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Smile India Trust: Only hope for people addicted to tobacco: World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day

Tobacco is a very harmful substance that is freely available in countries where there is no ban on it. People who consume tobacco not only endanger their own lives but also the lives of their families and contribute to the worsening of society. It is essential to address this issue if we wish to prevent the downfall of our country’s youth. On World No Tobacco Day, Smile India Trust is working towards creating a tobacco-free society where this poison will no longer harm the lives of innocent people.

What is World No Tobacco Day?

World No Tobacco Day is commemorated every year on May 31st to increase public awareness about the detrimental impact of tobacco usage and to encourage people to quit or avoid using tobacco products.

This global health initiative, established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1987, aims to educate individuals about the dangers of tobacco and promote a tobacco-free lifestyle to reduce the burden of tobacco-related illnesses and fatalities worldwide.

What is the message that World No Tobacco Day aims to spread in the community?

World No Tobacco Day aims to spread awareness about the severe health risks associated with tobacco use. The day encourages individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles by either quitting tobacco or refraining from starting its use in the first place. It also highlights the need for stronger policies and measures to regulate and control tobacco production, marketing, and consumption.

Moreover, the day fosters a sense of collective responsibility, urging communities to support one another in overcoming tobacco addiction and promoting a tobacco-free environment for future generations.

Why is it important to prevent the use of tobacco?

  • Preventing tobacco use is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, tobacco consumption is responsible for numerous health issues, significantly reducing the overall quality of life for users. Secondly, tobacco use not only affects individuals but also has far-reaching consequences for society.
  • It imposes a substantial economic burden on healthcare systems and contributes to environmental pollution through cigarette waste. Moreover, tobacco addiction often leads to social issues such as poverty, unemployment, and family breakdown.
  • By preventing tobacco use, we can significantly reduce the occurrence of these health, economic, and social problems, ultimately leading to healthier, more prosperous, and more sustainable communities.

What kinds of diseases may people develop if they consume tobacco?

Tobacco consumption is associated with a wide range of diseases and health complications that can have a significant impact on individual well-being and life expectancy. Some of the most common diseases linked to tobacco use include lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems.

Furthermore, tobacco consumption can lead to oral health issues such as stroke, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. It is crucial to understand and acknowledge these risks to encourage healthier lifestyle choices and promote overall wellness.

Statistics on global tobacco consumption.”

  • Around 80% of the world’s 1.3 billion tobacco users reside in low- and middle-income countries. In 2020, 22.3% of the global population used tobacco, with 36.7% of men and 7.8% of women being consumers.
  • As of 2021, it is estimated that about 46 million adults in the United States, or 18.7% of the population, currently use tobacco products. These products include cigarettes (11.5%), e-cigarettes (4.5%), cigars (3.5%), smokeless tobacco (2.1%), and pipes (including hookah) (0.9%).
  • China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of tobacco. There are over 300 million smokers in China, which accounts for nearly one-third of the global total.

Death rate due to tobacco consumption

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 8 million people die prematurely every year due to tobacco use. This is the most recent estimate available as of November 2023.

Out of these deaths, more than 7 million are directly caused by tobacco use, while about 1.3 million are non-smokers who die as a result of exposure to second-hand smoke.

Smile India Trust’s motives and beliefs regarding the establishment of a tobacco-free society.

At Smile India Trust, we understand the value of life and how important it is to take care of our health. We have witnessed people struggling to live a decent life due to various reasons like poverty, lack of employment, and more.

However, it becomes even more crucial to prioritize our health and well-being. Unfortunately, in India, many people living in slums and rural areas, especially the youth, are high consumers of tobacco, which is a serious concern.

This issue is not only limited to India but worldwide, where many people consume tobacco, putting their health at risk and stealing the only hope their parents have in the form of them. Our organization aims to eliminate tobacco use and motivate people to quit this poison as soon as possible. We run various initiatives to make this happen.

Initiatives that we undertake to create a society free from tobacco.

Our organization provides counseling services to help people, especially the youth, understand the harmful effects of tobacco on our health. We aim to promote a tobacco-free lifestyle so that people can lead a healthy life.

In addition to counseling, we also conduct awareness camps in slums and rural areas to inform people about the ill effects of tobacco on both individuals and society. Our goal is to motivate people who are using tobacco to quit and adopt a healthier way of living.


