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Inspired So many people by Smile India Trust NGOs

Smile India Trust NGOs

I have been associated with Smile India Trust NGOs for the past few years.

This organization will definitely help you emerge from the tragedy when you are mentally suffering from trauma that shakes you upside down from the inside.  I was suffering from this post Covid-19, Smile India Trust NGOs Volunteers came and assisted me to overcome my fears.

We know that slum children live in very disastrous conditions. But no one comes for their rescue.  I have seen Smile India Trust organization coming forward and through education, medical & counselling serving a noble cause for many years.

Smile India Trust is a non-profit organization that works towards social welfare and community development in India, particularly in rural and remote areas. The NGO’s focus is on promoting education, health, and sanitation, as well as women empowerment, child welfare, and disaster relief. I too support support them and teach as per my availability in this NGO.

To evaluate the effectiveness of an NGO, it is recommended to look into its financial reports, program outcomes, and feedback from beneficiaries and partners. I have been to their NGO and seen all this. Hence I’m so happy to be supporting them from last 2 years.

social work for Smile India Trust NGOs

I am always interested in social work, but for me, It’s important to assess whether the NGO is making a positive impact on the communities it serves to support it.  I visited the hospital and saw the medical support to poor children they provide,  it’s using our resources effectively and transparently informing the updates of the same.

One of my friends is volunteering for the Smile India Trust. Smile India Trust is an organization that focuses on providing quality education to underprivileged children in India. Her name is Seema. She had always been passionate about education and believed that it was the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. She found out about Smile India Trust through a friend and was immediately drawn to their mission. Seema started volunteering withSmile India Trust NGOs by teaching children in a local community center.  Soon Seema became more involved with Smile India Trust, she started taking on more responsibilities. She helped to organize educational events and workshops for children.  And their parents and she also started training other volunteers on how to teach effectively. She had an amazing experience with the NGO. The staffs are also very kind and helpful. They teach me how to handle kids.

The positive impact of a Smile India Trust

I volunteer work with Smile India TrusT.  I have seen a positive impact on the lives of the child. Who get educate and gained valuable skills and experiences through education, Garima Project, and Computer Literacy Programs.

I heard about Smile India Trust NGOs through a friend in Sector 45. Visit them and enrolled my maid, part-time in Garima Project.  I had a motive that she to get’s independent.  She learned skills of tailoring and now earns more by stitching clothes for others too.  She has gained a sense of satisfaction knowing that she is making a real difference in the lives of her children.

I supported a medical treatment for a child who had doubts.  So I visited the hospital and met the child’s parents.  They were overwhelm by the help Smile India Trust is providing and had tears in their eyes.

“VOL name” experience with Smile India Trust NGOs shows how volunteering with an NGO. Can not only make a positive impact on the lives of others, but also inspire personal growth and career development.  Children who are educate via holistic education and have skills are getting enroll in regular schooling too.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to know more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter


NGO Smile: Child Abuse Horrifying Wound on Innocent Heart

Ngo Smile

The world is a wonderful place to live. It is the best present, which is given to humans. As a result, it is our responsibility to safeguard our planet’s elegance and honesty. Childhood is a fortunate aspect of both human life and the world.NGO Smile today is discussing about child abuse horrifying wound on these innocent heart.

Children are not only the hope for the future,  but also instrumental for maintaining our present happy status. These young minds are the source of betterment and newness in the world today and the time to come. Well, each one of us knows the value of children and respects their individuality.

However, few sick-minded peoples’ ill-treat children and take undue advantage of their credulity. They not only make these children work under unhealthy conditions, but also load them with hard work. It is looking at these dark truths of the society that governing bodies passed certain laws to protect children’s rights. These rights stand against any act that supports child abuse or affects mental or physical health.

Childhood is the most important stage of life. It has no concept of worry or anxiety, of good or evil. This is a period of both carelessness and pureness.


Ngo Smile, a foundation for children, is working on a holistic approach where the main focus is to provide care, help, and development for them.

NGO Smile: What is Child Abuse?

