, which is not allowed according to government laws. However, it still happens due to some cruel people who don’t believe in sympathy, care, or love. Today, on the occasion of World Day Against Child Labour, our organization, Smile India Trust, is fighting against the forces that use children for their own gain.

What is World Day Against Child Labour?

World Day Against Child Labour is observed on June 12th each year with the aim of raising awareness and promoting actions to end child labour. This day serves as a reminder of the millions of children around the world who are forced into various forms of labour.

It highlights the importance of protecting their rights, ensuring their education, and providing them with a childhood free from exploitation. It is also a call for individuals who witness child labour to advocate for policies and support that can help eliminate child labour and create a safe and nurturing environment for all children.

Why is World Day Against Child Labour celebrated?

  • The World Day Against Child Labour is observed to raise awareness and organize efforts to end child labour globally. Drawing attention to this issue allows us to emphasize the impact of child labour on children’s lives, education.
  • The day aims to raise support for preventive measures, advocate policies that safeguard children’s rights, and encourage individuals and governments to take action toward eradicating all forms of child labour.
  • Celebrating this day helps to ensure that the plights of millions of working children are not forgotten and emphasizes the collective obligation to create a society where every child lives a normal life like other well-settled children, not a life in which he has to work by force for the advantage of others.

What is child labour, and what are its different types?

Child labour refers to any form of work or activity that deprives children of their childhood potential or dignity and is harmful to their physical and mental development. It includes work that is mentally, socially, physically, or morally dangerous and harmful to children, interferes with their schooling, or requires them to work excessively long hours.

Some common types of child labour include hazardous work in sectors such as agriculture, mimicking construction and manufacturing, forced or bonded labour, domestic work, prostitution, and illicit activities such as drug trafficking or selling on the streets, as well as involvement in armed conflicts as a child soldier. These different types of child labour all violate children’s rights and perpetuate the cycle of poverty and exploitation.

What mental and physical problems do children confront when doing child labour?

  • Children engaging in child labour encounter a plethora of hurdles that can negatively influence their physical, mental, and emotional wellness. A difficult working environment puts them at risk of harm, significant disease, or even fatality.
  • Lack of access to education reinforces the cycle of poverty and limits future opportunities. Other issues include maltreatment by employers, pressure into work, poor compensation, social marginalization, and denial of basic childhood rights.
  • These difficulties not only affect the children themselves but also contribute to greater societal issues such as inequality, and poverty.

Is child labour legal in India, and if not, why?

  • The answer is that No. Child labour is unlawful in India. According to the country’s Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act. The statute forbids the employment of minors under the age of 14 in any occupation and controls the working conditions for children between the ages of 14 and 18.
  • The government has made attempts to eradicate child labour through legislation and enforcement. As well as by supporting education and social initiatives to protect children’s rights and well-being.

Statistics on child labour in India

According to the 2011 Census, India’s total kid population aged 5 to 14 is 259.6 million. Of these, 10.1 million (3.9% of the total kid population) are employed, either as “main workers” or as “marginal workers.

Future predictions

According to the Kailash Satyarthi Foundation’s research and 2011 census forecasts. India will have 7.8 million child labourers in 2023, with a male-female ratio of 57% and 43%, respectively.

Smile India Trust gives hope to children who are victims of child labour.

Our organization strongly believes that child labour is an act of punishment, and the government should strictly punish those who are using children for their profit. Using their potential in awful work rather than taking care of their future.

Child labouring in India is pretty common. As many parents also force their children to work as labourers so that they can have money in return. Smile India Trust wants to change and eradicate this tradition from society permanently.

Our action against child labour

  • we teach children about laws and their rights so that they can lead lives free from being compelled to work as labourers.
  • Furthermore, we conduct awareness campaigns in slums and rural areas with a high prevalence of child labour. Teaching people how they can prevent such incidents and protect children’s lives.
  • Our childcare supervision programs are designed to offer support and guidance to children in order to enhance their confidence. Thus preventing them from developing disorders and fostering resilience.
  • Finally, we offer children a high standard of education that helps them build confidence in themselves.


On World Day Against Child Labour, Smile India Trust is making efforts to tackle the child labour issue. We are making the environment safer for children and saving lives through activities such as awareness camps. Education on child rights and legislation, and the establishment of child care watch programs. Our NGO is working toward a society that prioritizes children’s protection and well-being. Allowing us to work together to abolish child labour and create a brighter future for the next generation.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Smile India Trust: World Environment Day: A Step Toward a Green World

World Environment Day


A green environment is essential for human survival. Without a healthy natural world, wealth and fame are meaningless. There is no substitute for nature, and we should always keep this in mind. No matter how far science advances, nothing can replace the importance of nature and its role in sustaining life on Earth. On this World Environment Day, let’s make a promise to improve our environment and contribute to the health of Mother Earth. Smile India Trust is making positive changes in society through various initiatives aimed at maintaining an evergreen environment.