Tobacco use is not right, and everyone knows that it can threaten their lives. However, despite this knowledge, people still use it. The best we can do is raise awareness about the consequences of tobacco use and motivate those who are addicted to quit. On this World No Tobacco Day, our organization aims to spread the message of an illness-free society by encouraging people not to use tobacco and thus saving lives.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

View Synonyms and Definitions

NGO Services in India Smile India Trust eliminating social issues that create poverty.

NGO Services

NGO Services: A typical human being desires to lead a decent life where they have all the necessities they require, and the same goes for their family. However, in India, a majority of people lack fundamental necessities due to social issues, which also hinder the growth of both the community and individuals who want to achieve something in life. This scenario is particularly challenging for underprivileged people, who struggle daily to meet their basic needs. Let’s take a look at how Smile India Trust is eliminating social issues and making lives better.

NGO Services by Smile India Trust inspire aid in adverse situations.

NGO Services offer hope and a solution to issues on a large scale. With facilities and services provided by NGOs, communities can thrive and become capable of overcoming any obstacle in their lives. At Smile India Trust, we provide NGO services to underprivileged people to tackle social issues that hinder the growth of people and the country.

What are social issues, and how can they affect underprivileged people?

Social issues are challenges and problems faced by societies, often involving inequality, injustice, or a lack of resources. These issues can range from poverty and unemployment to access to education, healthcare, and environmental concerns.

Underprivileged people who are already disadvantaged due to factors like economic status, race, gender, or disability are disproportionately affected by these issues. Social issues exacerbate their struggles, making it harder for them to access essential services, achieve equal opportunities, or enjoy a decent quality of life.

Why are social issues the reason for poverty in India?

Social issues can contribute to poverty because, without adequate opportunities and resources, individuals are unable to work towards a better future. Social issues can create obstacles for underprivileged individuals who are struggling to obtain fundamental rights and basic necessities.

If the younger generation does not have access to opportunities, they will be unable to contribute to the country’s economy as they will be without employment and opportunities.

How social issues can steal the opportunity to grow from deprived people

  • Social issues can pose significant obstacles to the growth and development of individuals in various ways. Firstly, limited access to education due to financial constraints or inadequate facilities prevents them from acquiring essential skills and knowledge that are crucial for professional development.
  • Secondly, unemployment and underemployment can trap them in a vicious cycle of poverty, making it challenging to improve their living conditions. Inadequate access to healthcare can also lead to poor health outcomes, affecting their ability to work and learn effectively.
  • Lastly, the lack of basic needs such as food and clothing can also harm their lives, as these necessities are essential for staying strong and overcoming obstacles in life.

Poverty statistics in India

The level of deprivation in a country can be measured using specific indicators that align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On July 17, 2023, NITI AAYOG reported a substantial decrease in the proportion of poverty-stricken people in the country, which declined from 24.8% to 14.9% between the years 2015-16 and 2019-21.

Smile India Trust supportive gestures in hardship.

Smile India Trust is an organization that provides assistance to individuals who are less fortunate during challenging times. Its mission is to bring positive changes to society by promoting equality and creating opportunities for those who are underprivileged and struggling to thrive. The organization shares its generosity and initiatives with people to help them build a brighter future.

Smile India Trust NGO Services to tackle social issues.

  • We, Smile India Trust, offer NGO Services to provide healthy meals through our food camp in areas such as slums. We believe that if we cannot help everyone, we should at least help some. Our dedication is to create a hunger-free world.
  • Healthcare is crucial for the well-being of any community, and Smile India Trust NGO recognizes this. They offer healthcare services, free medical check-ups, and medicine to people living in slums through their health camps. This ensures that everyone, regardless of their socio-economic status, has access to quality healthcare and can feel safe and secure.
  • Empowering women to address social issues can be more challenging than for men in Indian society due to deep-rooted gender biases that restrict the roles and opportunities available to women.

However, organizations like the Smile India Trust are working to change this mentality by spreading awareness about women’s empowerment and supporting them with quality education and vocational training. By equipping women with the skills and resources they need to become independent and self-sufficient, we can enable them to earn a living and lead fulfilling lives.

  • As an NGO, our goal is to empower the youth through education. We believe that every child has the right to an equal education, regardless of their gender, caste, or financial status. To achieve this, we provide free study materials to less fortunate children, with the aim of helping them realize their dreams. Our ultimate aim is to eliminate the ingrained prejudices that exist in society that hinder children’s access to education.