Child abuse is a criminal offense committed by those who are dissatisfied with their personal lives. A child’s exploitation is as severe as assassinating an individual since a child is naturally gentle, as well as any abuse he or she suffers in childhood leaves a permanent lasting impression on its mind.Our society is filled with despicable monsters, with the exception of one place where saints and happy people adore spreading the message of adoration and oneness.

Others are solely concerned with their own personal advantages. These really are self-centered individuals. One annoying offense done by money-hungry behemoths are involving small children in labour actions. They force these youngsters to work in mining areas, crackers, or building sites.

These people burgle such children of their innocence. Numerous individuals also coerce children into sexual, having to beg, or house cleaning activities. They rob kids of their innovation and naiveté and take control of their daily lives.

World Health Organization on Child Abuse

World Health Organization formed with the motive to protect vulnerable class divided child abuse in four types. Which we will discuss further in the article. Firstly, we will tell you about the definition of child maltreatments.

World Health Organization defines Child treatment, as “It is an abuse which children under the age of 18 years face. This has an adverse effect on health, survival, development, and dignity of a child.

World Health Organization defines Sexual Violence as  “Sexual violence is any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, or other act directed against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting. It includes rape, defined as the physically forced or otherwise coerced penetration of the vulva or anus with a penis, other body part, or object.”
World Health Organization defines Child Abuse as the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he or she does not fully comprehend, is unable to give informed consent to, or for which the child is not developmentally prepared and cannot give consent, or that violates the laws or social taboos of society”.

Child Abuse a Major Problem in Modern Era

A significant issue is that the judicial framework somehow doesn’t adequately protect kids from any further harm by the abuser. WHO also usually released while its reported incident is put on trial. This is extremely serious whenever the child required to recognize the abuser. Child abuse creates a variety of issues for children. The child is at direct risk of being severely killed or injured. Most molested kids, even so, suffer more emotional damage than physical injury. Abuse victims have lower academic performance (and are also more likely to drop out) and increased rates of youth crime .

They are more likely to use drugs and alcohol and have associated issues, as well as have much increased rates of mental health issues such as depression, anxiousness, and thoughts of suicide. Child sexual abuse can have long-term physiological, cultural, and psychological consequences.

Types of Child Abuse Innocent Heart Face

Pounding, punching, or strangling is examples of physical abuse. For most territories, any act, which causes bodily harm to a child. It  considered child abuse and is punishable under the law. This could involve cuts and bruises, fires, a skeletal injury, a head trauma, or vital organ harm.

Slurs, snide remarks, and moniker are examples of psychological and emotional abuse. It also contains disregarding the kid or making threats against the child. Once children are eyewitness to “act of violence or neglect among grownups, this type of cruelty can occur concurrently with domestic abuse.

Another variation is threatening to harm or kill a child’s mother, siblings, or pets, as well as a parent threatening to kill him or herself.

Sexual abuse includes any sexual intercourse that a child cannot understand or consent to, such as pleasuring, oral-genital contact, sexual relations, exhibitionism, and pornographic exposure.

Neglect can include threatening to withhold basic needs (food, clothing, shelter) as well as social and emotional necessitates or medical services for the child.

The crime against children around the India is increasing in pace According to NCRB data the crime rate against increased to 16.2% during 2020-2021.  You can probably imagine how serious the problem is where only 1.5 lakhs cases registered all over India.  Delhi the capital of India has registered most criminal cases as Union Territory.

You can probably imagine how many such incident happen, which are not register with concerned authority due to parents so called izzat. This is the main reason crime against children is increasing day by day. 

Seeing this cruelty increasing against these innocent hearts Government of India formulated some law to protect them. Recently, the case of child abuse is talk of the town. Many actions taken to eradicate crime against children. 

Juvenile Justice Act (Care and Protection) 2015

Juvenile Justice Act 2015 repealed JJA 2000 after the massive outrage in the Nirbhaya case, which became the talk of the town around the globe. At the time, juveniles were a few months younger than 18 years old.

