About NGO


About NGO In| All About Smile India Trust a Non-Profit Organization

This information is about NGO Smile India Trust, which serves humanity. We as an organization strive to help the people and children living in slums. Our organization serves the poor to give them a better future. That serves poor people and children free of cost. NGOs in India are essential and fulfill the vital need of society. The ultimate goal of our organization is to provide ultimate support to minorities. These people are very poor and cannot survive on their own. We all know how important food is for human survival. Keeping in mind the fact we distribute cooked food in the slums. Daily we feed around 5000-6000 families and children delicious and healthy meals. To save them from hunger & diseases caused by staying hungry most of the time. 

Our organization empowers women for their rights and equality. There are a few campaigns like the fight against the practice of Sati, dowry, and other social threats. To educate women, reduce the rate of female feticide, work for women, etc. We have special counseling sections. Education is the only way to make a female financially independent. Making them financially independent is the only way to secure their future. We provide free education to the children living in slum areas. Our NGO is doing everything we can to help these families.

Some service facts about NGO Smile India Trust: –

  • Human rights and child rights
  • Poverty eradication
  • Prevent Social Injustice
  • Conservation of Environment
  • Aged people care routine
  • Empowerment of women
  • Disease Control and others
  • Health and Nutrition plans
  • Conservation of Wildlife
  • Hygiene and Sanitation conditions
  • Humanitarian Relief
  • Education plans and literacy

The services of NGOs contribute to enhancing the financial condition of our country. We initiate programs to help poor families. Many poor people do not get proper food and medical supplies. Our NGO facilitates them with that. About NGOs, this is the best thing that our initiatives are causing changes in society. Our NGO plays an important role in addressing the public and solving issues and needs. They play a big role in giving voice to the destitute people. 

It is one of the elements of the NGO which guarantees that the public authority is accountable. And is taking care of the residents’ issues in a manner that makes the states accountable. This is our duty to make people feel safe and secure. And the skills to support improvement and adaptability. 

Conclusion about NGO Smile India Trust:-

The potential opportunity to help those around you is rewarding for you. And your society as it takes toward the improvement and development of our country. It is true that those who voluntarily identify themselves, are intellectually superior and giving inspires people around you. Helping the poor without asking anything in return is an act of kindness.

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