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Smile India Trust NGO Services in India giving relief to unfortunate people

NGO Services

NGO Services in India provide a helping hand to those who are unfortunate. Our organization truly believes that for a country to grow, it should give its people access to all the basic requirements and opportunities that are essential to every human being. These include food, education, health, and more. Unfortunately, the case with India is a bit different. While some people are getting richer, others are getting poorer and are unable to meet their basic needs. Today, we will see how our NGO is making a difference in their lives.

Smile India Trust NGO services in India motives and goals

NGO Services in India by Smile India Trust provides support to the lower communities, such as people who live in slums and on the streets. Our team of coordinators visits these areas to analyze the situation of the people there and identify their needs. Our main goal is to make their lives better by providing them with all the necessary requirements they crave.

We believe that by supporting these people, not only will their situation get better, but the condition of the country will also improve. At some point, these individuals would be able to contribute to their families and the country in every aspect and make our nation proud.

Why is it important to empower unfortunates?

Empowering the less fortunate is vital, as it not only raises the individual’s standard of living but also promotes a more just and empathetic society. By offering opportunities, resources, and support to those who face adversity, we can help them break the cycle of poverty, inequality, and marginalization.

This, in turn, creates a positive ripple effect, as empowered individuals are more likely to contribute positively to their communities, inspiring others to do the same. Ultimately, empowering the less fortunate leads to a more harmonious and prosperous world for all.

What programs does the government of India run to eliminate poverty?

  • Public Distribution System (PDS)
  • Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)
  • Pradhan MantriAwasYojana (PMAY)
  • Jan DhanYojana
  • National Health Mission (NHM)
  • Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS)

These initiatives aim to promote financial inclusion, housing, healthcare, education, and nutrition to uplift underprivileged communities and create a more equitable society.

Smile India Trust NGO Services in India provides support as a guardian.

The Smile India Trust is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to bringing smiles to the faces of less fortunate people. Our goal is to make them happy and independent so that they don’t have to rely on anyone else for their livelihood in the future.

As an organization, we feel blessed to be a part of this society and have the opportunity to bring positive changes into the lives of those innocent souls who are helpless.

Food distribution

  • Our NGO is dedicated to nourishing the souls and bodies of deprived people. We offer healthy, nutritious meals in slums and on the streets to eliminate the issue of hunger through our food camps. We strive to ensure that no needy person goes hungry.

Education to bring about changes

  • Education is important in life. It has the power to transform an individual’s character and equip them with the necessary skills to overcome any obstacle. Education imbues people with valuable knowledge and abilities that enable them to earn a livelihood and thrive in this world.

Our organization is dedicated to providing quality education to underprivileged children living in slums. We provide free study materials to ensure that their future is bright and prosperous.

Health assessment

  • As an NGO, we provide high-quality healthcare facilities in slums and on the streets. We believe that these areas are more susceptible to disease and illness due to several factors, such as lack of proper hygiene, unclean drinking water, and polluted environments.

To ensure their well-being, we offer health check-ups and raise awareness about chronic diseases like AIDS/HIV and cancer. Our goal is to educate people on how to take preventive measures against these diseases.

Women empowerment

  • Empowering women not only heal their lives but also contributes to society and the country. It’s like addressing two issues with a single solution. An empowered woman can handle any situation without panicking and can independently manage her family while earning a living.
  • With this in mind, our NGO Services in India provide vocational training in crafting, tailoring, and other skills, along with quality education. We spread awareness for rights that help women know their values

Cloth distribution

  • Clothing distribution is provided free of charge to those in need, including those residing in slums. Recognizing the importance of clothing in protecting individuals’ dignity and respect.