What is World Environment Day?

World Environment Day (WED) is a global event celebrated on June 5th every year to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. It was established in 1972 to mark the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, which was held in Stockholm, Sweden.

Why is World Environment Day celebrated?

World Environment Day is celebrated to spread awareness about protecting the environment and preventing it.

It is a day to remind people of the grave consequences of environmental degradation, such as climate change, pollution, and the loss of biodiversity. On this day, people around the world come together to organize events, campaigns, and activities that promote sustainable living, conservation, and environmental protection.

Why is it crucial to have a healthy environment, and what bad effects can it have on humanity if it is not healthy?

  • A healthy environment is crucial because it provides the foundation for human health, economic growth, and social well-being.
  • When the environment is degraded, it can have severe consequences for our health, including an increased risk of diseases, respiratory problems, and mental health issues.
  • Moreover, a polluted environment can also harm our economy, leading to a loss of productivity, reduced competitiveness, and decreased quality of life.
  • Additionally, a healthy environment is essential for ensuring the long-term survival of our planet and nature, as it provides the necessary ecosystem services such as clean air and water, food security, and climate regulation.

How can a poor environment lead to the destruction of nature?

A poor environment can have detrimental effects on the health of nature. Pollution, such as air, water, and soil pollution, can harm plants, animals, and the overall ecosystem. Deforestation leads to the loss of habitats and biodiversity, impacting the balance of the ecosystem.

Habitat destruction and fragmentation disturb the natural movement of animals, causing population decline and potential extinction. It’s important to prioritize environmental conservation to ensure the well-being of all living beings.

Why is there no replacement for nature?

Nature doesn’t have a subtitle because it is truly unique and special. One scientific reason for this is its biodiversity. Biodiversity refers to the variety of living things and ecosystems on Earth. 

Nature also provides us with important things like clean air, water, and food. This is why it’s so important to take care of our environment and keep it safe for future generations.

What factors are leading to the destruction of our environment?

There are several factors contributing to the destruction of the environment. Such as human activities like industrialization, deforestation, and the burning of fossil fuels. These activities release harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading to climate change. Pollution from industries, agriculture, and waste disposal contaminates air, water, and soil, harming ecosystems and biodiversity.

Unsustainable practices like overfishing and overexploitation of natural resources deplete our oceans and foster environmental damage. Additionally, rapid urbanization and infrastructure development often result in habitat destruction and fragmentation. It’s crucial that we address these issues if we wish for humanity to continue to exist.

Global statistics on nature and the environment

  • In 2015, 275 out of 390 monitored rivers (70%) were found to be polluted.
  • The total tropical primary forest loss in 2023 amounted to 3.7 million hectares. Which is equivalent to losing almost 10 football (soccer) fields of forest per minute. This represents a 9% decrease from 2022, but the rate in 2023 was nearly the same as that of 2019 and 2021.
  • The combined effects of ambient air pollution and household air pollution are associated with 6.7 million premature deaths annually. 

Smile India Trust’s unwavering commitment to improving the environment.

Smile India Trust is making a significant impact on society to save our environment and Mother Earth on the occasion of World Environment Day. We believe that we have only given back a fraction of what nature has provided us. It is crucial to protect the environment not only for human survival but also for a better and more beautiful life. 

Our actions
  • We undertake various initiatives to protect our environment. This includes planting trees with our professional team to heal Mother Earth.
  • Additionally, we organize awareness camps to motivate people in society to join us in creating a green and healthy world.
  • We also educate people about the harmful effects of plastic use and conduct clean-up drives in various areas to ensure a clean and healthy atmosphere.
  • Lastly, we raise awareness about preventing air and water pollution by encouraging people to avoid dumping waste in water bodies and to minimize the use of air conditioners, among other activities.


As Smile India Trust. we protect the environment on World Environment Day. We have successfully contributed to the preservation of nature and the conservation of the environment for future generations. Our initiatives to raise awareness and educate people on the importance of reducing plastic use. Planting trees, and conserving natural resources have deeply resonated with our community.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Smile India Trust: Only hope for people addicted to tobacco: World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day

Tobacco is a very harmful substance that is freely available in countries where there is no ban on it. People who consume tobacco not only endanger their own lives but also the lives of their families and contribute to the worsening of society. It is essential to address this issue if we wish to prevent the downfall of our country’s youth. On World No Tobacco Day, Smile India Trust is working towards creating a tobacco-free society where this poison will no longer harm the lives of innocent people.

