Press Releases

Delhi Government awarded Smile India Trust with Gaurav Samaan 2023
The prestigious Gaurav Samaan Award has been given to the Smile India Trust, marking a significant accomplishment. For its exceptional achievements and unrelenting dedication to social service. Particularly for doing extraordinary work during the Delhi floods. Apart from that, the Gaurav Samaan 2023 was bestowed on us for the overall work we do in the field of NGO.
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Smile India Trust Receives Prestigious Delhi Ratna Award for Exemplary Service
Smile India Trust has been instrumental in shaping the future of underprivileged children by working towards securing their basic rights. Founded in 2015 and registered in 2017, this non-governmental organization (NGO) has been tirelessly working towards the betterment of the underprivileged in our society.
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Smile India Trust has organized a blood donation camp in association with the Noida Charitable Blood Bank
On the 13th of November, 2019, Smile India Trust has organized a blood donation camp in association with the Noida Charitable Blood Bank. Blood donation is one of the core activities of the organization. Through blood donation drives, Smile India Trust is helping those needy people who can’t afford the life-saving blood for themselves. Several participants actively participated in the noble cause. Furthermore, the donors have got a blood donation card along with the appreciation certificate for future use.To know more about the blood donation camp, go through the article covered by Jai Hind Janab, a Hindi Newspaper.
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Nothing is more important than the health and well-being of an individual. You are blessed if you are living a healthy life
Smile India Trust has supported more than 400 students from the same school by organizing free health camps. Under the check-up camp, doctors instructed the principal of Sanskar Public School regarding the ideal weight and height along with the health conditions of the children. To know more about the health camps, go through the article covered by Royal Bulletin Noida Samachar, a Hindi Newspaper…….
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The last few weeks have been unsettling for people across the world because of the COVID-19 outbreak. With the virus spreading view rapidly across the globe, the World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 a pandemic. In of the continually evolving global situation, here is a behind the scenes view of what we at Smile India Trust NGO is doing for mankind..
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