NGO Services in India by Smile India Trust is a ray of hope that works tirelessly to better society. We have been making a change since our establishment, targeting societal issues such as education, poverty, inequality, and more. Our organization works tirelessly to provide slum dwellers with the decent lives they deserve as citizens of India

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter


Smile India Trust NGO in India: Project Garima, a core strengthening initiative to help the helpless

Project Garima

A significant number of Indian women are unable to progress in their careers due to various reasons. The most alarming issue is the lack of opportunities, followed by the fact that they are not given the chance to showcase their abilities. In contrast, India is a country that provides plenty of opportunities for men, as evidenced by the fact that it has the highest number of profiles for men. Unfortunately, there isn’t even a single platform dedicated solely to women from small towns or slums. To address this problem, our NGO in India, Smile India Trust, has launched Project Garima. This project serves as a wish-granting star for impoverished women and girls. Empowering them to change their identities and reach their full potential.

Project Garima NGO in India: A Better World

Our Smile India Trust NGO in India understands the concerning issue faced by women who lack opportunities and resources to improve their lives. The majority of women wish to have financial stability and be capable enough to fulfill their family’s needs on their own. However, due to India being a male-dominated country, women often bury this wish due to social stigmas, gender inequality, a lack of resources, and a lack of support.

These reasons make them lose confidence and hope to achieve something in life. Our organization wants to turn their dreams into reality through our never-ending efforts. 

What is Project Garima, and what does it aim for?

  • Smile India Trust NGO in India, and Amazon Open Heart Del 18 AITC have partnered to launch Project Garima in Noida. The project provides free tailoring activities to economically backward women, adolescent girls, and dropouts. Empowering them with valuable skills and self-employment opportunities for a dignified life.
  • The project provides training in tailoring and embroidery to empower women. The facility has 35 machines, with skilled trainers and a mechanic for maintenance. The training covers creating masks, sleepwear, designing, measuring, stitching, embroidery, and frocks, aiming to generate job opportunities for women.
  • Project Garima establishes women’s entrepreneurial start-ups and helps the underprivileged. Illiterate women who have the potential to be successful entrepreneurs but are financially disadvantaged. Smile India Trust and Amazon Open Heart Del 18 AITC launched the project with the tagline Ek Nayi Pehchan because they believe that opportunity is the greatest gift.

What benefits are provided to women who are less fortunate by Project Garima?

They will have the opportunity to learn a new skill through a 12-month training program. Once the training is completed and they are employed. They will have the chance to create various goods and clothing by following the provided instructions. The training will cover skills such as ladies’ bag making. As well as seminars and workshops focused on creating files and folders.

Additionally, they will receive training on how to market their tailoring units better. They will also be taught about testing and quality assurance and how to manage and operate sewing machines through self-help groups (SHGs) and cooperatives. Lastly, they will receive training on the administration of SHGs.

Some stats

  • During the same time period, the unemployment rate for women across the country decreased from 14.6% to 10.6%. However, in 2019–20, Delhi’s female unemployment rate was almost double the national average. But in 2022–23, it was almost half the average for the country.
  • In India, only 32.8% of women aged 15 years and older participate in the labor force. While the remaining 67.2% do not. 

 Why is the female workforce low in India, and how can we fix it?

The low percentage of female participation in the workforce in India can be attributed to various factors. Such as socio-cultural norms, a lack of adequate infrastructure for childcare, safety concerns, a lack of education and empowerment, and discrimination. These issues can hinder the participation of women in India’s workforce.

To address this issue, the government and society must work together to improve access to quality education. Create more job opportunities with flexible working hours, and enhance safety measures for women in the workplace. Additionally, promoting gender equality through awareness campaigns and empowering women with financial independence can encourage more women to join the workforce in India.


Our Smile India Trust NGO in India is changing the lives of millions through our marvelous Project Garima. This project aims to make women independent and self-sufficient so that they can earn their livelihood without any support from others. Our initiatives also focus on developing and enhancing the personalities of women. Enabling them to make wise decisions in their favor.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

Smile India Trust Organization is removing unemployment by providing opportunities and resources.

