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Smile India Trust: Appreciating the efforts of super dads around the world: Father’s Day

Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a day on which every father should be treated like a king by his family. A father is someone we appreciate for his sacrifices, but our appreciation is never enough. No matter how much we do. Every super dad in our lives is the pillar of our growth and the foundation of being a good and successful individual. He is the one who stands against all the problems in his family, neglecting his own happiness just to make his family smile. Smile India Trust is celebrating Father’s Day with love and joy, paying tribute to every father worldwide.

What is Father’s Day?

Father’s Day is a special day to celebrate and honor fathers and father figures. It’s usually celebrated on the third Sunday of June, which falls on June 16th. The day aims to show appreciation for all the love, support, and guidance that a father provides to his family.

It is a day on which we should make our fathers feel special and happy through various activities such as giving gifts.Taking them to a movie, and spending time with them. Since a father gives all his life and time to his family, it is our responsibility to give time to fathers on this great day.

Why should we celebrate Father’s Day to the fullest?

The reason we should celebrate Father’s Day to the fullest is because it’s an opportunity to express our love and gratitude for our dads. They play such an important role in our lives, and this day allows us to show them how much we appreciate everything they do.

Celebrating Father’s Day is the only day on which a family can show their love, care, and how much they value their father figure because sometimes families fail to express their emotions to their father. It’s natural, but sometimes it’s better to let out every feeling we have for our fathers.

Who is a father, and why is he a real-life superhero?

  • A father is a person who neglects his own health to go outside every day for work just so he can provide a good life for his family. A father is a person who spends all his time, money, and energy on his family without even questioning it once.
  • A father is a person who takes care of his family, holds it together. Solves every problem in his family’s life. No other person can do what a father does for his family. A father always wants what’s best for his people and makes decisions in their favor because he has experience in everything.
  • The majority of children don’t understand this at first and often neglect their decisions and don’t obey them. But it’s important to understand that what a father says means he has already gone through those things as a child, as a spouse, and as any member of a family. We should respect his decisions because a dad is a real-lifesuperhero in our lives, always there toprotect us.

What challenges does every father face just to provide a better life for his family?

A father faces a variety of challenges when trying to provide a better life for his family and children. Some common challenges include balancing work and family responsibilities. Managing financial pressures, ensuring the well-being and education of their children, and being a positive role model.

Fathers often strive to create a nurturing and supportive environment while also dealing with the demands of family and everyday life. It’s important to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts fathers make to provide a better living for their families. Ensure that no problems ever come across to their family and children. They truly deserve our admiration and support.

Why is it essential to make our fathers feel special?

The easiest answer to this question is that. One day, a time will come when there will not be a man who puts restrictions on you. A day will come when you’ll crave to hear his voice. A day will come when you will never receive gifts from your father.

There will also be a day when there will be no one on whom you can rely and cry in his arms. That’s what a father is. So, when we have the time, it’s crucial to make our fathers feel special, love them, care for them.

Smile India Trust thanks every father who is our inspiration.

  • On the beautiful occasion of Father’s Day. Smile India Trust is thankful to all the fathers out there who are heroes in their families’ lives, bringing smiles to their families. Our organization is inspired by the fathers of our nation and the ways they protect and care for their families. It’s truly admirable.
  • This is what we aim to do to help the less fortunate. Our NGO is working to uplift the lives of low-income families with various initiatives such as food distribution, education for their children, monthly ration distribution, clothing, and medical facilities for families who are below the poverty line.
  • We aim to give a little helping hand to all those fathers who are unable to fulfill their family’s needs. We believe that every member of our society is our own family member.


Smile India Trust always wishes for the betterment of the community and its people. On Father’s Day, we are blessed to have fathers in our lives. Our NGO wants to make their day special by uplifting the lives of their families with our various initiatives. We just want to ease some burdens on a father’s shoulders. Giving them a little relief, because a father can also feel lonely and helpless sometimes. Yet, it becomes important to support him too and show him love and care, because he truly deserves it.

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