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Smile India Trust Organization is removing unemployment by providing opportunities and resources.

Smile India Trust Organization

Unemployment is a critical issue that needs to be addressed, as it is prevalent in every nation, not just India. Unemployment is like a virus that causes many problems in the lives of low-income families and individuals. Being unemployed can lead to financial instability, stress, and even health issues. In this article, we will discuss the current state of unemployment in India and how the Smile India Trust Organization explores ways to tackle this issue.

Helping nature of Smile India Trust Organization

Our goal as a Smile India Trust Organization is to assist with unemployment by offering support and resources that can help individuals find employment. We understand that the underprivileged community in India faces significant challenges in securing a good job or position, which makes it difficult for them to make a living and support their families.

What are the reasons behind unemployment for less fortunate individuals in India?

The condition of underprivileged individuals is deteriorating as they struggle in a society lacking resources, opportunities, and employment. There are several reasons why the less fortunate lack employment.

  • Lack of education and skills Access to quality education and skills development is limited for less fortunate individuals in India, making it difficult for them to compete in the job market.
  • Inadequate job opportunities The job market often lacks sufficient employment opportunities for underprivileged individuals, especially in sectors that offer stable income and growth potential.
  • Discrimination and social barriers Less privileged individuals may face barriers to employment due to their social status, including gender and caste, which can limit their access to better job opportunities.
  • Health issues and disabilities Poor health and disabilities can present obstacles to obtaining and keeping a job.
  • Lack of financial resources Many individuals who are underprivileged cannot afford the necessary expenses associated with job training and transportation, which prevents them from accessing job opportunities.
  • Inadequate government support and insufficient social welfare policies may worsen unemployment in India’s disadvantaged communities.

The unhealthy effects of unemployment on individuals

Unemployment can have negative effects on individuals. These effects can include financial hardship, a loss of self-esteem, and increased stress. Overall, unemployment can have a significant impact on the mental and emotional well-being of those affected.

How much is India suffering from unemployment?

In 2022, 82.9% of the total unemployed population consisted of youths, and 65.7% of these youth were educated, up from 54.2% in 2000.

Current unemployment rate?

According to the Periodic Labor Force Survey (PLFS) for the calendar year 2023. The unemployment rate has decreased to 3.1 percent from 3.6 percent in 2022 and 4.2 percent in 2021. This indicates that the employment situation is gradually improving after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020.

Fewer employment states

Haryana had the highest unemployment rate in India in March 2023, at 26.77%. Other regions with high unemployment rates include Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, and Bihar.

How can unemployment hinder a country’s growth?

Unemployment can have a significant impact on a country’s economic growth. When people are jobless, they cannot contribute to the economy, which slows down overall growth. It also means that people have less money to spend, which affects businesses and industries.

Furthermore, governments have to spend more on things like unemployment benefits. Which can limit investments in other essential areas such as education or infrastructure.

Unemployment can also create inequality and make it challenging for talented individuals to stay in the country. Leading to a negative impact on innovation and development. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on creating more job opportunities, providing training, and supporting entrepreneurship to help the economy grow.

The Smile India Trust Organization provides opportunities and resources to create a world free of unemployment.

The Smile India Trust Organization is a beacon of hope that understands the struggles of less fortunate individuals and is working towards creating a better life for them. They aim to eliminate social issues and provide the necessary resources to create a world free of unemployment.

Providing essential necessities to underprivileged people

  • The Smile India Trust Organization distributes healthy meals and provides health care to unfortunate people. We strongly believe that good health is essential to achieving our life goals, including securing employment.
  • As an organization, we strive to go beyond our limits and support all living beings, including women. Our goal is to empower women through skill training and education. Providing them with the necessary tools to become self-reliant and contribute to society and their families.
  • The Smile India Trust Organization promotes education as a right for everyone. As an NGO. We offer quality education and free study materials to underprivileged children to help build a bright and prosperous future.


Unemployment can be a highly stressful situation especially if you come from an underprivileged family. The weight of responsibilities and unfulfilled dreams can become a burden on your life when you don’t have a fixed source of income. At our NGO. We understand this situation and strive to support our nation’s citizens through various initiatives that can help them build a brighter, happier future.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Smile India Trust Organization is a symbol of hope

Smile India Trust organization

Smile India Trust Organization is a symbol of hope for the less fortunate due to its unmatched mindset and dedication. Since its inception, our trust has been serving the people of society. We are well aware of the conditions faced by those who are below the poverty line. We aim to create a suitable environment for them where they can grow, learn, and become self-sufficient.

The Smile India Trust organization believes

The Smile India Trust Organization always holds hope in our hearts that India has the most potential, particularly among the youth. There are numerous individuals and children who are capable of contributing to society and using their minds and souls to enhance the country.

The ASER report has revealed that there are more than 287 million Indians living in rural areas who are not literate. This means that a significant portion of the population is unable to read and write, and their potential remains untapped. It’s important to leverage their skills and abilities to drive growth in the country, whether it’s in terms of the economy or literacy level.

Why is the Smile India Trust organization important?

We often witness people living in impoverished conditions on the streets. But do they have to endure this for their entire lives? Smile India Trust Organization is a life-changing initiative that supports underprivileged individuals by providing basic necessities, for example, food, education, health care, etc.

Education and its importance

Education is crucial for a quality lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people in India still do not understand its importance. Education has the power to transform one’s behavior and way of thinking. It is essential for a sustainable life, as it enables us to develop our minds and souls while also providing us with the means to earn a livelihood for ourselves and our families.

The Smile India Trust organization has prioritized education for the future of our youth. We firmly believe that with proper quality education, the youth can never be someone’s slave, and they won’t have to work for others. We have taken many initiatives regarding education, including providing free education and study materials. Additionally, we run free education camps in various locations to reach as many people as possible.

Health facilities of the Smile India Trust Organization

The health of citizens plays a crucial role in society. A healthy community can tackle any bad situation and bring peace. However, in India, the conditions for low-income families are worse, as they don’t have enough money to take good care of their health. As an NGO, we bring hope to them by offering free medical services and medicines. To reach more people, we run medical camps in poor areas too.

Meals to spread a smile

Feeding the needy has always been considered a noble deed. We learn from a young age that sharing is caring, and yet, there are still people who struggle to put food on the table. If we have the means to help others, why not do so and provide them with a meal? The Smile India Trust organization believes in it, as we provide free meals to those in need through our food camps, nourishing their bodies and making a positive impact.

Meals are something that can bring smiles to innocent faces. For the children who seek a day when they can eat as much as they want, the organization makes that day possible for them in the form of kindness.

Females are taking a step towards empowerment.

Women play an essential role in our lives. They take care of us in various forms, as mothers, sisters, wives, and powerhouses who never tire. However, in the race for housekeeping and taking care of others, women often lose sight of their own lives. They are unable to do much for themselves. To uplift such women who lack access to basic rights and resources like education and medical facilities, the Smile India Trust Organization NGO provides skill development and tailoring training to underprivileged women and adult girls. This helps them make a living and become self-reliant. Additionally, we offer quality education to women and adult girls, empowering them to make sound decisions for themselves and raise their families well.

Clothes distribution

The organization also provides free clothes to needy people and protects them from harsh environments through our camps.

Disaster relief by the Smile India Trust Organization

The organization provides support during times of disaster, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. In such circumstances, the organization distributed monthly rations to low-income families who struggled to afford even one meal a day. In addition, we provide medical facilities.


The organization is committed to helping those in need and being a beacon of hope for them. We strive to provide all the basic necessities to needy people in order to help them improve their lives. Our aim is to create a brighter future for both the youth and citizens in our community.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Smile India Trust Organization| Take Care of your Mental Health

Smile India Trust Organization

Smile India Trust Organization is helping poor families. We are camping at several locations in Delhi/NCR and U.P. . This is important to talk about as this is the most ignored topic. People of old mentality mostly ignore saying all these things do not happen. Mental health does not refer to mental illness. Many people see both things in one frame. But, in reality, both are different. Your mental health can affect due to many reasons. Some of them are your family problem, financial issues, etc. 

In 2018, India has the most number of depressed people in the world. Taking about this topic will bring awareness to society. This will also give them a better understanding of serious mental issues. Our volunteers arrange camps at several locations in Delhi, U.P., and Meerut. In the camps, the doctors make aware people of the need of bettering their mental health. During our night watch, we found many adults and children. When we met them, they were very sacred. Our volunteers counsel them and bring them to the doctors for proper care. You never know how a simple issue in your life can disturb your whole health. As an NGO we try to focus on both the physical and mental health of an individual. 

In India, 6.5 percent of the population suffers from some sort of serious mental illness.

If you belong to the middle class or high class your parents might give attention to this problem. But, if you belong to a poor family do not even think of this problem they do not look at this as a problem. But, as an NGO we try our best to reach every door and then treat children with such issues. 

What does Smile India Trust Organization do to protect children from this Issue?


top NGO in India

The Smile India Trust Organization will always come forward in helping poor people. 

  • Firstly, when we meet them, we console them and provide meals for them.
  • Secondly, after food, we send them to the doctor’s team. Where they give them various counseling sessions to improve their mental condition. 
  • Thirdly, we educate them and support them in bettering their livelihood.

According to research, 150 million people do not have access to any mental health care. Many people need medical help, but they do not get the proper treatment that they need. They are often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. This happens because of two reasons either weak finances or a lack of professionals. Mental illness is as serious as physical because kids nowadays face many problems. 

The average suicide rate in India is 10.9 for every lakhs of people. And the average age of the people who commit suicide is people who are under 44 years of age. People get scared to talk about their struggles. They fear being an outcast and not being heard. We encourage people to talk to their friends, families, or anyone to calm them. Smile India Trust Organization urges every citizen who is reading this blog, please, help to those who are in real need. It does not matter how you are supporting all that matters are that you came forward. 

If you want to support us in our ongoing activities kindly visit our website. Drop your query at  Visit our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram pages for daily updates.