Smile India Trust Organization

Unemployment is a critical issue that needs to be addressed, as it is prevalent in every nation, not just India. Unemployment is like a virus that causes many problems in the lives of low-income families and individuals. Being unemployed can lead to financial instability, stress, and even health issues. In this article, we will discuss the current state of unemployment in India and how the Smile India Trust Organization explores ways to tackle this issue.

Helping nature of Smile India Trust Organization

Our goal as a Smile India Trust Organization is to assist with unemployment by offering support and resources that can help individuals find employment. We understand that the underprivileged community in India faces significant challenges in securing a good job or position, which makes it difficult for them to make a living and support their families.

What are the reasons behind unemployment for less fortunate individuals in India?

The condition of underprivileged individuals is deteriorating as they struggle in a society lacking resources, opportunities, and employment. There are several reasons why the less fortunate lack employment.

  • Lack of education and skills Access to quality education and skills development is limited for less fortunate individuals in India, making it difficult for them to compete in the job market.
  • Inadequate job opportunities The job market often lacks sufficient employment opportunities for underprivileged individuals, especially in sectors that offer stable income and growth potential.
  • Discrimination and social barriers Less privileged individuals may face barriers to employment due to their social status, including gender and caste, which can limit their access to better job opportunities.
  • Health issues and disabilities Poor health and disabilities can present obstacles to obtaining and keeping a job.
  • Lack of financial resources Many individuals who are underprivileged cannot afford the necessary expenses associated with job training and transportation, which prevents them from accessing job opportunities.
  • Inadequate government support and insufficient social welfare policies may worsen unemployment in India’s disadvantaged communities.

The unhealthy effects of unemployment on individuals

Unemployment can have negative effects on individuals. These effects can include financial hardship, a loss of self-esteem, and increased stress. Overall, unemployment can have a significant impact on the mental and emotional well-being of those affected.

How much is India suffering from unemployment?

In 2022, 82.9% of the total unemployed population consisted of youths, and 65.7% of these youth were educated, up from 54.2% in 2000.

Current unemployment rate?

According to the Periodic Labor Force Survey (PLFS) for the calendar year 2023. The unemployment rate has decreased to 3.1 percent from 3.6 percent in 2022 and 4.2 percent in 2021. This indicates that the employment situation is gradually improving after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020.

Fewer employment states

Haryana had the highest unemployment rate in India in March 2023, at 26.77%. Other regions with high unemployment rates include Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, and Bihar.

How can unemployment hinder a country’s growth?

Unemployment can have a significant impact on a country’s economic growth. When people are jobless, they cannot contribute to the economy, which slows down overall growth. It also means that people have less money to spend, which affects businesses and industries.

Furthermore, governments have to spend more on things like unemployment benefits. Which can limit investments in other essential areas such as education or infrastructure.

Unemployment can also create inequality and make it challenging for talented individuals to stay in the country. Leading to a negative impact on innovation and development. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on creating more job opportunities, providing training, and supporting entrepreneurship to help the economy grow.

The Smile India Trust Organization provides opportunities and resources to create a world free of unemployment.

The Smile India Trust Organization is a beacon of hope that understands the struggles of less fortunate individuals and is working towards creating a better life for them. They aim to eliminate social issues and provide the necessary resources to create a world free of unemployment.

Providing essential necessities to underprivileged people

  • The Smile India Trust Organization distributes healthy meals and provides health care to unfortunate people. We strongly believe that good health is essential to achieving our life goals, including securing employment.
  • As an organization, we strive to go beyond our limits and support all living beings, including women. Our goal is to empower women through skill training and education. Providing them with the necessary tools to become self-reliant and contribute to society and their families.
  • The Smile India Trust Organization promotes education as a right for everyone. As an NGO. We offer quality education and free study materials to underprivileged children to help build a bright and prosperous future.


