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Famous NGOs in India: Smile India Trust, building a hunger-free society

Famous NGOs in India

Famous NGOs in India:- hunger is a feeling that arises when your stomach growls like a ferocious lion, begging for food to fill its empty belly. It’s a gnawing sensation that leaves you weak and longing for nourishment. It’s a reminder that access to food is a basic human need, yet many individuals lack it. We believe that no one should have to endure the pain of an empty plate in our country.

A famous NGO in India Smile India Trust hopes for the less fortunate.

Smile India Trust famous NGO in India. It’s a social service organization that assists underprivileged and needy individuals. Our main objective is to provide support in the areas of basic fundamental necessities through various programs and make significant contributions to the development of the community.

How can hunger lead to poor health?

When we don’t have access to enough nutritious food, our bodies can suffer from a lack of essential nutrition, which can lead to health problems such as malnutrition, weakness, a weakened immune system, and delayed physical development. It’s important to ensure a balanced and adequate food intake so that we can stay healthy and active.

How many people still lack food in India?

  • India, home to over 190 million hungry people, accounts for one-quarter of the world’s undernourished, with a population of 1.4 billion.
  • India’s progress against hunger has nearly halted since 2015, causing it to rank 111 out of 125 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2023, reflecting a global trend.
The state with no hunger.
  • Out of the 17 states evaluated, Punjab ranked first, with Kerala and Andhra Pradesh close behind.
  • While Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, and Chhattisgarh ranked as the worst performers.
  • On our planet, many individuals struggle to provide sustenance for themselves and their offspring. Shockingly, despite there being enough food to feed the entire world, approximately 690 million people still go to bed hungry each night. Furthermore, out of these 690 million people, 189.2 million reside in India. Malnutrition was responsible for 69 percent of child fatalities in India during the period 2019–20. The pandemic has worsened this dire situation, exposing India’s severe inequality.

What are the reasons behind hunger in India?

  • Poverty is a significant issue in India, with a large portion of the population living below the poverty line and lacking the means to afford sufficient food.
  • India’s vast wealth gap leaves many vulnerable to hunger due to unequal income distribution.
  • Many rural areas in India lack access to basic amenities such as clean water, sanitation, and healthcare. This makes it difficult for communities to maintain good health and nutritional status.
  • Inefficient agricultural policies Inadequate support for farmers, a lack of investment in modern farming techniques, and poor infrastructure contribute to low agricultural productivity.
  • India’s food supply chain suffers from inefficiencies, leading to waste and inadequate distribution to those in need.
  • Social, economic, caste, gender, and religious inequalities exacerbate hunger by limiting marginalized communities’ access to resources.
  • Inadequate education and a lack of awareness about nutrition can lead to poor dietary choices and hunger.
  • High unemployment rates lead to limited food access for Indian families.

How can hunger affect society and the country?

Hunger has significant impacts on society and countries in various ways. At the individual level, hunger leads to malnutrition, reduced productivity, and a weakened immune system, which can result in long-term health issues and poverty. Socially, hunger contributes to increased crime rates, social unrest, and strained relationships within families.

On a national level, hunger can affect a country’s economy through decreased workforce efficiency, increased healthcare costs, and reduced economic growth. Moreover, hunger often indicates deeper issues within a society, such as inadequate food distribution, political instability, and environmental challenges. Thus, addressing hunger is crucial for fostering a healthy and stable society and nation.

How can we make a hunger-free nation?

To eliminate hunger, we need to address the underlying causes through various approaches. These include improving agricultural productivity, ensuring fair food distribution, promoting economic growth and job opportunities, investing in education and healthcare, and fostering social equality.

Additionally, addressing climate change and environmental degradation can contribute to long-term food security. Through the collective efforts of the government, we can create a sustainable food system.

Famous NGO in India Smile India Trust is creating a sustainable life for the unfortunate.

The Smile India Trust, a Famous NGO in India, provides a ray of hope for individuals who lack necessities. We offer support to help them improve their lives and become self-sufficient, responsible citizens of the country.

  • The organization provides free nutritious meals in slums and high-stress areas to eradicate hunger, ensuring no innocent soul goes hungry.
  • We provide medical care and medications to those in need as an NGO.
  • We empower women in our community by providing them with high-quality education and practical skills training, enabling them to become self-sufficient.
  • Quality education and study materials are provided to help break the cycle of poverty and ensure a brighter future for our youth.


Smile India Trust is a Famous NGO in India that works towards the betterment of society and its people. Our aim is to make every individual self-sufficient and confident. With our dedication and goal of creating a world where everyone has access to their rights and resources, we support underprivileged people to achieve it.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter



A Beacon Among Famous NGOs in India, Transforming Lives with Compassion and Purpose

Famous NGOs in India

Famous NGOs in India With an unbroken compassion and a clear goal, Smile India Trust is a light of hope amidst the vast array of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in India. This article explores Smile India Trust’s incredible story, including its beginnings, goals, and the significant projects that have made it stand out among other well-known NGOs in India.

Smile India Trust’s Origins: A Beacon among Famous NGOs in India

Smile India Trust was established with modest beginnings to actually improve the lives of the impoverished. The group, which visionary leaders and driven individuals founded, began by committing to tackling socioeconomic issues and improving areas that were experiencing hardship.

Mission and Values:

At the heart of Smile India Trust’s success lies a strong sense of mission and core values. The organization is driven by a commitment to eradicating poverty, promoting education, ensuring healthcare access, and fostering sustainable development. Its values, rooted in compassion, integrity, and inclusivity, guide every initiative undertaken by the NGO.

Key Focus Areas:

Education for All:

Smile India Trust recognizes education as a powerful tool for empowerment. Through a myriad of programs, including school infrastructure development, scholarships, and vocational training, the NGO strives to break the cycle of poverty by providing quality education to underprivileged children.

Healthcare Initiatives:

The company is aware of the inextricable connection between wellbeing and health. In order to guarantee that underserved areas receive the care they require, Smile India Trust’s healthcare programs include medical camps, awareness campaigns, and assistance for essential medical procedures.

Women’s Empowerment:

The foundation of Smile India Trust’s work is the empowerment of women. The organization supports awareness campaigns, entrepreneurship, and skill development in order to empower women and create an atmosphere in which they may confidently lead and make a positive impact on their communities.

Innovative Programs and Success Stories:

What sets Smile India Trust apart is its innovative approach to addressing social challenges. The organization continuously devises and implements programs that have a lasting impact. From adopting modern teaching methodologies in schools to leveraging technology for healthcare outreach, Smile India Trust remains at the forefront of innovation within the Famous NGOs in India sector.

Success stories abound, illustrating the positive changes brought about by the organization. From a once-impoverished village where education was a distant dream to a thriving community with empowered individuals, Smile India Trust’s impact resonates across the nation.

Collaborations and Partnerships:

Recognizing the magnitude of the challenges it aims to address, Smile India Trust actively collaborates with governmental bodies, corporate entities, and other NGOs. These partnerships enhance the organization’s reach, ensuring that its initiatives have a broader and more sustainable impact.

By fostering collaborations, Smile India Trust taps into diverse expertise, resources, and networks, amplifying its ability to create positive change. This collaborative approach exemplifies a model for effective NGO engagement in India.

Challenges and Overcoming Adversity:

No journey is without its challenges, and Smile India Trust has faced its fair share. The organization has shown resilience and adaptability, from navigating bureaucratic hurdles to mobilizing resources in the face of economic uncertainties. Learning from setbacks, Smile India Trust has emerged stronger, using challenges as opportunities for growth and refinement of its strategies.

Impact Assessment and Transparency:

A hallmark of credible NGOs is their commitment to transparency and impact assessment. Smile India Trust adheres to rigorous evaluation processes, regularly assessing the outcomes of its programs. By maintaining transparency in financial matters and reporting, the organization builds trust with its stakeholders, including donors, beneficiaries, and the wider community.

The Function of Technology in Promoting Transformation:

 In the era of digitalization, technology is a major force behind societal transformation. In order to improve communication, reach out to isolated populations, and streamline operations, Smile India Trust welcomes technology innovations. Utilizing technology as a force multiplier in its quest to alter lives, the organization runs medicinal distribution and education programs.  In covid, we digitally were educating as well as helping the needy with ration through telecommunication.

Sustainability and Outlook for the Future:

 Sustainability continues to be a top priority for Smile India Trust. The group is dedicated to creating self-sufficient communities that are able to prosper on their own. Smile India Trust seeks to leave a long-lasting legacy of good change via community involvement and capacity-building initiatives.

In an ever-evolving landscape, Smile India Trust exemplifies the spirit of innovation and resilience necessary for NGOs to thrive. Its sustainable approach, rooted in compassion and guided by a clear vision, serves as an inspiration for other organizations seeking to make a meaningful impact on society.


Smile India Trust stands as a testament to the transformative power of compassion and purpose. In a country rich with NGOs, this organization has carved a niche for itself by addressing core issues with innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to sustainable development. As Smile India Trust continues to illuminate the path toward positive change, it serves as a beacon among famous NGOs in India, inspiring hope and making a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter








Famous NGOs in India on World Tuberculosis (TB) Day

Famous NGOs in India

One of India’s main public health issues is tuberculosis. About 220,000 people die from tuberculosis in India each year, making it a serious public health issue. India is home to the greatest tuberculosis pandemic in the world, according to WHO estimates. Smile India Trust famous NGOs in India on World Tuberculosis Day, relies on one of India’s well-known non-governmental organizations to raise awareness of the disease’s devastating health, social, and economic consequences, as well as the efforts being made to eradicate it. Take a look at this year’s theme, its history, its significance, and some facts of the day.

In today’s era, there is concern about health. A nation’s health is one of the most important markers of its level of development or economic standing since a wealthy nation is a nation that is in good health.

Health-related issues need to be treated seriously in a nation that wants to develop, according to the World Health Organization. Globally, the population is growing in comparison to earlier years. Various health risks that this group is subject to the need to be addressed globally.

Tuberculosis Day Objective 

Many countries have focused a lot of attention on tuberculosis as a worldwide issue. Mycobacterium illness is what it is. There are numerous strains of this mycobacterium that cause illness.

One of the main health issues impacting the Indian population is tuberculosis. According to the research, youths are frequently infected with this particular ailment. Smile India Trust one of the famous NGOs in India sees it’s important to note that young are always the most active segment in any country because they are powerful and have room to grow at their potential to improve their own lives, the lives of others around them, and the country as a whole.

Famous NGOs in India on World Tuberculosis Day History

The discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, by Dr. Robert Koch on this day in 1882 paved the door for the treatment and diagnosis of the illness. We cannot deny that TB is still the most lethal infectious killer on the globe. At the UN High-Level Conference in September 2018, heads of state came together for the first time 2018 to coordinate efforts to speed up the response to TB in nations and make promises to end the disease.

What is Tuberculosis?

 Tuberculosis, which is also known as, TB, this disease is caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium. The disease, primarily targets the lung part, apart from this it also affects another body part, which includes the kidney, spine, joints, and brain. It is a dangerous disease, though it is a curable one.

Let us inform you that around one-third of people on the planet have latent tuberculosis, which refers to those who have contracted the TB germs but have not yet developed symptoms and cannot spread the disease.

Basically, there is also a 10% lifetime risk of developing TB disease for those who have contracted  TB germs. However, these persons are at greater risk than those with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV, malnutrition, or diabetes, or those who smoke or are at significantly higher risk of contracting an illness.

Types of Tuberculosis

However, There are 2 types of tuberculosis that affect the lungs part of the human body and deteriorate the health of an individual.

Latent TB:  When you have a TB infection, but no symptoms are present because the germs are dormant in your body, this condition is referred to as latent TB. Although latent TB is not contagious, it has the potential to become active.

Active TB:  The tuberculosis symptoms you experience are known as “active TB,” which occurs when the TB germs in your body multiply. Furthermore, you can quickly infect people with active TB if your lungs get the infection.

 Symptoms of Tuberculosis

People suffering from Latent TB don’t show any symptoms unless they go under blood test or have a skin reaction test.

The Following are the symptoms shown in active TB cases:

  • Cough (if longer than 2 weeks)
  • Fever
  • Chest Pain
  • Weight Loss
  • Fatigue
  • Sweats during night
  • Blood in mucus

World Tuberculosis Day Themes

       1997: Use DOTS more widely

        1998: DOTS success stories

        1999: Stop TB, use DOTS

        2000: Forging new partnerships to Stop TB

        2001: DOTS: TB cure for all

        2002: Stop TB, fight poverty

        2003: DOTS cured me – it will cure you too!

        2004: Every breath counts – Stop TB now!

        2005: Frontline TB care providers: Heroes in the fight against TB

        2006: Actions for life – Towards a world free of TB

        2007: TB anywhere is TB everywhere

        2008–2009: I am stopping TB

        2010: Innovate to accelerate action

        2011: Transforming the fight towards elimination

        2012: Call for a world free of TB

        2013: Stop TB in my lifetime

         2014: Reach the three million: A TB test, treatment and cure for all

        2015: Gear up to end TB

        2016: Unite to End TB

        017: Unite to End TB

        2018: Wanted: Leaders for a TB-free world

        2019: It’s time

        2020: It’s time to end TB!

         2021: The clock is ticking

        2022: Invest to end TB. Save Lives

        2023: Yes! We Can End TB

Tuberculosis Treatment

However, medicine uses to treat and cure TB conditions. Patients with TB must take their medications on time and finish them as directed. Further, there is a risk of getting sick again if they discontinue taking the medication too soon or don’t finish the recommended dosage. The TB germs that are still alive could become resistant to the medications if they aren’t taken properly.

Moreover, early diagnosis and treatment are options for tuberculosis. When treating the condition, the TB strain is also crucial. Antibiotics uses as a kind of treatment for latent TB. The affected individuals basically advise taking a number of medications for a period of roughly nine months if they have active TB. However, individuals who have the drug-resistant type of TB face a more challenging course of treatment.

Government Initiative for Tuberculosis

After seeing, mainly tuberculosis as a serious concern and an increase in the number of cases, India has the highest number of TB cases, with an estimation of 26 lakhs people. Apart from this, every year, 4 lakhs people die from this hazardous disease.

After all, the major challenge in India is to tackle the poor healthcare infrastructure at the village level and the unregulated health facilities of private hospitals. However, to address all of this, the government of India launched the Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan, which aims to eliminate it by 2025. The target to eliminate it by 2025  directly connects to Sustainable Development Goal 2030.

The TB Harega Desh Jeetega Campaign, The Nikshay Ecosystem (a national TB information system), and The Nikshay Poshan Yojana (financial support).  The National Strategic Plan (NSP) for Tuberculosis Elimination (2017–2025). Two TB vaccines, MIP (Mycobacterium Indicus Pranii) and VPM (Vaccine Projekt Management) 1002,  creates, identified, and are currently undergoing Phase 3 clinical trials.


Nikhya Poshan Yojana With a direct benefit transfer to the patients, it offers Rs 500 in assistance. Ayushman Bharat Digital Health Mission: As part of the Ayushman Bharat Digital Health Mission, the government has concentrated on utilising technology and producing digital health IDs for TB sufferers in order to guarantee access to proper diagnosis and treatment.

Smile India Trust famous NGOs in India see this biggest campaign, which is important for the country to eradicate this long battle.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to know more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Famous NGOs in India | Let’s bring equality to poor people in society

Smile India Trust

The Smile India Trust is one of the most famous NGOs in India. We serve low-income families. These people have very limited access to resources. Our NGO provides them with their necessities. These families are already suffering a lot due to their living conditions. Further, if people will discriminate against these people this is not good to look. Smile India Trust NGO acts as a bridge and tries to fill the gap to bring equality to society.

We all are aware of the law of the Right to equality. The Right to equality comes under Article 14 of Indian law. This is one of the fundamental rights. The right to equality ensures equal protection of the laws of every person. It is not only the right of Indian citizens, but also the right of non-citizens. Article 14 defines no one is above the law. All are equal in the eye of the law. 

Equality is all about ensuring equal opportunity for every individual. This helps individuals in bringing the best out of themselves. Equality helps poor people as well as to have equal rights to improve their condition. Through our continuous initiatives, we have moved forward in bringing equality to society. 

Gender Equality prevents violence against women and girls. This is essential for economic prosperity. Societies that value women and men as equal are safer and healthier. Gender equality is a human right, working together we can give a happy and healthy life to underprivileged families. 

Vision as Famous NGOs in India 

The Smile India Trust vision for gender equality is for all Victorians to:

Education NGO in Noida

  • Our NGO wants the poor to live in a safe and equal society.
  • We want to have equal access to power, resources, and opportunities.
  • They should be treated with dignity, respect, and fairness.

Gender equality is not going to take place in one day. This will happen, but it will take time. That is why Smile India NGO is taking measurable steps to improve the condition of society. We are working for the betterment of society. We expect your love and support from our readers and donors. This is important because your help will save so many lives. 

Inequality affects everyone living in society. It is not restricted to particular gender or society. You can’t even imagine how worse it is at some places. Smile India Trust is among the famous NGOs in India as they always think for the betterment of society. Let’s discuss how gender inequality affects at various stages. 


  • Gender Equality influences children’s identity from the very beginning.
  • Men are given many times more attention than younger women in the study room.
  • Young women get 11% less pocket cash than young men.
  • Youth group business and practice, as intended.
  • Orientation generalizations affect conduct and focus on decisions, desires, and mindsets about relationships.
  • Girls are more willing to participate in coordinated sports.
  • Young women are more likely to do advanced math subjects in their last longer school years.
  • 1 in 3 women over the age of 15 has faced physical violence. 
  • Women with disabilities face family abuse.
  • They are bound to be unemployed or underemployed.
  • They are not paid as much as disabled men and women with disabilities.
  • Our Smile India Trust NGO helps them fight on their own by making the self-employed. 


What does The Smile India Trust do to stand out as a Famous NGO in India?

Smile India Trust NGO tries to tackle every problem faced by women and children of our society. One is the base of new life and the other is that child on which the future of the economy depends. We make sure that we help every person in their difficult times. When you are among the Famous NGOs in India it brings lots of responsibilities. Here are some which we had already initiated in society for the welfare of poor people.

  • Food Distribution

A vital need for a human to conduct their activities. But, due to a lack of money poor families are unable to buy rations. This is not their current problem this was even worse during the pandemic. But, by following every precaution volunteers distributed rations and other supplies in slums. 

  • Education

Food helps in improving physical abilities, whereas education helps in improving mental ability. It gives humans a sense of differentiating between right and wrong. Lack of education sometimes indulged the children on the wrong paths. Volunteers provide free-of-cost education to children living in slums. 

  • Girl2B educational support

The Smile India Trust NGO supports the Girl2B initiative in which we educate the girl child. There is an old quote that says if you are educating a girl, you are educating a family. Smile India Trust NGO works for the welfare of families. We strive to give a healthy and wealthy life to poor families.

  • Health Access

Low-income Families are not able to earn so much money that they can afford a good hospital for treatment. Smile India Trust NGO has a team of good doctors who selflessly visit slums and treat poor families. Not only do they treat them but educate them on the ways to stay healthy. Volunteers distribute them vitamin capsules, Sanitary pads(female), and other medical support. During Covid, also we distributed masks, sanitizers, and gloves to protect them. 

  • Child Watch

This service act as a safety net for poor children. Volunteers patrol at night and if they identify cases, they immediately bring them. Because of this service, many children get food, counseling, and other care. Smile India Trust NGO is ready 24*7 to support and uplift the life quality of poor people. 


Why support Smile India Trust?

NGOs are not doing anything for themselves, we are doing it for improving the living standard of the poor. We urge all of you to come together to support our initiatives. Alone we cannot help them in their fight for a longer period. We have supported and improved the lives of many people whose stories are there on our website. You can visit our website for reading such stories, blogs, and articles. Click on this link to visit our famous NGO in India website  You can get daily updates from our social media sites. Like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.