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Smile India Trust NGO Services in India giving relief to unfortunate people

NGO Services

NGO Services in India provide a helping hand to those who are unfortunate. Our organization truly believes that for a country to grow, it should give its people access to all the basic requirements and opportunities that are essential to every human being. These include food, education, health, and more. Unfortunately, the case with India is a bit different. While some people are getting richer, others are getting poorer and are unable to meet their basic needs. Today, we will see how our NGO is making a difference in their lives.

Smile India Trust NGO services in India motives and goals

NGO Services in India by Smile India Trust provides support to the lower communities, such as people who live in slums and on the streets. Our team of coordinators visits these areas to analyze the situation of the people there and identify their needs. Our main goal is to make their lives better by providing them with all the necessary requirements they crave.

We believe that by supporting these people, not only will their situation get better, but the condition of the country will also improve. At some point, these individuals would be able to contribute to their families and the country in every aspect and make our nation proud.

Why is it important to empower unfortunates?

Empowering the less fortunate is vital, as it not only raises the individual’s standard of living but also promotes a more just and empathetic society. By offering opportunities, resources, and support to those who face adversity, we can help them break the cycle of poverty, inequality, and marginalization.

This, in turn, creates a positive ripple effect, as empowered individuals are more likely to contribute positively to their communities, inspiring others to do the same. Ultimately, empowering the less fortunate leads to a more harmonious and prosperous world for all.

What programs does the government of India run to eliminate poverty?

  • Public Distribution System (PDS)
  • Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)
  • Pradhan MantriAwasYojana (PMAY)
  • Jan DhanYojana
  • National Health Mission (NHM)
  • Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS)

These initiatives aim to promote financial inclusion, housing, healthcare, education, and nutrition to uplift underprivileged communities and create a more equitable society.

Smile India Trust NGO Services in India provides support as a guardian.

The Smile India Trust is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to bringing smiles to the faces of less fortunate people. Our goal is to make them happy and independent so that they don’t have to rely on anyone else for their livelihood in the future.

As an organization, we feel blessed to be a part of this society and have the opportunity to bring positive changes into the lives of those innocent souls who are helpless.

Food distribution

  • Our NGO is dedicated to nourishing the souls and bodies of deprived people. We offer healthy, nutritious meals in slums and on the streets to eliminate the issue of hunger through our food camps. We strive to ensure that no needy person goes hungry.

Education to bring about changes

  • Education is important in life. It has the power to transform an individual’s character and equip them with the necessary skills to overcome any obstacle. Education imbues people with valuable knowledge and abilities that enable them to earn a livelihood and thrive in this world.

Our organization is dedicated to providing quality education to underprivileged children living in slums. We provide free study materials to ensure that their future is bright and prosperous.

Health assessment

  • As an NGO, we provide high-quality healthcare facilities in slums and on the streets. We believe that these areas are more susceptible to disease and illness due to several factors, such as lack of proper hygiene, unclean drinking water, and polluted environments.

To ensure their well-being, we offer health check-ups and raise awareness about chronic diseases like AIDS/HIV and cancer. Our goal is to educate people on how to take preventive measures against these diseases.

Women empowerment

  • Empowering women not only heal their lives but also contributes to society and the country. It’s like addressing two issues with a single solution. An empowered woman can handle any situation without panicking and can independently manage her family while earning a living.
  • With this in mind, our NGO Services in India provide vocational training in crafting, tailoring, and other skills, along with quality education. We spread awareness for rights that help women know their values

Cloth distribution

  • Clothing distribution is provided free of charge to those in need, including those residing in slums. Recognizing the importance of clothing in protecting individuals’ dignity and respect.


NGO Services in India by Smile India Trust is a ray of hope that works tirelessly to better society. We have been making a change since our establishment, targeting societal issues such as education, poverty, inequality, and more. Our organization works tirelessly to provide slum dwellers with the decent lives they deserve as citizens of India

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter