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NGO in India, Smile India Trust, providing basic needs to people who can’t afford them

NGO in India

Basic needs are the fundamental requirements for survival and growth, which include food, water, shelter, clothing, and healthcare. These needs are crucial for our physical well-being and enable us to live a healthy and fulfilling life. It is essential to ensure that everyone has access to these basic needs to promote a happy and prosperous life for all.

NGO in India Smile India Trust changing social situation.

Smile India Trust is an NGO in India that is taking revolutionary steps towards a more developed society where the needs of every individual are met. Our aim as an NGO is to support the less fortunate by uplifting them both physically and emotionally. We believe that a prosperous community always leads to a better future.

What are the basic needs?

Basic needs are essential requirements for human survival, well-being, and development, and they are categorized into four main areas: physiological, safety, love and belongingness, and self-actualization.

Physiological needs include food, water, shelter, and clothing, which are vital for maintaining our physical health. Safety needs encompass personal security, financial stability, and health, ensuring a stable and protected environment.

Love and belongingness needs involve forming meaningful connections with others, such as family, friends, and relatives, fostering a sense of belonging. Lastly, self-actualization needs pertain to personal growth, fulfillment, and realizing one’s potential, allowing the individual to reach their highest level of accomplishment and happiness.

Why is there still a struggle in India to meet basic needs?

India is facing a persistent struggle to meet the basic needs of its vast population due to a combination of factors such as widespread poverty, deep-rooted inequality, and an uneven distribution of resources and wealth. Additionally, infrastructure and development gaps, especially in rural areas, limit access to essential resources like clean water and healthcare. Climate change and environmental issues are also contributing to the scarcity of resources, making it harder for people to fulfill their basic needs. Lastly, ineffective or corrupt government policies can hinder the efficient distribution of resources and services, compounding the challenges faced by millions of Indians in their quest to meet these fundamental requirements.

Poverty conditions in India

  • Around 34 million people in India are living in extreme poverty, which is less than 3 percent of the population. This is a decrease from 40 million in 2023 and 46 million in the previous year, according to the World Poverty Clock. Purchasing power parity (PPP) is a metric that allows for global comparisons of economic data.
  • In India, the number of people in multidimensional poverty decreased from 645 million in 2005/2006 to 370 million in 2015/2016 and 230 million in 2019/2021.

How can the lack of basic needs lead to the destruction of a country?

  • Widespread poverty and inequality occur when people’s basic needs are not met, making it difficult for them to make ends meet. This can lead to social unrest and political instability, as individuals and groups may fight for limited resources, resulting in conflicts and chaos.
  • Education is a fundamental need that empowers individuals to acquire skills and knowledge, enabling them to contribute to the economy and society. A lack of education can result in a less skilled workforce, which can hinder economic growth and development. Moreover, an uneducated population may encounter difficulties in making informed decisions that affect political participation and governance. Therefore, education is essential for the growth and development of individuals and society as a whole.
  • Access to healthcare is crucial for maintaining the health and well-being of a population. When basic healthcare needs are not met, preventable diseases can spread, leading to a less healthy population. A weakened healthcare system can also strain the economy. As people may be unable to work or contribute to society due to illness. This, in turn, can further exacerbate poverty and inequality.
  • The impact of poverty inequality. A less educated population and a weak healthcare system can impede a country’s overall development and progress. This can result in a harmful cycle where the absence of basic needs perpetuates the issues, making it challenging for the country to recover and advance.

Smile India Trust NGO in India takes small steps towards big changes.

The NGO in India helps underprivileged individuals meet their basic needs and rights. The organization is dedicated to uplifting the lives of the less fortunate through society-changing initiatives.

Our initiatives.

NGO in India have made it a priority to tackle hunger by providing healthy meals to less fortunate individuals. Hunger is unfortunately very prevalent today, but we hope to eliminate it through our efforts. We firmly believe that even small beginnings can lead to big results.

We provide free healthcare services and medication through our camps. Guided by professional doctors, to ensure a healthy life for those in need.

Education is crucial if we want to reach our full potential and make positive contributions to society. At our organization. We prioritize providing high-quality education and study materials to children who may not have access to such resources. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their financial situation.

As an NGO in India, we strive to elevate our nation to the forefront. We believe that the joint efforts of both men and women are indispensable in this endeavor. We offer education and skill training to women who have been held back by societal constraints.


Basic needs are not just essential for survival; they are also a fundamental right for every individual. Human life is fragile, and no one knows when it will come to an end. Therefore, it is better to live life to the fullest. As an NGO, strive to help less fortunate individuals and provide them with hope for a better life.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Smile India Trust NGO in India on World Down Syndrome Day

NGO in India

We can pretty much guarantee that everyone has seen the film TaareZameen Par. The film’s clear message is that every child is unique and special in their own way and that children are the stars of the world. We all are busy in mocking others when we see they are different from us. However, we forget that life will be dull if all have the same characteristics. On the day of World Down Syndrome Day, Smile India Trust NGO in India raises awareness about Down syndrome.

An additional copy of chromosome 21 (in part or whole) causes Down syndrome in affected individuals. Although the cause of this sickness is not yet established, it has always been as a component of the human condition. It occurs everywhere in the world and frequently has varying consequences on learning preferences, physical traits, and overall health.

The development of the baby’s body and brain is altered in Down syndrome babies due to an extra copy of a chromosome. A fairly low IQ (a test of intelligence) and slower speech than other youngsters are typical characteristics of those with this syndrome.

Smile India Trust is an NGO in India that always supports and believes in holistic development and provides human rights to its members with full protection, education, and help to develop skills. We assist children with mental illnesses and special abilities. 

NGO in India on World Down Syndrome Day History

Through approving resolution A/RES/66/149 in December 2011, the United Nations General Assembly designated March 21 as World Down Syndrome Day. On March 21st, 2012, the inaugural World Down Syndrome Day was marked. They considered it essential to spread awareness of the Down syndrome condition.

The General Assembly formally invited all member states, pertinent United Nations agencies, other international organizations, and civil society organizations, including NGO and the corporate sector, to observe the day.

World Down Syndrome Day Importance

Moreover, Every year, people throughout the world celebrate International Down Syndrome Day to increase their understanding of the condition. According to the official website of Down Furthermore, Syndrome International, on World Down Syndrome Day, individuals with Down syndrome, as well as those who live and work with them, organize and take part in activities and events to increase public awareness and forge a unified global voice in support of the rights, inclusion, and well-being of individuals with Down syndrome.


Since 2006, the United Nations has invited all of its members and some of its significant organizations to mark International Down Syndrome Day on March 21. Finally, This day is devoted to raising awareness of the illness and fostering community interaction.

Moreover, people wear, mismatched shocks of normally include blue and yellow.

What is Down Syndrome?

Trisomy 21 is another name for Down syndrome. It is basically a genetic condition brought on by aberrant cell division, which produces an extra whole or partial copy of chromosome 21. A person’s additional genetic material alters their physical characteristics, developmental patterns, and other aspects of their being.

The degree of the down syndrome varies from person to person, causing developmental delays and lifelong intellectual disabilities. The most frequent genetic condition that impairs learning in children is down syndrome. In addition, it contributes to other physiological issues like digestive and cardiac problems.

Down syndrome can cause minor, moderate, or severe issues in a person. Down syndrome has different facial characteristics in both children and adults. These are some of the typical characteristics:

  • Flat face
  • Small Nose
  • Short figures, feet, head, and neck
  • Short height
  • Protruding tongue
  • Flattened face

Types of Down Syndrome

Down syndrome consists of two types of Trisomy 21 (non-disjunction), Mosaicism, or Translocation. The process of normal cells dividing is seen in the chart below.

Trisomy 21

Non-disjunction, a type of cell division, mistake, is typically the cause of Down syndrome. An embryo with non-disjunction has three rather than the usual two copies of chromosome 21. A pair of the 21st chromosomes in either the sperm or the egg fails to split before or during fertilization.


When two different cell types coexist, some possessing the typical 46 chromosomes and some containing 47, it is mosaicism (or mosaic Down syndrome). There is an additional copy of chromosome 21 in cells with 47 chromosomes.

The least frequent type of Down syndrome is masochism. Only 1% of all cases of Down syndrome main cause of this. According to research, people with mosaic Down syndrome may have fewer Down syndrome traits than people with other kinds of disorders. However, due to the great diversity of abilities persons with Down syndrome possess, generalizations are not feasible.


There are still 46 chromosomes in each cell in this kind of down syndrome, however, there is an extra portion of chromosome 21. However, the signs and symptoms of Down syndrome by that additional complete or half chromosome.

Down syndrome affects between 1 in 1,000 and 1 in 1,100 live births worldwide. This chromosomal abnormality affects between 3,000 and 5,000 newborns every year.

World Down Syndrome Day Theme

2017-My voice My Community

2018- What I bring to the community

2019- Leave No One Behind

2020-  We decide

2021-  Connect

2022-Inclusion Means

2023- With us not for us

Smile India Trust NGO in India helps every child to get the best medical facilities and provides protection and development facilities. Every year on March 21, World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is marked to increase awareness of Down syndrome through a range of channels. These include education, healthcare, medical professions, and other channels.  We as an NGO help in counseling people and making them aware of this syndrome.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to know more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Ngo in India Helping to Reduce Poverty | Smile India Trust

ngo in India,

In India, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are helping the government in reducing the burden of helping the needy. India is among the most populous countries in the world. The growing population is always a problem, as it may also increase the load on the developing country. Whereas resources may not increase by the same amount that  required. It is where NGOs in India becomes an important factor in society.

Smile India Trust, welfare NGOs in India, strives for the continuous relief of poor families during difficult times. We provide them with continuous support through our program, which is important to reduce lack. We are committing our full energy to this mission to help them get bread and butter.  Aside from that, we want to create a wonderland for poor families to enjoy every moment. 

While our country has shown a terrific increase in the poverty rate and viewing this serious problem for many decades. However, there is a decline in the poverty rate in recent times but still, we are far behind the goals we are targeting.  This is all due to the ignorance of the poor section for many years. The below poverty line criteria fixed need fix.

We think it’s important to keep working toward our goal of bringing about permanent social change, particularly in India’s economic and socially underdeveloped regions.

Following that, our findings would result in the movement of poor people toward economic self-sufficiency and the establishment of links between them and those living in developed communities. For us, pulling the miserable lives out of the wall of poverty is beyond everything. 

NGOs in India Uplifting Poverty-Driven Families

As social welfare, humankind NGO in India, we are aware of our duty to improve the lives of as many of the poorest and poorest people and families living in rural or slum areas as possible.

Smile India trust is aiming to build an economy that supports, protects, and inspires the active involvement of the weakest sector of India’s backward regions. Additionally, we are providing poor families and individuals with the best solutions to the problems and the difficult situations they may face in the future.

The organization has been on a determined journey to work for the upliftment of those less fortunate people whose lives, as well as their income, have been shaken and damaged to a great range by disaster and conflict in order to fight poverty and take command of the vehicle of their future.

 Our NGO for social welfare in India, Smile India, serves the severely affected poor and helpless families in order to help them stand tall and walk ahead with a heart full of hope and brightness in the hours following the worst kind of unfortunate events. 

Indian Poverty Statistics: Facts and Figures

Typically, census ratios—the ratio of the population living below a preset poverty line—are used to calculate poverty levels. The standard definition of the poverty line is a minimum basket of necessities that can be turned into a nominal consumption expenditure using reasonable pricing.

Since the calculation of poverty started in the 1950s and was improved upon in the 1970s, India adopted this approach. In other words, the poverty line is set using the monthly per capita consumer spending. In passing, income data are unreliable, as is typical of survey data in other nations.

This does not suggest that the only way to check poverty, which has many features, is through utilization. As a result, many efforts made to create geographical measures.

  • According to the World Bank Poverty Line, the poverty rate in India is declining fast; in 2011–12, it was 58%, and in 2017–18, it was 37%.
  • The Tendulkar Poverty Line shows that from 14.9% in 2011 to 7% in 2017, poverty decreased.
  • 7% of the population in India’s rural areas are below the poverty level. On the other hand, 13.7% of the population in India’s urban areas consider below the poverty level.
  • In India, there are more than 1.77 million homeless people.
  • In India, the unemployment rate among 20 to 24-year-olds is 63%.
  • In India, the rate of unemployment reached 7.1% in January 2020.
  • India has a population undernourished 14.9%.
  • Malnutrition was to blame for 69% of under-five death in India.
  • According to a UNICEF report In India, 8,82,000 children under the age of five perished in 2018,
  • As a result, multiple efforts taken. However, due to a lack of data, these efforts have not been very successful.
  • The tried-and-true census ratio is as solid a scale as any. Particularly when combined with other data like the human growth index (HDI).

Challenge for Indian Child

Children in India are fighting poverty and lack of educational resources, putting their very lives and futures in danger. India’s children urgently need your help.

  • India is home to 30% of the world’s extremely poor youngsters.
  • In India, 1.4 million kids pass away before turning five each year.
  • About 25% of kids lack access to education.
  • Malnutrition and death affect 4% of children.
  • The country still has a problem with child labor, which prevents school-age children from attending.
  • Malnutrition, poor access to health care, child marriage, and poor cleanliness are common problems for kids in tribal communities, urban slums, scheduled castes, and rural areas.
  • Amenities, cleanliness, and reach to better water.
  • India is quite at risk of earthquakes, flooding, droughts, and refugee impact on children’s lives and access to important resources.

 Smile India Trust a renowned NGOs in India is appearing as a strong foundation for slum children and giving its best to provide children all that they deserve. We appeal to you all to make a difference in life if you are not financially stable volunteer us in this great cause, which will automatically help them in an indirect way. 

To get updates about our activities around Delhi/ NCR follow the Smile India Trust organization’s Facebook page. Visit our page to know more about us.