Smile India Trust provides NGO Services in India aimed at addressing social issues that lead to poverty. We are committed to supporting underprivileged individuals through various initiatives that help uplift their lives and enable them to become the best version of themselves. Our ultimate goal is to empower these individuals so that one day they can break the cycle of poverty on their own.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

From Smiles to Solidarity: Smile India Trust and the Significance of National Anti-Terrorism Day

National Anti-Terrorism Day

Terrorism is a severe threat that instills fear in the community. National Anti-Terrorism Day is observed in India to honor the memory of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who tragically lost his life in a terrorist attack on this day in 1991. It is essential not to succumb to terrorism and instead unite to fight it on National Terrorism Day. Our organization, Smile India Trust, is dedicated to freeing society from the grip of terrorism. We believe that by working together, we can create a world free from terrorism.

What is National Anti-Terrorism Day?

National Anti-Terrorism Day is observed on May 21st every year in India. The day serves as a reminder of the devastating impact of terrorism and the need to stand united against it.It was chosen to commemorate the death anniversary of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who was tragically assassinated by a terrorist act.

National Anti-Terrorism Day Establishment

National Anti-Terrorism Day in India was established to raise awareness about the grave threat of terrorism and promote unity in the fight against it. It serves as a platform for citizens to come together and emphasize the importance of maintaining national security and peace.

The day also aims to educate people about the consequences of terrorism, both on a societal and individual level. By observing this day, India seeks to foster a culture of peace, resilience, and solidarity while actively working towards eradicating terrorism from its roots.

What are the objectives of celebrating National Anti-Terrorism Day?

  • The objectives of celebrating National Anti-Terrorism Day in India are multifold. It aims to raise awareness about the menace of terrorism and its impact on society by educating people about the consequences of terrorism.
  • The day seeks to foster a sense of vigilance and preparedness among citizens and serves as a platform to promote unity and solidarity in the fight against terrorism. Additionally, the day encourages individuals to actively participate in maintaining national security and peace.
  • Lastly, National Anti-Terrorism Day honors the memory of those who have lost their lives to acts of terrorism, reminding us of the importance of standing against this menace.

Statistics regarding terrorism worldwide?

  • Terrorism Tracker is a database that records terrorist attacks since January 1, 2007. The dataset contains nearly 66,000 incidents of terrorism from 2007 to 2022. In 2022, deaths from terrorism decreased by nine percent, resulting in 6,701 deaths. This is 38 percent lower than the peak in 2015.
  • The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) is an annual report published by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) that was created by IT entrepreneur and IEP founder Steve Killelea. 
  • India ranked 14th in this year’s GTI, improving its rank by one spot from the previous year. This new ranking came after the country recorded a decrease in its score, placing India within the range of medium-impact terrorism.

What are the causes that lead to terrorism?

Terrorism is a multifaceted issue that can stem from several causes, including political grievances, social and economic inequality, religious beliefs, ideological differences, and the desire for power and control.

It is important to note that there is no single cause of terrorism, as it often arises from a combination of various factors and circumstances that are unique to each situation. Addressing these underlying causes and promoting peace and understanding are crucial to combat terrorism.

Smile India Trust fights against terrorism, awakening the community.

Our organization is dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by societal issues such as hunger, education, and healthcare that often restrict the growth of underprivileged individuals. We believe that terrorism is a major hindrance to the progress of not just the nation but also of individuals.

Therefore, our organization is working toward making a terror-free society where people can live safe and securly.

Our initiatives

  • Our organization spreads awareness about the devastation of terrorism. Both people and country
  • As an NGO in India. We fight against any forces that seek to disrupt the growth of our people and threaten our basic values and way of life.
  • Our efforts are focused on educating youth and the broader community about how to raise their voice against terrorism. With a particular emphasis on empowering young people with new ideas and perspectives.
  • By working together. We believe that we can create a society that is free from the scourge of terror and violence.


Terrorism issue is a crucial thing to address. On the occasion of National Anti-Terrorism Day. Smile India Trust. An organization in India is making a positive impact by addressing social and economic inequality, promoting understanding, and

supporting victims and marginalized communities. We believe that by working together, we can combat terrorism and create a peaceful society.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

World Aids Vaccine Day: A New Beginning: Smile India Trust Protective Force

World Aids Vaccine Day

On the occasion of World AIDS Vaccine Day, let’s spread hope and happiness to our community and society by protecting every single individual from this horrifying disease, which can be life-threatening. This occasion is a new beginning to raise awareness among ourselves about diseases we can have if we don’t have proper knowledge. That’s what World AIDS Vaccine Day is all about, and Smile India Trust, an NGO in India, wishes to spread knowledge among people and save lives.