 In 2014, an act passed in which the Minister of Women and Child Development stated that 50% of juveniles deliberately participate in criminal activities, but they get rid of them due to the umbrella of the law, which now reduced to 16 years. If a child between the ages of 16 to 18 years commits a heinous crime, he or she considers an adult.

Another amendment made in 2021 where both heinous and non-heinous crimes. This will now fall under the same criteria.  Where the maximum sentence is 7 years and there are no criteria for the minimum sentence. Now NGO Smile will further, discuss the law that is there to protect children.

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act) 2012

The POCSO Act implemented to protect children from any sexual offence like harassment, assault, and pornography and this lead to formation of Special Courts for the trial.

India is the home of 444 million children the state’s protection of children, assuring  Indian citizens by an expanding reading of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. It also require by India’s standing as a pledge to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Prior to the enactment of the POCSO Act, only one particular part of child abuse law was indeed the Goa Children’s Act of 2003.

As the law is made,  but there are many loopholes when it comes to protecting male children in IPC.

  • IPC 354- The punishment in this is very law and it doesn’t protect the modesty of male children
  • IPC 375- Which cover Rape it, doesn’t protect a male child or anyone except traditional penetration.

Ngo Smile founded to protect children holistic development and opportunity to grow. It  establishes  in 2017 to help children and working on our vision “A world where it should never hurt to be a child”.Though India’s law provides many ways to protect them in various ways.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to know more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Smile Trust Indi on International Mother Language Day

Smile Trust Indi

,“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, which goes to his heart.”- Nelson Mandela

A “mother tongue” is the language, which a person learns from parturition. It is usually that person’s native language, of the kind that he understands from his parents and family. Smile Trust Indi in today’s article will share information about International Mother Language Day.

It is through one such language that a child initially gets to know how to socially interact with other people. Language is the most crucial element in communicating with anyone. A mother tongue was spoken and known by all the people of our country. Through our national language, people of all religions can come together and develop our country by walking together. All the people of our country are becoming aware of the Hindi language. Today, we can easily understand the language of the place where we were born.

If we can speak even more, than our mother tongue, we can take information about other languages ​​and explain it to those people who do not have knowledge of that language, that’s why the United Nations talked about celebrating Mother Language Day.

The people should have knowledge of every language. Although many languages are spoken in our country, Hindi has been designated as the national language, and we should try to learn other languages in addition to Hindi.

Along with Hindi, we should also learn English so that we can give knowledge to people in all languages. Smile Trust Indi honours International Mother Language Day by guiding and informing children about the value of their mother tongue. 

Smile Trust Indi on the Importance of Mother Language

Language Children in their early years understand things faster than anyone else, from grasping the word to expression. The mother tongue is the way of communication with which a person is most familiar.

Language creation is to meet humans’ socioeconomic desire for more effective communication. Language, a highly complicated and flexible system, is used to communicate our experiences and thoughts to others. As a result, language is a naturally occurring phenomenon that learners understand at an early age in order to interact with others.

The mother tongue, or native, language, is indeed an important part of one’s family background because it shapes how one sees the world and conveys one to others. Children often mimic what they perceive or hear. Infants are extremely intelligent because they learn one‘s mother tongue mimicking their parents. In contrast to grownups learning a new language, children learn languages more easily during their growing years.

The ability to learn in one’s native language is an extremely powerful tool. Children learn to communicate by having a conversation with one‘s family members in their native language. In addition, in an education or institutional setting, this good communication is critical for participation in the classroom. Learning in school is important in emphasizing how to use the mother language.

Every language has a distinct flavour that reflects the nation and individuals who speak it. In spite of the fact that all languages can be used to communicate, each one has a unique style that is impossible to translate completely.

History of International Mother Language Day

The history behind this precious day is significant that East Pakistan and West Pakistan, two independent Muslim states, and a separate state created when India attained independence from British domination. There was a cultural and linguistic divide dividing Pakistan and Bangladesh, formerly known as West Pakistan and East Pakistan respectively.

Tensions increased after the Pakistani government proclaimed Urdu to be the country’s official tongue in 1948. The predominantly Bengali-speaking population of East Pakistan violently protested the government’s choice multiple times. On February 21, 1952, a few University of Dhaka students and several activists organized a demonstration.