What is World No Tobacco Day?

World No Tobacco Day is commemorated every year on May 31st to increase public awareness about the detrimental impact of tobacco usage and to encourage people to quit or avoid using tobacco products.

This global health initiative, established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1987, aims to educate individuals about the dangers of tobacco and promote a tobacco-free lifestyle to reduce the burden of tobacco-related illnesses and fatalities worldwide.

What is the message that World No Tobacco Day aims to spread in the community?

World No Tobacco Day aims to spread awareness about the severe health risks associated with tobacco use. The day encourages individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles by either quitting tobacco or refraining from starting its use in the first place. It also highlights the need for stronger policies and measures to regulate and control tobacco production, marketing, and consumption.

Moreover, the day fosters a sense of collective responsibility, urging communities to support one another in overcoming tobacco addiction and promoting a tobacco-free environment for future generations.

Why is it important to prevent the use of tobacco?

  • Preventing tobacco use is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, tobacco consumption is responsible for numerous health issues, significantly reducing the overall quality of life for users. Secondly, tobacco use not only affects individuals but also has far-reaching consequences for society.
  • It imposes a substantial economic burden on healthcare systems and contributes to environmental pollution through cigarette waste. Moreover, tobacco addiction often leads to social issues such as poverty, unemployment, and family breakdown.
  • By preventing tobacco use, we can significantly reduce the occurrence of these health, economic, and social problems, ultimately leading to healthier, more prosperous, and more sustainable communities.

What kinds of diseases may people develop if they consume tobacco?

Tobacco consumption is associated with a wide range of diseases and health complications that can have a significant impact on individual well-being and life expectancy. Some of the most common diseases linked to tobacco use include lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems.

Furthermore, tobacco consumption can lead to oral health issues such as stroke, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. It is crucial to understand and acknowledge these risks to encourage healthier lifestyle choices and promote overall wellness.

Statistics on global tobacco consumption.”

  • Around 80% of the world’s 1.3 billion tobacco users reside in low- and middle-income countries. In 2020, 22.3% of the global population used tobacco, with 36.7% of men and 7.8% of women being consumers.
  • As of 2021, it is estimated that about 46 million adults in the United States, or 18.7% of the population, currently use tobacco products. These products include cigarettes (11.5%), e-cigarettes (4.5%), cigars (3.5%), smokeless tobacco (2.1%), and pipes (including hookah) (0.9%).
  • China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of tobacco. There are over 300 million smokers in China, which accounts for nearly one-third of the global total.

Death rate due to tobacco consumption

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 8 million people die prematurely every year due to tobacco use. This is the most recent estimate available as of November 2023.

Out of these deaths, more than 7 million are directly caused by tobacco use, while about 1.3 million are non-smokers who die as a result of exposure to second-hand smoke.

Smile India Trust’s motives and beliefs regarding the establishment of a tobacco-free society.

At Smile India Trust, we understand the value of life and how important it is to take care of our health. We have witnessed people struggling to live a decent life due to various reasons like poverty, lack of employment, and more.

However, it becomes even more crucial to prioritize our health and well-being. Unfortunately, in India, many people living in slums and rural areas, especially the youth, are high consumers of tobacco, which is a serious concern.

This issue is not only limited to India but worldwide, where many people consume tobacco, putting their health at risk and stealing the only hope their parents have in the form of them. Our organization aims to eliminate tobacco use and motivate people to quit this poison as soon as possible. We run various initiatives to make this happen.

Initiatives that we undertake to create a society free from tobacco.

Our organization provides counseling services to help people, especially the youth, understand the harmful effects of tobacco on our health. We aim to promote a tobacco-free lifestyle so that people can lead a healthy life.

In addition to counseling, we also conduct awareness camps in slums and rural areas to inform people about the ill effects of tobacco on both individuals and society. Our goal is to motivate people who are using tobacco to quit and adopt a healthier way of living.


Tobacco use is not right, and everyone knows that it can threaten their lives. However, despite this knowledge, people still use it. The best we can do is raise awareness about the consequences of tobacco use and motivate those who are addicted to quit. On this World No Tobacco Day, our organization aims to spread the message of an illness-free society by encouraging people not to use tobacco and thus saving lives.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

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