Unemployment can be a highly stressful situation especially if you come from an underprivileged family. The weight of responsibilities and unfulfilled dreams can become a burden on your life when you don’t have a fixed source of income. At our NGO. We understand this situation and strive to support our nation’s citizens through various initiatives that can help them build a brighter, happier future.

For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter

NGO Services by Smile Organization, treating the less fortunate with kindness

NGO Services
The NGO services provided by the Smile Organization are a gift to all underprivileged people who suffer in a world where words like kindness, purity, and love seem to be non-existent. Our organization works to add colour to their otherwise bleak lives by providing care, nourishment, and a chance for a better life. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to thrive, and we aim to make that a reality.

NGO Services are a ray of light. 

NGO services serve as a ray of hope for people who are below the poverty line and cannot afford the basic facilities necessary for daily life. These individuals lack all the resources that a normal human being should have, surviving each day without truly living it. The Smile India organization works tirelessly, not just as an NGO but as a family, to support these people day and night.

What are the reasons behind this poverty?

There are numerous reasons behind why poverty has become a significant concern in modern society. The rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer, even when they try to push their limits. Some people living in poverty can only afford one meal a day, and some are not even able to afford that.
One of the main reasons for poverty is the lack of education. If a person is not educated, they may end up doing the same work as their father, such as manual labor or working as a helper in the fields. Education is the key to breaking this cycle. If at least one person in the family is educated, it can lead to a chain reaction where the rest of the family members also become educated.

Education for all

NGO Services by Smile Organization provides free education to disadvantaged children, regardless of gender or caste. We provide learning materials and conduct educational camps in areas such as slums and streets where the level of education is low. Unfortunately, the lack of an education-friendly environment and parents’ general lack of curiosity about learning is a common problem in these areas, especially when it comes to girls. However, our NGO Services offer a helping hand by building trust and raising awareness about the importance of education.

What are the reasons behind the poor health of people in slums?

The only reason we have investigated is the hygiene in the slums and the lifestyle they lead. People living below the poverty line or in slums have the highest rates of poor health. Due to unhealthy environments and a dirty atmosphere, people there face more health problems than normal people.

Health facilities

The NGO Services aims to provide medical facilities in slums and streets, and run medical camps, along with free medicines to those in need.

Empowering women through our never-ending efforts

Women often spend their entire lives confined to their homes, unable to pursue their dreams and potential due to societal restrictions. This is a great loss, as many women and girls possess the talent and ability to make a significant impact in the world. Fortunately, our organization is working to empower women and girls through various initiatives, such as Project GARIMA. Through this program, we provide free tailoring courses to underprivileged women and girls, allowing them to become self-sufficient and earn a living. Additionally, we also offer free education and basic necessities to those in need.

Clothes for the needy. 

In India, many low-income families are unable to purchase new clothes during festivals due to financial constraints. To address this issue, the Smile organization distributes free clothes to these families and individuals. We believe that everyone has the right to wear clean and good clothes.
Free meals
Food is a basic necessity for human survival, yet there are many people who cannot afford it. NGO Services by Smile Organization understands this need and cooks healthy meals for individuals and families who are below the poverty line. Through our food camps, we distribute these meals to people living in slums and on the streets, thereby providing necessary nourishment to those in need.

Child care for their safety

Some people work to make a positive impact on the lives of the underprivileged. However, there are also individuals who refuse to contribute to society’s betterment by exploiting underage children for their own gain. These individuals force children to beg and sell them to those who will misuse them. To combat this issue, organizations run programs that prioritize the safety of children. We are dedicated to protecting children through various child protection programs.


The NGO services provided by Smile India Trust are a ray of hope for needy people. We are making a positive impact by tackling hunger, empowering women, and providing education as a fundamental right. We hope to make this world more equal for people who are below the poverty line.
For any kind of guidance or support, you can write us at [email protected]. Visit our website to understand our work in detail. Click on to learn more about us. Follow us on various social media platforms. We are available on FacebookInstagramTwitter