Following that day, four university students kill when the cops opened fire on the crowd of students and protesters. On International Mother Language Day, we remember the martyrdom of these kids who struggled for the recognition of Bengali as their mother tongue.

Bengal Language 

Bengali was officially considered the second official language of Pakistan on February 29, 1956. Bengali as the official language of East Pakistan in 1971, which later formed Bangladesh.

After that in 1991 during General Conference of UNESCO, declared International Mother Language Day that welcomed by 188 countries and opposition only by Pakistan. General Assembly of UNESCO on 2002 proclaimed this to celebrate every year on 21st February. The main reason to celebrate the day with more importance now is due to the extension of more than 250 languages in India.

When we talk about languages in India, there are more than 19,500 spoken languages, according to the 2011 census. People speak more than 121 languages; however, only 22 stated in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution.

As India has no national language, Hindi and English designated as official languages. The following language includes in the Constitution, Hindi, Dogri, Kannada, Nepali, Sainthali, Konkan, Urdu, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Assamese, Bengali, Malayalam, Odiya, Sanskriti, Sindhi Bodo, Maithali, Kashmiri, and Manipuri.

Current Status of Languages in India

If see the figures of UNESCO there are 3000 endangered languages who will disappear till end of century. This is an alarming situation for the world.  We will talk about the atlas of UNESCO Atlas of the five main categories. 

  1. Vulnerable Languages- These are the languages prohibited to certain areas but talk by many people.
  2. Definitely Endangered- Where children are unknown of the mother tongue in the home.
  3. Severely Endangered – The language understood by parents and not used to talk with children while speaking with grandparents.
  4. Critically Endangered – The language by grandparents and the younger generation infrequently.
  5. Extinct- The language which extinct in 1950s and there is no speaker.

The objective of International Mother Language Day

Even when people speak in their native language. This is the main reason why people are not keen to talk in their native language. When we talk about educating people, they are not provided with their native language, as many people are more comfortable in their mother tongue.

Providing education in the mother tongue is the best way to uplift people and protect the native language from extension. Other than Hindi, which has 44% of the count of languages spoken, there are 120 languages native people speak, which is a large number.

This day observes every year to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

The theme for International Mother Language Day

Smile Trust Indi sees that there is no doubt that International Mother Language Day. Basically, Without question, this campaign increased awareness of language-related issues and mobilized partners and resources to encourage the implementation of multilingualism and language diversity policies and strategies in many countries around the world.

Smile Trust Indicannot denies the importance of language in all types of communication or the crucial role it plays in the development and evolution of human society. Let us tell you that linguistic diversity becoming more and more endangered, which is why the International Year of Languages started

2023- Yet to decided

2022- Using technology for multilingual learning: Challenges and opportunities.

2021-Fostering multilingualism for inclusion in education and society.

2020- Languages without borders.

2019-Indigenous languages matter for development, peace building, and reconciliation

2018-Our languages, our assets.

2017- Towards Sustainable Futures through Multilingual Education.

2016- Quality education, language(s) of instruction and learning outcomes

2015-Inclusive Education through and with language- Language Matters.

2014- Local Languages for Global Citizenship: Spotlight on Science

2013- Books for Mother Tongue Education


However,  Smile Trust Indi will eventually come to the conclusion that the mother language is an important part of one’s life. They need to understand that first, we should learn our mother tongue, with which we are most comfortable.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to know more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

NGO Smile Creating Awareness About Mental Health

NGO Smile

Mental health is a major concern not only in India but around the world. Mental health awareness campaigns have had a positive impact on the NGO Smile. “There can be no true physical health without mental health,” said the World Health Organization’s first general secretary.

Monitoring the qualitative aspect of any situation can be difficult at times, especially when it comes to mental awareness. Because India is a diverse country with many cultures and languages, the problem is significant. Even after 68 years, there has been no improvement in this critical area, which is an alarming stage.

In India, mental health is still considered taboo. According to a 2016 survey conducted by the national mental health organization, 14% of India’s population required active treatment. According to the figures, approximately 200,000 people die each year, not including suicides.

Even before the Covid 19, the situation was deteriorating, but the Covid 19 exacerbated the situation and led to more serious mental illness. Many of us experience anxiety and stress. Many people have reported feelings of anxiety and depression. Or post-traumatic stress disorder. During this tough time, Smile India Trust came as Messiah to the poor people. 

India is the fastest -growing economy and the second most populous country in the world. India has the most no. of youth in the country. In terms of the adolescent population.

Even India’s last president Ram NathKovindStated  that India was “on the verge of a mental health epidemic.” According to one study, 14% of India’s population continued to suffer from mental illnesses during the same year, with 45.7 million suffering from depressive disorders and 49 million suffering from anxiety and depression.

NGO Smile Sharing Impact on Children’s Mental Health

The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated this national crisis, with statistics from all over the world, indicating that the Virus and associated lockdowns had a significant impact on the population, especially young people.

There is a huge increase in mental health problems. About 50% of the cases increased in 3 decades. Now 5 out of 30 children are suffering from mental illness. The Children saw the suffering and uncertainty that no child should have to witness. Isolation and anxiety resulted from being away from family, friends, classrooms, and play. Not only have children being subjected to an emotional tragedy, but many are also at a higher risk of neglect and abuse

According to the India State-Level Disease Burden Initiative, the burden of disease in India caused by mental disorders rose from 2.5% in 1990 to 4.7% in 2017. It was also the major contribution to YLDs (years lived with disability), accounting for 14.5% of all YLDs in the country (India State-Level Disease Burden Initiative, 2017). Women were found to have a substantially higher risk of poor, mental illnesses, and eating disorders. The link between suicidal behaviors and death was also discovered to be stronger in women.

Depression, as well as a lack of access, affordability, and awareness, results in significant gaps in intervention. According to the 2015-16 National Mental Health Survey (NMHS), nearly 80% of those suffering from mental disorders did not receive treatment for more than a year. This survey also discovered significant treatment gaps in mental health care, ranging from 28% to 83% across depression.

Some Stats

The Mental Health care Act of 2017 includes several guidelines aimed at improving India’s mental health. The Mental Health care Act of 1987 is repealed by this Act, which was critiqued for failing to acknowledge the rights and agency of those suffering from mental illness.

In accordance with WHO recommendations, the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP)2  in 1982 to provide mental health care as part of the overall healthcare system. Even though the scheme has been successful in generating community access to mental health care, resource limitations and a lack of infrastructure have limited its implications.

The state of mental health in India necessitates active campaign initiatives and service provision by the authorities. To reduce the stigma associated with mental health, we must take steps to educate and sensitise the community/society. This is only possible if we make a concerted national effort to inform the public about mental illnesses. We also need to take steps to connect patients with one another by attempting to form a peer network so that they can listen to and give assistance to one another.

NGO Smile Initiative for Mentally Challenged

The need of the hour is to educate the public regarding mental health and via initiatives such as the SwachMansiktaAbhiyan. This will enable them to address mental health issues in a timely and effective manner and continue living a stress-free life. The movement will also inspire people to communicate about their mental health and, if necessary, seek help from a therapist or psychologist.

Our NGO Smile always works for the mentally challenged who are not able to get proper help.  They left alone by society and their parents as well. We work with a holistic approach toward children.

While the administration has taken initial steps in this direction, the problem must be addressed on a war footing. We require a steady flow of funds to educate and raise awareness of mental health and the chronic issues that surround it.

We provide them with proper nutritious food and medical treatment from our side. They are the future of India and need nothing but just love and care for them. NGO Smile through certain activities to tackle this issue

  • Take care of Yourself
  • Be confident
  • Teach them Stress management

We all should understand that mental health is very crucial at every stage of life. Everyone should take care of their mental health. NGO smile will definitely love to contribute to this worthy cause.

Furthermore, people suffering from mental illnesses must have the same access to reliable and safe care as those suffering from physical illnesses. Furthermore, mental illness is from the same perspective as they do physical condition.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to know more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter