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World Day Against Child Labour: Smile India Trust Securing Innocent Lives

World Day Against Child Labour

Child labour is a very concerning and thoughtful topic to discuss, as addressing it can make a positive impact on the lives of children who have been forced into it. Child labour is an act when a child is forced or decides to work as labour, which is not allowed according to government laws. However, it still happens due to some cruel people who don’t believe in sympathy, care, or love. Today, on the occasion of World Day Against Child Labour, our organization, Smile India Trust, is fighting against the forces that use children for their own gain.

What is World Day Against Child Labour?

World Day Against Child Labour is observed on June 12th each year with the aim of raising awareness and promoting actions to end child labour. This day serves as a reminder of the millions of children around the world who are forced into various forms of labour.

It highlights the importance of protecting their rights, ensuring their education, and providing them with a childhood free from exploitation. It is also a call for individuals who witness child labour to advocate for policies and support that can help eliminate child labour and create a safe and nurturing environment for all children.

Why is World Day Against Child Labour celebrated?

  • The World Day Against Child Labour is observed to raise awareness and organize efforts to end child labour globally. Drawing attention to this issue allows us to emphasize the impact of child labour on children’s lives, education.
  • The day aims to raise support for preventive measures, advocate policies that safeguard children’s rights, and encourage individuals and governments to take action toward eradicating all forms of child labour.
  • Celebrating this day helps to ensure that the plights of millions of working children are not forgotten and emphasizes the collective obligation to create a society where every child lives a normal life like other well-settled children, not a life in which he has to work by force for the advantage of others.

What is child labour, and what are its different types?

Child labour refers to any form of work or activity that deprives children of their childhood potential or dignity and is harmful to their physical and mental development. It includes work that is mentally, socially, physically, or morally dangerous and harmful to children, interferes with their schooling, or requires them to work excessively long hours.

Some common types of child labour include hazardous work in sectors such as agriculture, mimicking construction and manufacturing, forced or bonded labour, domestic work, prostitution, and illicit activities such as drug trafficking or selling on the streets, as well as involvement in armed conflicts as a child soldier. These different types of child labour all violate children’s rights and perpetuate the cycle of poverty and exploitation.

What mental and physical problems do children confront when doing child labour?

  • Children engaging in child labour encounter a plethora of hurdles that can negatively influence their physical, mental, and emotional wellness. A difficult working environment puts them at risk of harm, significant disease, or even fatality.
  • Lack of access to education reinforces the cycle of poverty and limits future opportunities. Other issues include maltreatment by employers, pressure into work, poor compensation, social marginalization, and denial of basic childhood rights.
  • These difficulties not only affect the children themselves but also contribute to greater societal issues such as inequality, and poverty.

Is child labour legal in India, and if not, why?

  • The answer is that No. Child labour is unlawful in India. According to the country’s Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act. The statute forbids the employment of minors under the age of 14 in any occupation and controls the working conditions for children between the ages of 14 and 18.
  • The government has made attempts to eradicate child labour through legislation and enforcement. As well as by supporting education and social initiatives to protect children’s rights and well-being.

Statistics on child labour in India

According to the 2011 Census, India’s total kid population aged 5 to 14 is 259.6 million. Of these, 10.1 million (3.9% of the total kid population) are employed, either as “main workers” or as “marginal workers.

Future predictions

According to the Kailash Satyarthi Foundation’s research and 2011 census forecasts. India will have 7.8 million child labourers in 2023, with a male-female ratio of 57% and 43%, respectively.

Smile India Trust gives hope to children who are victims of child labour.

Our organization strongly believes that child labour is an act of punishment, and the government should strictly punish those who are using children for their profit. Using their potential in awful work rather than taking care of their future.

Child labouring in India is pretty common. As many parents also force their children to work as labourers so that they can have money in return. Smile India Trust wants to change and eradicate this tradition from society permanently.

Our action against child labour

  • we teach children about laws and their rights so that they can lead lives free from being compelled to work as labourers.
  • Furthermore, we conduct awareness campaigns in slums and rural areas with a high prevalence of child labour. Teaching people how they can prevent such incidents and protect children’s lives.
  • Our childcare supervision programs are designed to offer support and guidance to children in order to enhance their confidence. Thus preventing them from developing disorders and fostering resilience.
  • Finally, we offer children a high standard of education that helps them build confidence in themselves.


On World Day Against Child Labour, Smile India Trust is making efforts to tackle the child labour issue. We are making the environment safer for children and saving lives through activities such as awareness camps. Education on child rights and legislation, and the establishment of child care watch programs. Our NGO is working toward a society that prioritizes children’s protection and well-being. Allowing us to work together to abolish child labour and create a brighter future for the next generation.

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