What is World AIDS Vaccine Day?

World AIDS Vaccine Day, also known as HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, is an annual event observed on the 18th to raise awareness about the ongoing efforts to develop a safe and effective vaccine to prevent HIV/AIDS. This global health observance aims to educate the public about the importance of a vaccine in the fight against HIV/AIDS and to encourage support for ongoing research and development in this area.

Why is World Vaccine Day important?

World AIDS Vaccine Day is an important event as it raises awareness about the significance of developing an effective vaccine for AIDS. this even aims to find a solution to the ongoing challenges faced by individuals and communities affected by HIV/AIDS.

By highlighting the importance of preventing the spread of AIDS through vaccines, it encourages international collaboration among researchers, scientists, and organizations working toward this goal. 

What is AIDS?

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) refers to a group of potentially life-threatening illnesses that affect individuals whose immune system has been severely damaged by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV attacks and weakens the immune system by targeting CD4 cells, which are essential in fighting infections and diseases.

When a person’s CD4 cell count drops significantly, they become more vulnerable to infections, illnesses, and certain cancers, leading to the development of AIDS. Currently, there is no cure for this disease.

What are the causes and models of transmission of the HIV virus that lead to aids?

  • The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) primarily spreads through the exchange of certain bodily fluids, such as blood, semen, private organ fluids, and breast milk.
  • The most common modes of transmission include protected sexual intercourse (heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual), sharing containers, needles, or syringes, and mothers transmitting it to their children during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.
  • HIV weakens the immune system, making individuals susceptible to acquired immune deficiency syndromes (AIDS), a collection of potentially life-threatening illnesses.

What are the safety actions we can take to avoid AIDS?

To effectively prevent the transmission and progression of HIV and AIDS. It is crucial to adopt a combination of safety measures and responsible behaviors.

These measures include abstaining from high-risk activities. Consistently using protection during sexual encounters, always using sterilized needles for any medical treatment, and getting regularly tested for HIV.

Additionally, considering pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for those at high risk. Opting for safer alternatives in uncertain situations. And donating blood or other body fluids safely can further minimize the risk of transmission.

People suffering from AIDS worldwide?

  • At the end of 2022, an estimated 39.0 million people worldwide were living with HIV. Among adults aged 15–49 years, the estimated percentage was 0.7% (with a range of 0.6%–0.8%). 
  • In India. people living with HIV (PLHIV) is estimated to be around 24 lakh. With the highest number of PLHIV in the southern states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka. It is estimated that there were 62.97 thousand new HIV infections in India in 2021.

Smile India Trust’s role in creating a healthy world by raising awareness.

Smile India Trust is a life-saving organization in India that deals with various issues hindering the community. It uplifts people with its never-ending dedication and serves them with kindness.

One of the issues it deals with is AIDS, which is a very common disease worldwide. Without proper knowledge, it can affect people. To prevent such incidents, our organization works towards its precautionary measures to make a society free of AIDS.

Our initiatives in this regard.

  • As Smile India Trust, we offer awareness camps aimed at educating people about how to prevent AIDS.
  • Our programs target audiences in slums and rural areas. where people don’t have knowledge of such diseases. We aim to teach them about the causes of AIDS and the precautions they can take to avoid it.
  • These include not using used needles, practicing safe sex, avoiding unhygienic habits, and more. With our efforts, we hope to combat AIDS, which currently has no cure. 


On the occasion of World AIDS Vaccine Day. Our Smile India Trust NGO is spreading awareness about AIDS and HIV and how we can fight this incurable disease. We believe that a disease with no cure can actually weaken a country’s strength. . Let’s work together to make this world a better place.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter


Smile India Trust Saving Hopes: Protecting Lives from Dengue: National Dengue Day

National Dengue Day

There are numerous diseases in our environment, such as allergies, infections, and more. However, the most severe of them is dengue, which is something no one would ever want to suffer from. Unfortunately, in India, the majority of people still suffer from this disease, which is prevalent. The concern is that the community is not adequately aware of its causes and precautions. That’s where Smile India Trust comes in to manage this issue and save lives from dengue to make a healthy and strong society. Today, we will discuss what dengue is, its causes, and precautions, On the occasion of National Dengue Day, I would like to tell you about Smile India Trust and what they do to combat this hazard.

National Dengue Day: An alarm to stay alert

National Dengue Day is an important annual event that aims to spread awareness about dengue fever, a mosquito-borne disease that affects millions of people worldwide. This event is observed on the 16th of May, and it brings together governments, health organizations, and communities to emphasize the significance of prevention, early detection, and control measures.

Through educational campaigns, collaborations, and public engagements, National Dengue Day aims to reduce the impact of dengue on global health and promote a safer, healthier environment for all.

Dengue cases worldwide

  • Dengue infects up to 400 million people annually, resulting in approximately 100 million illnesses and 40,000 deaths from severe dengue.
  • Dengue fever is a rapidly spreading disease, with cases increasing from 505,430 in 2000 to 5.2 million in 2019. The highest number of cases was reported in 2023, with over 6.5 million cases and 7,300 deaths. Dengue fever is endemic in over 100 countries, with Asia representing 70% of the global disease burden.
  • Dengue fever is spreading to new areas in Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean, and South America. In 2023, the Americas reported 4.5 million cases, and Asia reported a high number of cases in countries such as Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

What is the current status of dengue?

  • In 2024, there were 5 million cases of dengue globally, causing over 2,000 deaths. Europe had no non-travel-related dengue cases.

What is dengue, and what causes it?

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease caused by any one of the four dengue virus stereotypes: Den-1, Den-2, Den-3, and Den-4. It is primarily transmitted by the Aedesaegypti and Aedesalbopictus mosquito species. These tiny insects carry the virus from one host to another. When an infected mosquito bites a person, it injects the virus into the person’s bloodstream, leading to dengue infection.

The disease can manifest as a mild flu-like illness or progress to severe forms like dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome, which can be life-threatening if not properly managed. Prevention measures include controlling mosquito breeding sites, using insect repellents, and ensuring access to clean water and sanitation.

What are the symptoms that your body can exhibit when suffering from dengue?

Dengue fever is a viral infection that can cause a range of symptoms. These may include high fever, severe headaches, joint and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, and mild bleeding such as nose or gum bleeding.

In severe cases, dengue fever can lead to dangerous drops in blood pressure, hemorrhagic fever, and organ impairment. If you suspect that you or someone you know may have dengue fever. It is crucial to seek medical attention right away to receive proper care and treatment.

What measures can we take to stay safe from dengue?

To protect yourself from dengue, it is crucial to follow some preventive measures. These include maintaining a clean environment to minimize mosquito breeding sites, regularly emptying standing water in containers, flower pots, and other storage units, and using mosquito nets, especially for children and elderly individuals.

Additionally, you can apply insect repellents to exposed skin and use mosquito repellent sprays in your living spaces, kitchen, garden, and overall house. You can also practice good personal hygiene, including regular hand washing and wearing protective clothing outdoors.

Smile India Trust is taking initiative to provide a secure life by countering dengue.

Our organization, Smile India Trust, is dedicated to helping the community, especially on the occasion of National Dengue Day. We aim to uplift the lives of the poor, who have been suffering from helplessness.

Through various initiatives. We strive to create a strong and healthy country by teaching people about precautions and training them to secure their surroundings and prevent dengue.

Steps to eliminate dengue

  • As a Smile India Trust NGO. We spread awareness about dengue in areas such as slums and rural areas where the chances of getting dengue are high due to inconsistent hygiene and an unhealthy environment.
  • We educate people on how to keep their water containers clean and not store water in them for too long. As stagnant water can produce mosquito breeding. We also encourage people to use mosquito repellent and prioritize hygiene by keeping their surroundings clean and washing their hands before and after every task.
  • Additionally, we help people understand the importance of wearing protective clothing. Especially during the day. By covering their bodies with full clothing to protect themselves from mosquito bites, which usually occur on the knees.


On this National Dengue Day, Smile India Trust is making a positive impact and saving lives. As responsible citizens, it is crucial to take care of our hygiene and surroundings, as dengue can be life-threatening. It is better to take precautions before it affects you. Our organization believes in this and is working for the welfare of society and its people.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter



Mothers are superheroes. Smile India Trust is celebrating Mother’s Day with love and gratitude

Mother’s Day

Smile India Trust is a non-profit organization celebrating Mother’s Day. This day is a symbol and a reminder of the hard work and effort that every mother puts in to make our lives better. It’s time to give back to them, and our organization is dedicated to bringing a smile to every mother’s face. We believe that a mother is like a goddess after God, as all lives begin with her, and we should honor and respect her.

What is Mother’s Day, an emotion rather than a festival?

Mother’s Day is a special day dedicated to honoring and celebrating mothers and mother figures. It is typically celebrated on May 12th. This day is full of emotions and is not just a festival to celebrate, but also a reminder of how precious our mothers really are.

It’s time to show love, gratitude, and appreciation for the love, care, and sacrifices that mothers make for their children and families. It’s a perfect opportunity to express love and appreciation for the amazing moms in our lives.

What is the importance of Mother’s Day in our lives?

Mother’s Day holds significant importance in our lives, as it serves as a special day to honor, appreciate, and express gratitude toward our mothers. It provides an opportunity to acknowledge the selfless love, care, and sacrifices made by mothers in nurturing and shaping our lives.

Celebrating Mother’s Day strengthens family bonds and fosters a positive environment, reminding us of the immense impact our mothers have on our personal growth and well-being.

Who is a mother, and why is she irreplaceable?

A mother plays an irreplaceable and individual role in a child’s life. She takes on various essential roles and responsibilities, from providing unconditional love and support to ensuring her children’s well-being. Mothers serve as a constant source of comfort and guidance throughout a child’s growth and development. Their influence extends beyond the practical aspects of raising a family.

They act as role models for their children, teaching valuable life lessons and shaping their identities and beliefs. The unique blend of love, wisdom, and emotional support that mothers provide makes them an irreplaceable part of every individual’s journey through life. The impact that they have on their children’s lives is immeasurable.

What challenges do mothers face? Is it easy to be a mother?

Being a mother is a wonderful and fulfilling experience, but it also has its fair share of challenges. Mothers face various difficulties that can vary depending on individual circumstances and situations. Balancing the responsibilities of motherhood with other aspects of life, such as work, can be demanding. Juggling multiple roles can sometimes feel overwhelming.

Additionally, the physical and emotional demands of caring for children can be exhausting.

Do mothers tend to neglect their own lives while prioritizing the care of their families?

Mothers often overlook their own lives while giving priority to the care of their families. It is natural for mothers to put their loved ones first and focus on meeting their needs. However, it is important for mothers to remember that taking care of themselves is equally important.

Finding a balance between caring for their family and making time for their own personal growth, hobbies, and self-care is crucial. By taking care of themselves, mothers can fulfill their roles better and be happier overall. It’s all about finding that balance and making self-care a priority, too.

Why is it important for us as children to empower the mothers in our society?

As children, it is crucial for us to empower the mothers in our society since they play a significant role in our lives. Mothers are usually the primary caregivers who provide us with love, support, and guidance. By empowering mothers, we acknowledge and appreciate their hard work, dedication, and sacrifices.

Empowering mothers means recognizing their strengths, encouraging their personal growth, and supporting them in achieving their goals. When mothers feel empowered, they can strive to be the best versions of themselves, which benefits not only their families but also society as a whole. It’s about creating a culture that values and uplifts the contributions of mothers in all aspects of life.

Smile India Trust celebrates Mother’s Day in its own style of kindness and compassion.

Our organization, Smile India Trust, recognizes the invaluable role of mothers in our lives. Without them, we would be nothing but empty shells, void of purpose. It is said that a mother’s embrace has the power to alleviate all our problems.

As an NGO, we aim to empower the mothers in our society who are in need and want to improve the lives of themselves and their families.

Our initiatives
  • Our NGO distributes high-quality meals to underprivileged mothers and women living in slums. We strive to nourish their bodies with proper nutrition and vitamins while also offering health care facilities such as free medicines and checkups.
  • Our organization also spreads awareness about women’s hygiene and its importance through our awareness camps. All of our initiatives aim for the welfare of mothers’s health in our society.
  • At Smile India Trust, we believe in the empowerment of women. To achieve this, our NGO offers vocational training along with self-development counseling and quality education in our education camps. Our goal is to make our mothers independent and self-reliant so that they can earn a living on their own.


Mother’s Day is not merely a celebration but also an opportunity to acknowledge the tireless efforts, sacrifices, and hardships that our mothers endure throughout their lives. They do everything for their children and families, striving to provide them with a better life. Smile India Trust, an NGO, acknowledges the significance of Mother’s Day by supporting mothers in need.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter



NGO in India, Smile India Trust, providing basic needs to people who can’t afford them

NGO in India

Basic needs are the fundamental requirements for survival and growth, which include food, water, shelter, clothing, and healthcare. These needs are crucial for our physical well-being and enable us to live a healthy and fulfilling life. It is essential to ensure that everyone has access to these basic needs to promote a happy and prosperous life for all.

NGO in India Smile India Trust changing social situation.

Smile India Trust is an NGO in India that is taking revolutionary steps towards a more developed society where the needs of every individual are met. Our aim as an NGO is to support the less fortunate by uplifting them both physically and emotionally. We believe that a prosperous community always leads to a better future.

What are the basic needs?

Basic needs are essential requirements for human survival, well-being, and development, and they are categorized into four main areas: physiological, safety, love and belongingness, and self-actualization.

Physiological needs include food, water, shelter, and clothing, which are vital for maintaining our physical health. Safety needs encompass personal security, financial stability, and health, ensuring a stable and protected environment.

Love and belongingness needs involve forming meaningful connections with others, such as family, friends, and relatives, fostering a sense of belonging. Lastly, self-actualization needs pertain to personal growth, fulfillment, and realizing one’s potential, allowing the individual to reach their highest level of accomplishment and happiness.

Why is there still a struggle in India to meet basic needs?

India is facing a persistent struggle to meet the basic needs of its vast population due to a combination of factors such as widespread poverty, deep-rooted inequality, and an uneven distribution of resources and wealth. Additionally, infrastructure and development gaps, especially in rural areas, limit access to essential resources like clean water and healthcare. Climate change and environmental issues are also contributing to the scarcity of resources, making it harder for people to fulfill their basic needs. Lastly, ineffective or corrupt government policies can hinder the efficient distribution of resources and services, compounding the challenges faced by millions of Indians in their quest to meet these fundamental requirements.

Poverty conditions in India

  • Around 34 million people in India are living in extreme poverty, which is less than 3 percent of the population. This is a decrease from 40 million in 2023 and 46 million in the previous year, according to the World Poverty Clock. Purchasing power parity (PPP) is a metric that allows for global comparisons of economic data.
  • In India, the number of people in multidimensional poverty decreased from 645 million in 2005/2006 to 370 million in 2015/2016 and 230 million in 2019/2021.

How can the lack of basic needs lead to the destruction of a country?

  • Widespread poverty and inequality occur when people’s basic needs are not met, making it difficult for them to make ends meet. This can lead to social unrest and political instability, as individuals and groups may fight for limited resources, resulting in conflicts and chaos.
  • Education is a fundamental need that empowers individuals to acquire skills and knowledge, enabling them to contribute to the economy and society. A lack of education can result in a less skilled workforce, which can hinder economic growth and development. Moreover, an uneducated population may encounter difficulties in making informed decisions that affect political participation and governance. Therefore, education is essential for the growth and development of individuals and society as a whole.
  • Access to healthcare is crucial for maintaining the health and well-being of a population. When basic healthcare needs are not met, preventable diseases can spread, leading to a less healthy population. A weakened healthcare system can also strain the economy. As people may be unable to work or contribute to society due to illness. This, in turn, can further exacerbate poverty and inequality.
  • The impact of poverty inequality. A less educated population and a weak healthcare system can impede a country’s overall development and progress. This can result in a harmful cycle where the absence of basic needs perpetuates the issues, making it challenging for the country to recover and advance.

Smile India Trust NGO in India takes small steps towards big changes.

The NGO in India helps underprivileged individuals meet their basic needs and rights. The organization is dedicated to uplifting the lives of the less fortunate through society-changing initiatives.

Our initiatives.

NGO in India have made it a priority to tackle hunger by providing healthy meals to less fortunate individuals. Hunger is unfortunately very prevalent today, but we hope to eliminate it through our efforts. We firmly believe that even small beginnings can lead to big results.

We provide free healthcare services and medication through our camps. Guided by professional doctors, to ensure a healthy life for those in need.

Education is crucial if we want to reach our full potential and make positive contributions to society. At our organization. We prioritize providing high-quality education and study materials to children who may not have access to such resources. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their financial situation.

As an NGO in India, we strive to elevate our nation to the forefront. We believe that the joint efforts of both men and women are indispensable in this endeavor. We offer education and skill training to women who have been held back by societal constraints.


Basic needs are not just essential for survival; they are also a fundamental right for every individual. Human life is fragile, and no one knows when it will come to an end. Therefore, it is better to live life to the fullest. As an NGO, strive to help less fortunate individuals and provide them with hope for a better life.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

April 2024

Suffering should not be a lifelong experience for anyone. People can change their lives if they are willing to try. Sometimes all it takes is a little push. That’s why our organization is dedicated to helping those who are less fortunate. We bring hope to their lives through multiple initiatives aimed at making the world a better place. In April, we provided healthcare facilities to those in need, distributed food to eliminate hunger, and conducted education camps to provide education to underprivileged children. We also distributed women’s hygiene kits to boost their self-esteem and provided warm clothes to keep the innocent souls warm.  You can view our work here.

Smile India Trust: Healing mental health: an act of peace: Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which is dedicated to promoting mental health and well-being. Having good mental health is essential to living a happy and fulfilling life. No amount of fame, financial status, or social status can replace the importance of inner peace. To spread awareness about mental health, Smile India Trust is celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month in its own unique way to help make society stronger.

What is the purpose of Mental Health Awareness Month?

Mental Health Awareness Month is observed every May, beginning on the 1st, and it is a dedicated period aimed at increasing public understanding and knowledge about mental health. The campaign seeks to challenge the stigma often associated with mental illness, which is crucial in fostering a supportive environment where individuals feel comfortable discussing their mental health experiences and seeking help when needed.

Additionally, the month-long focus on mental health encourages people to prioritize self-care and adopt healthier coping mechanisms. It emphasizes the significance of seeking professional help when necessary and highlights various resources available for those in need.

By promoting mental health awareness and encouraging open conversation, Mental Health Awareness Month contributes to creating a more empathetic and understanding society. It helps break down barriers and misconceptions surrounding mental health, ultimately paving the way for better mental health support and services for everyone.

What’s the story behind Mental Health Awareness Month, and who started it?

Mental Health Awareness Month was introduced in the United States in 1949 by the National Association for Mental Health, now known as Mental Health America. The aim was to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and combat the stigma surrounding mental illness.

Over the years, this observance has gained global recognition, inspiring similar campaigns worldwide. The founders’ goal was to promote open conversations about mental health, educate the public, and advocate for improved access to mental health resources and support.

Today, Mental Health Awareness Month continues to evolve and expand, addressing various themes and initiatives each year. It remains a crucial platform for mental health awareness and promotes the importance of mental well-being.

What are the reasons that can cause poor mental health?

  • Poor mental health can be influenced by a wide range of factors that are often interconnected and can have a significant impact on an individual’s well-being. These factors include biological predispositions, such as genetic and chemical imbalances, as well as physiological elements like chronic stress and traumatic experiences.
  • Additionally, social and environmental factors also play a crucial role, including mental health disorders, social isolation, substance abuse, unhealthy lifestyles, work-related stress, socioeconomic factors, and the stigma surrounding mental health.
  • Addressing these factors and promoting mental health awareness can help reduce the prevalence of poor mental health and support overall well-being. It is essential to take a holistic approach to mental health care and support, emphasizing its importance.

People are suffering from mental illness globally.

2024 Stats:

  • According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), around 57.8 million adults are living with some form of mental illness, and the severity of the conditions can vary from person to person.

2019 Stats:

  • In 2019, approximately 970 million people worldwide were diagnosed with a mental disorder, with anxiety and depression being the most common conditions. Mental health problems can cause difficulties in all aspects of life, such as relationships with family, friends, and the community. They can also lead to or stem from problems at school and work.

India Level:

  • In India, almost 60 to 70 million individuals suffer from common and severe mental illnesses. It is alarming to know that India has the highest suicide rate in the world, with over 2.6 lakh cases of suicide reported each year.

What steps can we take on our own to improve our mental health?

To enhance our mental health, it’s important to prioritize self-care by practicing mindfulness and exercising regularly. We should also maintain a balanced diet and healthy sleep habits, cultivate a support network, set realistic goals, and seek professional help when needed.

Practicing gratitude and positive thinking and spending time with our family and friends can also significantly improve our mental well-being. By incorporating these steps into our daily lives, we can take care of our mental health and lead a happier life.

Smile India Trust: Promoting mental healthcare and healing for society.

Our organization, Smile India Trust, values mental peace as one of the most precious things a human being can have. We understand that without mental peace, one can run a life but cannot truly live it. Unfortunately, many people around the world suffer from mental health issues, with depression being the most common. In order to tackle this issue, our organization promotes counseling through our rehab centers.

We gather people and share their thoughts through counseling. Trying to understand their issues and boost their confidence by letting them know that it’s okay to have problems in life. Our main focus is on all age groups, especially youth, in order to promote a healthy and stress-free society.


At Smile India Trust, promoting good mental health is our top priority. On this Mental Health Awareness Month. We are striving to boost the confidence in people’s hearts by creating a stress-free environment through our counseling initiative. Our aim is to help people heal from their inner wounds and achieve better mental health.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter